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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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1 hour ago, Elementary Penguin said:

Fans turning up, repeatedly, creating an atmosphere which other fans constantly praise, (and by the way, so did that 'arsehole' manager of before, who else thanks them?) didnt make any difference when it mattered just as much to everyone to cheer the team on to maybe promotion.


It literally makes no difference whether fans turn up or not, and for a multitude of reasons. The players and bills apparently are still getting paid, the club is seemingly in no immediate financial danger of which we've been addressed about......and yet, hilariously, there are merely fourth-hand cat-calls on the VERY forum which the AlexLiar apostles have lambasted for years for spreading untruths and inaccuracies, telling us of approaching doomsday from all and sundry. Where"s the official line on any of this? At all? Its just more lies, and either the leadership of the club changes drastically, or i will simply just walk. And there will be hundreds doing the same, for their own reasons. At least i'm telling you why, Livi. 


When i say drastically, im not interested in self-advertising cockends getting other people to fund their plans, or some fucking tube giving us yet more ten-year projections on how we can become the next Ross fucking County either. I was brought up supporting a club with realistic, hard-working, honest, approachable, accountable, non-malignant, and trustworthy administration with the right values and treating its customers like human beings. Not one of those is true any longer, if the price people wish to put on that is a half-fit carthorse scoring a goal for a shite team, then i feel sorry for you. 

I 'm not going to argue against any of the points you make, or your opinions, because I can't. So much of what you say is indisputably true and you have an undeniable right to take whatever stance you like.

I just want to have a Senior team called Clyde to support at the end of the day.

All of the things of which you accuse the Board and their hangers on, it's part of football and without doubt goes on at every Club in Scotland/the UK/ the world at every level.

Doesn't make it right, but it's a fact of life.

I get pissed of at the number of hangers on that fill our away directors box from supposedly representing teams whose travelling support is two men and a dog. Again it's football.

I walked away over the name change issue but couldn't stay away and I've tried very hard to stay away from the shite that we are having to suffer just now and I can't. I tell myself that I'm finished if we drop to the LL, but I probably won't be. It is in the blood.

I'm no happier with the running of the Club than you are, believe me, but I'm hoping against hope that Innes has what it takes to bring about positive changes including ditching the CIC, but I'm pretty sure it won't be overnight.

Edited by LiviClyde
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3 hours ago, Elementary Penguin said:

It literally makes no difference whether fans turn up or not

Wow! I never saw that coming, especially from a stalwart like yourself. Look, I get it. I've read your posts and can't argue with most of what you say, but consider this for a minute (I'd even settle for 30 seconds).  Your club is in a perilous position, some/most players aren't playing for the jerseys, and the off-field situation is a joke. Well park the last part for now as it's an irrelevance (or should be) until the season's over. What right do you have to criticise players for downing tools if you yourself aren't setting an example right to the bitter end?

Mark McGhee got it spot on recently when he asked the Tartan Army to turn up for the last game against Slovenia. By all means boo the players IF they're not at least making the effort, and give the blazers laldy at will, but at least if you go to the remaining games you'll know within yourself that you did your utmost best. Downing tools now merely makes you as bad as those you are rightly criticising, and I actually believed you were (are?) bigger and better than that.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ditching the CIC will make no difference.

If it was a Limited Company like before the Directors would still be volunteers.

They will still appoint shite managers.

They will still expect fans to fulfill volunteer roles.

Directors will still be drawn from the same source, ie. the support. That was the situation before the CIC and is the situation now.

A shite squad, a shite manager and a board who didn't act quick enough has got us to this position. That has f**k all to do with a fucking company structure.

Switch it back to a Limited Company and you get the same shite but lose the power to do anything about it. If you are unhappy, man up and vote the directors off. Propose a vote of no confidence. Do something other than sitting on pie and Bovril in your underpants seething about the world.

Broadwood and the inability to pick a manager are the real issues. I'm as unhappy at the board for not changing the management as anyone else but poor decisions will be made no matter the structure. Focus on the real issues and maybe, just maybe the club can grow. Moaning about who holds the shares changes nothing.

The fact the club is a CIC means staying away doesn't hurt the board financially, it only hurts the club. Montrose managed to nearly fill their stadium for the playoff with Brora Rangers. How much will Clyde manage? 800?

