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Funeral shenanigans

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I went to a funeral once the master of ceremonies must have got his funerals mixed up. He kept on about some war hero in the middle east. Apparently he died to save us then turns out he wasn't really dead (I imagine things were a bit chaotic in Iraq) and had a big meal to celebrate, then really died. The mc must of realised his mistake just in time and managed to get in a quick 2 minutes about how loved my auntie May was.

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I mind my uncle's funeral the priest obviously hadn't a scooby who the deceased was so when he's giving his wee speech from the pulpit he started talking about Armageddon (the film, not the bible scenario) as he had seen it on the telly the night before. He then tried very clumsily to work the storyline of Armageddon into comforting words about my late uncle. So we got something like "John was a nice man, beloved by his family. I'm reminded of the film Armageddon, which I saw on television last night, wherein a brave crew has to save the world from an impending meteor strike. In the end they are able to save the world and return to a heroes welcome. This puts me in mind of John. I think we can all take comfort from that". What the deceased, childless, unmarried, alcoholic had in common with a film about Steve Buscemi shooting a machine gun at a space rock whilst batman pumps Aerosmith's daughter is anyone's guess.

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My grandfather was cremated a couple of years ago. They played Village People's "In the Navy" as the coffin rolled off towards the eternal fire. I'm not sure if it was what he would have wanted, but it still makes me laugh.

Was he genuinely in the navy or was this some sort of mix up?

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Been to plenty funerals in my time, nothing out of the ordinary has happened that I can recall. Just some very nice moments, well as nice as it can be at a funeral.


Only thing that sticks out in my mind funeral wise is when I was asked to carry the coffin of my wife's gran, which would be the first time I carried a coffin. She was in a 4 in a block flat so had to be turned every which way in her coffin to get her out of the flat and everything the funeral director asked me to do I struggled with and eventually didn't do due to the space constraints so ended up just standing about watching other folk get it sorted feeling like an awkward tit and when we got back to the graveyard when we had got the coffin to the grave I was looking to get out of the limelight a bit and let the family grieve but they all crowded round and I couldn't move so was left standing right at the mouth of this grave feeling awkward as f**k as the whole family breaks their hearts round about me.

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What's that old joke that every body has heard.

Tam and a friend are queuing to get into the stadium when a funeral procession goes by

Tam takes off his cap and holds it to his chest.

His friend says "Hey Tam, that's not like you."

Tam replies "Maybe not but she was a fine wife for all these years."

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Think I posted elsewhere before but fek it.. My mum's cousin was an extra in an episode of Taggart. They were filming a funeral scene and the lowering the coffin into the grave didn't look right as it was too light and just bobbing about. He ended up in the coffin to help give it some weight. Unfortunately it was just a balsa wood prop and exploded in a shower of splinters as he was being lowered into the grave.

f**k. That.

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Question re language here.  "A wake" takes place before a funeral. What happens after is "a purvey".


Hence the old joke that if Four Weddings and a Funeral had been set in the Highlands, it would have been called 'Five Co-op Purveys'.


My ex-wife managed to overtake the hearse on the way to her cousin's burial, a trick my current partner nearly repeated on the way to crematorium at my mother's funeral.

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Hence the old joke that if Four Weddings and a Funeral had been set in the Highlands, it would have been called 'Five Co-op Purveys'.

May be old for you but I've not heard it before.


Why 'Highland' though?  I thought 'purvey' was a general Scottish term.

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Nicked from the Herald Diary in the days of Tom Shields. He invited readers to send in their suggestions for Highland blockbusters, such as the above, Murdo on the Orient Express, Apokeachips Now, that sort of stuff.

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We are having soup then chicken supreme or steak pie, then tea and cakes.


None of your sausage roll pish.


Without wanting to sound insensitive, it is an utter disgrace to offer anything other than steak pie at a funeral.


My dad actually has it written into his will that steak pie must be served at his!

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Nicked from the Herald Diary in the days of Tom Shields. He invited readers to send in their suggestions for Highland blockbusters, such as the above, Murdo on the Orient Express, Apokeachips Now, that sort of stuff.

That ages you, chap. When I went to Yooni in London in 1981 my maw would post me the back pages of The Herald so I could keep in touch with Rangers.  Now and then she'd snip Tom Shields's column.

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A friend of mine joined the Police and ended up getting murdered by her policeman boyfriend. At the funeral a coachload of cops appeared, much to the disgust of the family and friends. At the church, the police took one side whilst everyone else glowered at them from the other. The Minister said his piece about her, an ex-boyfriend said his piece, then a senior cop stood up to say his piece. But as he stood, there was an outbreak of angry muttering from our side and he looked a bit embarrassed then sat down again. They hung around until the burial then almost ran back onto their bus.

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I had to arrange my partners grand funeral last year. She had a couple of small policies to cover the expenses but the insurer wouldn't let us know how much (think it was about four weeks later). As she didn't have any money just living on a state pension, I was going to cover any shortfall.

So we arranged it without being too miserly as my partners mum knew the score she didn't go overboard with extra cars or fancy stuff (although at £3500 it wasn't cheap). We turned up to the hotel for refreshments after the funeral to find soup spoons on the tables. Soup was an extra that we had not asked for but the mourners now had it in their heads soup was coming, I had to offer to cover this to prevent a mini riot which I could see brewing.

It didn't bother me too much what's an extra £80-100 in the scheme of things. No, what got me were the folk that we didn't really know turning up for lunch.

Turned out the policies managed to cover everything almost to the penny despite having been taken out 40 years ago.

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