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Raith v Livi

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Callaghan is trying to cover for 2 anonymous teammates (craigen/Robertson) and is doing fine.

Harry is an excellent player, dropping off and linking up well. f**k knows how someone can decide after 15 minutes of Hardie that he seems better suited up front

Thought we were OK today

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Livvi were shite.

They weren't great but they were no worse than the likes of Alloa and St Mirren have been at Starks. I thought their midfield and forwards passed the ball about well and White was fairly effective up front for them.

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Callaghan is trying to cover for 2 anonymous teammates (craigen/Robertson) and is doing fine.

Harry is an excellent player, dropping off and linking up well. f**k knows how someone can decide after 15 minutes of Hardie that he seems better suited up front

Thought we were OK today

As a fan noted, fairly recently: Callachan, Callachan, CALLACHAN!

He is still struggling to find a team mate with a pass. He was excellent last season but his shoulder injury appears to have unsettled his season and hampered his progress. He needs to use the rest of the season to work on getting his passing sorted out.

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Not much of a game, but the win is gratefully received. It puts to bed any lingering worries about relegation. Two horrendous bits of defending by Livingston (both times the no 6 I think). Some good individual performances by our back four, and also Stewart, but our midfield was posted missing once again. I wasn't that convinced by the contribution of the Leicester guy and would like to see Hardie start ahead of him next week.


I thought Harry was fantastic and deserved a goal. Is linking up with connelly was superb.

I'm convinced you are just on the wind up now.

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I thought Harry was fantastic and deserved a goal. Is linking up with connelly was superb.

I'm convinced you are just on the wind up now.

Fantastic? Really?

I'll wait for the highlights, but apart from the shot that hit the bar, which was excellent, I can't remember Harry doing anything of great note. Maybe he was linking play well.

Re Hardie, he may be a player, but he'll need better support and service than long balls. We often sit in and ping long balls to a lone (not loan, but that works too) forward and hope he does something. It doesn't work and it makes for terrible viewing.

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I genuinely thought he was a bit disappointing. There were a couple of pieces of good interplay with Connolly in the first half but the rest of the time he was just losing possession. Great shot in the first half though so I'm hoping he might be more effective in and around the box than he is outside it.

Couldn't fault his attitude though.

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Stewart did really well for the second goal. Didn't panic, cut back, looked up, great pass.

However, we really should have gone for a third. Taking the foot off the gas is just laziness.

Now for Morton.

Once we went two up Stewart dropped back into a wide left position to bolster the midfield. It was a bit disappointing because there was a chance to kick on to a convincing win but I suppose that considering the run we've been on McKinnon was just wanting to shut up shop and get over the line.

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Once we went two up Stewart dropped back into a wide left position to bolster the midfield. It was a bit disappointing because there was a chance to kick on to a convincing win but I suppose that considering the run we've been on McKinnon was just wanting to shut up shop and get over the line.

I suppose it's understandable. Seeing out a win is a good quality to have, and we really needed that win.

As a spectator I was disappointed we couldn't or wouldn't kick on and get the convincing win that was there for the taking.

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Acht 2 goals, clean sheet, relatively comfortable overall, can't really complain. Considering we had Bene, Toshney, Longridge and Bates out (all first team regulars as of late) it speaks volumes that we can go out there and win with relative ease. Livi are renowned as being a team that horse us now and again and they were coming to Starks on the back of a decent result against Hibs.

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Once we went two up Stewart dropped back into a wide left position to bolster the midfield. It was a bit disappointing because there was a chance to kick on to a convincing win but I suppose that considering the run we've been on McKinnon was just wanting to shut up shop and get over the line.

I suppose it's understandable. Seeing out a win is a good quality to have, and we really needed that win.

As a spectator I was disappointed we couldn't or wouldn't kick on and get the convincing win that was there for the taking.

It didn't happen immediately, it was more in response to the five or ten minute spell that Livi had shortly after that where they had us on the back foot. Sensible decision though, and we got some control back. (I actually quite like that formation anyway, there were moments when it became a makeshift 4-2-3-1 when we had possession.)

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First things first, great to get the win yesterday and get the ball rolling for these bunch of home games we've got coming up.

For his first game back, Barr was really good, albeit against lesser opposition.

Stewart was excellent yesterday, and his calmness for looking up and picking Connelly out for the 2nd goal was ace.

Gollum is a rank rotten ref.

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two average teams generally berift of goalmouth action

I'll forgive the spelling mistake, however there was a host of goalmouth action from both sides,

Thanks for your forgiveness

Not the way I saw it

Fortunately we were fortunate for the first and for the second, well, Stewart had all the time in the world, not only to check if he was onside, but to cross to Connelly for the decider.

We're in agreement.Good to see a ball played across goal on the ground for a change instead of in the air

Harry was decent in fits and starts but early days

Craigen and Robertson were fairly anonymous

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For the last couple of months the link up between our midfield and forwards has been completely non existent but yesterday Harry did that pretty well especially linking up with Connelly. Put me in mind of John Baird in how he used to drop into space to help pick up a pass and the bring the game forward.

Hardie showed a good bit of enthusiasm when he came on yesterday but I would be sticking with the pairing of Stewart and Harry for the time being.

Just on Robertson as well. I'm now at the point where I'm feeling sorry for the lad and want him to have a great game but time and time again yesterday Livi players just breezed past him as he threw in half arsed attempts at a tackle. Surly McCord is knocking on the gaffers door to push for another chance to prove himself this season.

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Thought we played ok first half and looked the better team, then Cole decided to give Raith a goal of a start and f**k us up. 2nd goal killed us off but 1 goal was prob enough for Raith as we just can't hit a barn door with a shot, our shooting is completely hopeless just now. Dunno what we do in training through the week but Hopkin is needing to get them all to do a couple of hours a day shooting practice.

Kakay was playing far too deep too, he looked good in his first two games getting up the wing but for some reason he held back and didn't make any runs to get the ball played past him. The constant falling down trying to get a penalty from Collum was getting on my wick too, thought the ref had an ok game keeping his cards in his pocket, could easily have booked Fozzy just after the card he gave to Raith, surprised he got away with a tackle that fouled their player from behind.

Cut out the defensive shit from Cole trying to be a smart arse and keep it simple taking no chances and we'd at least have a chance of a point from a game, get the fucking hopeless shooting sorted and maybe we'd get 3. Buchanan has goals in him but just now he can't score for toffee.

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