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Wow! I never saw that coming, especially from a stalwart like yourself. Look, I get it. I've read your posts and can't argue with most of what you say, but consider this for a minute (I'd even settle for 30 seconds).  Your club is in a perilous position, some/most players aren't playing for the jerseys, and the off-field situation is a joke. Well park the last part for now as it's an irrelevance (or should be) until the season's over. What right do you have to criticise players for downing tools if you yourself aren't setting an example right to the bitter end?
Mark McGhee got it spot on recently when he asked the Tartan Army to turn up for the last game against Slovenia. By all means boo the players IF they're not at least making the effort, and give the blazers laldy at will, but at least if you go to the remaining games you'll know within yourself that you did your utmost best. Downing tools now merely makes you as bad as those you are rightly criticising, and I actually believed you were (are?) bigger and better than that.

I try watching your team win 1 game in 18 and then come back with a lecture

If fans do turn up that's also a legitimate tactic to illicit change in fact the biggest thing to get your club to take action is crowds dropping

And by the way the guy is a season ticket holder he has paid his money up front so even if he doesn't go he has every right to be critical

Ps who are you to tell other fans about their commitment you part of the "Real supporter" brigade you should get together with the rest of this self righteous mob and write a guide on how to be a proper football supporter

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And people say there are no 'Principle Politicians' any longer. Why, I doubt that even Winston Churchill would've went to such lengths. Missing games against Annan, Elgin, Forfar, Berwick and Montrose!? That's sending a message.

Bet he wants McNiff at left-back and Johnston and right-back next season, him.

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If fans do turn up that's also a legitimate tactic to illicit change in fact the biggest thing to get your club to take action is crowds dropping

If people want to do going to Broadwood that is their choice. It's their hard earned income to do with as they like.
However, if you are correct and the board are deaf to fans complaints, what makes you think that low crowds will cause them to change their course.
They have no personal financial steak and have nothing to lose. The club may be damaged but the board are personally unaffected.
Is it not better to go to the games or join the CIC membership and let them know you are not happy than just to disappear never to be heard of again?
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The age of our squad is obviously an issue. Saw on the 'One Football' app that this guy was playing for us against Cowdenbeath on Saturday. Credit to the guy though for managing to come through two world wars, the swinging 60s, the turbulent 70s and the Thatcher years and still manage to make such a crucial game. 


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2 hours ago, Elementary Penguin said:

In other news.....MSP boycotts remaining games. Forward your shite onto Holyrood, and give me a break. 

Yeah, its only John Mason, so nothing to see here

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Yeah, its only John Mason, so nothing to see here

Can we ask him to boycott the independence movement as well?

Total embarrassment of a man.

A cynical attempt to improve his reputation after being criticised for making light of rape previously.
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3 hours ago, cfcuk said:

1. try watching your team win 1 game in 18 and then come back with a lecture

2. If fans do turn up that's also a legitimate tactic to illicit change in fact the biggest thing to get your club to take action is crowds dropping

3. And by the way the guy is a season ticket holder he has paid his money up front so even if he doesn't go he has every right to be critical

Ps who are you to tell other fans about their commitment you part of the "Real supporter" brigade you should get together with the rest of this self righteous mob and write a guide on how to be a proper football supporter

1. the season before the pyramid structure I watched my team go virtually a whole year without winning a home game, finishing bottom of the lowets league by some distance, and having to travel to Airdrie every second week for the "privilege" - I'll leave you to judge if that puts close to any parity with your current situation

2. I agree with that, but personally I would take a contextual viewpoint of that situation and make a judgement call about when I would choose to do it, but I wouldn't do it at the time my team needed me the most when it's the off-field situation I was trying to impact.....................right action, just lousy timing

3. I don't think you need to defend EP, laudable/lamenbtable as that is when he is perfectly capable of doing so himself (and I think if you asked him he's smart enough to know I wasn't making a personal attack on him so much as making a general point), but your main thrust is absolutely spot on that he doesn't need to attend games to be critical, but you've missed the point cfcuk..............the being critical (if he didn't like what he was seeing) was simply a by-product of his attending.......the main point was that at possibly the lowest point in the entire history of your club (or have I got that wrong as well?) IF I was in your shoes I'd make damn sure that those responsible for this mess couldn't use the excuse that when the team needed your support the most, you weren't there to provide it.....i.e. do your bit until the on-field crisis is resolved one way or another during the next month and a bit, and then begin the off-field recriminations afterwards

