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I'd like to think this thread was inspired by my post in the 'facts you made up' thread the other week.

Porridge was only invented in 1873, when one Wilma Nipshow took the standard recipe for gruel and removed the tasty bits.

The fact I made up was, the wifies name was Edna McSpurtle.....

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I like it but only in a certain way.

Every week day I have 40g of oats, 100g of fat free yogurt and 30g of this weapon tasting Strawberry protein. Mix it all together and its tastes #abso #sensayshe.

Great for them gainz lads.

You say that now. Just wait 20 years and it'll be skimmed milk, sugar substitute and lo-salt. Still kicks the shit out of cornflakes, though.

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I have porridge most mornings. Porridge oats, pinch of salt, half water, half milk. Often with raisins in it from the start of the cooking process (on the hob, of course), or with other fruit such as banana, blueberries or strawberries added in at the end. Usually mix in some honey or jam too.

Breakfast of kings.

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Reading this thread got me in the mood for porridge so tried mixing in peanut butter like someone mentioned earlier.

Whoever thought of that was a smart man.

I'm intrigued by this. Whilst I enjoy both porridge and peanut butter, it sounds like an abomination. How would you describe the experience?

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Nice I'm grumpy pyjamas too.

I fucking love pyjamas and have several pairs. Bottoms only of course.

I posted photographs of them on my Twitter but people said you could see my cock and balls so I stopped doing that.

Today I had porridge in work with smooth peanut butter, very dece. My works canteen is excellent for healthy food.

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Reading this thread got me in the mood for porridge so tried mixing in peanut butter like someone mentioned earlier.

Whoever thought of that was a smart man.

I went ahead and tried it this morning with my porridge. Mixed in some banana too. Surprisingly nice, although it lacked a bit of sweetness. I think if I try it again tomorrow with a bit of honey I'll be on to something pretty special.

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I went ahead and tried it this morning with my porridge. Mixed in some banana too. Surprisingly nice, although it lacked a bit of sweetness. I think if I try it again tomorrow with a bit of honey I'll be on to something pretty special.

Sorry - didnt see the other reply!

I found it to be a bit stodgy so had to add in a wee bit more milk than i usually would, apart from that it really is excellent, adding bananas is a good shout. I didnt find there to be a lack of sweetness but i did put in an outrageous amount of peanut butter. :lol:

Edited by GorgieRoad
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It can get a bit stodgy. I just like to have a little peanut butter running through.

Regarding banana, I think that's acceptable chopped into slices and placed on top rather than stirred through or melted. Don't really have a reason for this but it's how I feel.

I might post another porridge and pyjama picture at the weekend so keep your beady eyes on this thread.

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