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2016 Scottish Cup Final - Hibernian FC v Rangers


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Not usually in the business of praising bears but, I think the response from the p&b sevco contingent has been pretty much spot on. Not foam at the mouth and pretty embarrassed by their club, an element of their fans and those fucking statements. While being rightly pissed off about the unknown number of attacks on their players.


As the flying rodent says above, the statements are cynical, devisive, calculating and demonstrably untrue.


Fun to note that in 2016 reasonable grounds for violence in Scotland is defined as "get it up ye, you lost" and not "we're bathing in the blood of your assumed religious grouping, surrender or we will kill you."


I look forward to each sevco season book containing a "protect wur players" junior g-man badge and whistle(tin).

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So in summary,


We have:


Pictures of a Hibs fan close to some 'Rangers' players.

A Hibs fan (possibly the same arsehole) swinging and missing a 'Rangers' player.

The Goalkeeper getting pushed.

A Hibs fan getting kicked by a fella in a blazer.

An adult 'Rangers' fan protecting his players by picking up and trying to carry away a pre-teen Hibs fan.


No, no, you missed the one where all 11 Rangers players were beaten to within an inch of their lives. 


By the way, is Lee Wallace the only footballer in history to have a 'gash' after someone swung a punch at him and missed by about a yard? Must've been a helluva 'whoosh' to cause such a nasty injury. 

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The most damning evidence I've seen of players being attacked is that Sevco blazer aiming a kick at the Hibs player as he was running near the dugout area. I'm sure the footage of all 11 Sevco players being viciously assaulted will emerge in due course.


Sevco had a rare opportunity to take the moral high ground over this and they have Hibs'd Dundee'd it with those pathetic statements.


Definitely a Full Kit w****r rather than a Hibs player - if you look at his back right at the end of the clip after he hurdles the kick, you can see there's no name or number on the back of the top.


Very interested to find out if the guy in the suit is actually a Rangers or SFA official rather than just a fan in a suit though.

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So anyway, forward six months to a group of Scottish football officials (at the request of the Ugly Sisters improving their income stream) petitioning the Scottish Parliament to reintroduce alcohol to their stadiums.

'Honest 1st Minister we feel we have proved ourselves responsible enough to cope with this'

Wee Nicky....

'Oh aye, have yea....REALLY?'

All Acts have unintentional consequences. Poor show from what were Glory Hunting part time Hibbees by invading the park with the usual response from Deluded Sevconians who still have not learnt they are not 'the PEEPUL' Just very naughty boys.

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11 now apparently. Be interested to hear which 11 seen as we've only seen Foderingham being pushed and a few folk swing and miss at Wallace. Must be true though. The paper said it.




"Every member of the Rangers team was assaulted or spat on" - Daily Record, source, IbroxLoyal Facebook page


"Kenny wasn't touched. Ppl should stop telling lies!!" - Laura Miller, source, her husband being one of the 11




Keith Jackson reporting though - he never normally gets things wrong.

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I don't know why I'm so surprised that Rangers are busy rewriting history. They've been at it for years. All the way from "catholics have always been welcome at Ibrox, it's just there are none good enough" through to their absolute peak in 2012.

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Somebody really should tell Rangers that there's a practical joker out there issuing fake press statements designed to make them look like a bunch of whining cry-babies. They include stuff like commending their own fans for showing restraint under extreme provocation. The latest one is a belter - it complains that Hibs haven't been in touch to enquire after the welfare of the Rangers players who were supposedly beaten up, and also has a go at Nicola Sturgeon for not condemning all Hibs fans as mindless knuckle-dragging thugs. The statements are extremely funny, but the problem is that even though they're so far over the top that they're halfway down the other side, some gullible people (like the Daily Record) are believing they're genuine. If Rangers are to retain any dignity at all they need to immediately disown these statements for what they are - somebody having a laugh.

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WTF were the police up to?  They only had to worry about two scenarios:-


1. Rangers win - Keep the Rangers fans off the pitch and away from the Hibs fans.

2. Hibs win - Keep the Hibs fans off the pitch and away from the Rangers fans.


I can only imagine that they hadn't planned for scenario 2 as it seemed so unlikely. 

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WTF were the police up to?  They only had to worry about two scenarios:-


1. Rangers win - Keep the Rangers fans off the pitch and away from the Hibs fans.

2. Hibs win - Keep the Hibs fans off the pitch and away from the Rangers fans.


I can only imagine that they hadn't planned for scenario 2 as it seemed so unlikely. 


I think they were expecting extra time. Normally in the last few minutes there are hundreds of police and stewards around the front of the stands. There were very few on Saturday.

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Was half heartedly wanting a win for sevconia on Saturday. GF wanted to see the parade yesterday so I took her along. Fair play Hibbees. The scenes yesterday were magic, you would never have got that in Govan so I'm kind of glad now sevco didn't win it. Particularly as it's been enjoyable to see their meltdown since.

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