PS - I never used the term "real supporter".......I don't even know what that means, but what I do know is that being a supporter of a lower division team means that over a lifetime of following them you will have more hard times than good times, and for me that's what sets us apart from those who follow other clubs for glory or non-footballing reasons. Most QP regular supporters know who I am, and if you happen to know any who do know me, then I'm pretty sure they'll tell you that I'm as anti-establishment as they come at Hampden, so please don't link me with one side or the other of your political battle. It genuinely doesn't bother me whether you go down or not (other than giving me a good giggle if you did!), but what does bother me is seeing bullets hitting the wrong targets, and if a significant number of you do decide to miss the remaining games it will only further weigh the odds against you, and I actually think that would be a bit of a shame given that you probably have a more fervent fan-base than any other club in your division.



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Can we ask him to boycott the independence movement as well?

Total embarrassment of a man.

A cynical attempt to improve his reputation after being criticised for making light of rape previously.

....and referring to the ira as freedom fighters !! A total dickhead.
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Labour's floundering, at the rate of SNP growth isnt a coincidence.....in that the Marxist-Leninist b*****ds have adopted a front, that being the SNP after ditching Corbyn's LieBore (under his instruction, by the way....


If you think the SNP are Marxist Leninist you're crazy. They're not even socialist.


To continue your analogy, Clyde if we were a political party would be the SSP. Small in numbers but ripping itself apart from the inside. Slowly disappearing from a much higher position. The SSP had their sex scandal too and didn't own their own stadium.




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I don't understand the mentality of those who say they intend to boycott games, withdraw support etc. while Goodwillie is on our books. Attending games with him in the team is not an act of condonation - either of his crime or that of the board's decision to sign him. We support Clyde FC , not Goodwillie. Clyde is so much more than individuals - whether that be playing staff or the blazer clad brigade. 

As for the point about professional footballers being role models for our young people - I agree, to an extent they are. However, as human beings they are also prone to a wild array of behaviour from the admirable to disgusting and in this case - criminal. That said, I don't believe that by signing him we are in any way sending a message that his crimes are not particularly serious. I think the resounding message here is one of forgiveness and rehabilitation in light of a very serious crime having been committed. Hopefully our young people will learn that even the most talented and privileged in our society are often far from the image of perfection they would like to perpetuate. They may also see that even when such individuals conduct themselves in the most abhorrent manner, a civilised society such as this would seek to build something positive out of the disaster created.

Having said all that, I am for a multitude of reasons, actually opposed to the signing of Goodwillie. However, I am not prepared to allow one individual to fast track our relegation and, ultimately, destroy our club.

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1 hour ago, haufdaft said:

If you think the SNP are Marxist Leninist you're crazy. They're not even socialist.

To continue your analogy, Clyde if we were a political party would be the SSP. Small in numbers but ripping itself apart from the inside. Slowly disappearing from a much higher position. The SSP had their sex scandal too and didn't own their own stadium

Only if you understand the word "socialist" to describe a party fully beholden to the ideas of socialism in its 19th and early-to-mid 20th century moods can you say of the SNP that "they're not even socialist".

I could give you a list of SNP politicians, including the current first minister and Alex Salmond, who have, quite recently, described themselves and their party, in its aims, as "socialist". Of course you may think that's just to keep the left at large on-side. And perhaps you'd be right. But attend to the policies, ideas for policies and general chat that comes from the SNP for a moment:

  • In a new Scottish Constitution: a right to employment; a right to food.
  • For new parents: a "free" box of goods, the likes of which parents in this country haven't gone without or, in some cases, needed for centuries; not excluding a poem, the same one for each child, which is utter doggerel. What's the evidence-base? Finland introduced something similar in 1938, when they had an appalling infant mortality rate, and now, in 2017, that's fixed. Oh, well. Definitely a solidly evidence based policy then. Clearly, nothing but the goodie-bag operated to change Finnish infant mortality between 1938 and 2017. Six million quid, plus a bureaucracy to deliver it in the NHS. Well worth it. But on the whole "free", remember.
  • Subsidising faltering businesses/industry.
  • Expansive Welfare.
  • Virtually fully-nationalised Healthcare.
  • Subsidising parenthood.
  • Vast Public Spending, generally.
  • Vast intervention in the Housing Market.
  • Constant chat about Tax Rates movements being somehow or the other "Moral"; absolute inattention to the revenue.

There is no doubt that the principles of socialism drive the Scottish Government, as they do the UK Government. There isn't a libertarian or conservative thought in their heads. To suggest that because they say a lot of business friendly stuff - which is largely 'we'll subby you to the hilt', not 'we'll stop taxing you' - they're not socialist in their ideas can be nothing more than a PR exercise.

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Only if you understand the word "socialist" to describe a party fully beholden to the ideas of socialism in its 19th and early-to-mid 20th century moods can you say of the SNP that "they're not even socialist".

I could give you a list of SNP politicians, including the current first minister and Alex Salmond, who have, quite recently, described themselves and their party, in its aims, as "socialist". Of course you may think that's just to keep the left at large on-side. And perhaps you'd be right. But attend to the policies, ideas for policies and general chat that comes from the SNP for a moment:
  • In a new Scottish Constitution: a right to employment; a right to food.
  • For new parents: a "free" box of goods, the likes of which parents in this country haven't gone without or, in some cases, needed for centuries; not excluding a poem, the same one for each child, which is utter doggerel. What's the evidence-base? Finland introduced something similar in 1938, when they had an appalling infant mortality rate, and now, in 2017, that's fixed. Oh, well. Definitely a solidly evidence based policy then. Clearly, nothing but the goodie-bag operated to change Finnish infant mortality between 1938 and 2017. Six million quid, plus a bureaucracy to deliver it in the NHS. Well worth it. But on the whole "free", remember.
  • Subsidising faltering businesses/industry.
  • Expansive Welfare.
  • Virtually fully-nationalised Healthcare.
  • Subsidising parenthood.
  • Vast Public Spending, generally.
  • Vast intervention in the Housing Market.
  • Constant chat about Tax Rates movements being somehow or the other "Moral"; absolute inattention to the revenue.
There is no doubt that the principles of socialism drive the Scottish Government, as they do the UK Government. There isn't a libertarian or conservative thought in their heads. To suggest that because they say a lot of business friendly stuff - which is largely 'we'll subby you to the hilt', not 'we'll stop taxing you' - they're not socialist in their ideas can be nothing more than a PR exercise.

A race to the bottom by seeking to cut corporation tax, council tax freeze with all its effects on working class communities.

Social democratic, Blairite Probably.
Socialist? No.

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24 minutes ago, Sao Paulo said:

Only if you understand the word "socialist" to describe a party fully beholden to the ideas of socialism in its 19th and early-to-mid 20th century moods can you say of the SNP that "they're not even socialist".

I could give you a list of SNP politicians, including the current first minister and Alex Salmond, who have, quite recently, described themselves and their party, in its aims, as "socialist". Of course you may think that's just to keep the left at large on-side. And perhaps you'd be right. But attend to the policies, ideas for policies and general chat that comes from the SNP for a moment:

  • In a new Scottish Constitution: a right to employment; a right to food.
  • For new parents: a "free" box of goods, the likes of which parents in this country haven't gone without or, in some cases, needed for centuries; not excluding a poem, the same one for each child, which is utter doggerel. What's the evidence-base? Finland introduced something similar in 1938, when they had an appalling infant mortality rate, and now, in 2017, that's fixed. Oh, well. Definitely a solidly evidence based policy then. Clearly, nothing but the goodie-bag operated to change Finnish infant mortality between 1938 and 2017. Six million quid, plus a bureaucracy to deliver it in the NHS. Well worth it. But on the whole "free", remember.
  • Subsidising faltering businesses/industry.
  • Expansive Welfare.
  • Virtually fully-nationalised Healthcare.
  • Subsidising parenthood.
  • Vast Public Spending, generally.
  • Vast intervention in the Housing Market.
  • Constant chat about Tax Rates movements being somehow or the other "Moral"; absolute inattention to the revenue.

There is no doubt that the principles of socialism drive the Scottish Government, as they do the UK Government. There isn't a libertarian or conservative thought in their heads. To suggest that because they say a lot of business friendly stuff - which is largely 'we'll subby you to the hilt', not 'we'll stop taxing you' - they're not socialist in their ideas can be nothing more than a PR exercise.

That's all well and good, but can they put backspin on a ball?

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