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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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The bill was an overreaction to a particularly bad Old Firm game so I will certainly welcome its repeal. Another irritating example of that particular game ruining it for everyone.

For all the grumbling in some quarters about who wants it repealed, just remember that the bill goes well above and beyond sectarianism. It covers anything which could be deemed "offensive" at a football match or even in the vicinity of one. Sectarianism as always grabs the limelight, but the act goes much, much further.

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Everybody is tagging this to the OO and Rangers .... again ... yawn.

The people to thank gettong this sorted, and it pains me to admit, is celt*c. Look here http://fansagainstcriminalisation.com/ and along with the guys from this movement that went to the parliament and told the SNP to GTF wae their stupid laws. Take my hat off to yees on this one.

To the rest, it affects EVERYONE. Not just OF. Look at the reports around Scotland. The quicker we get rid of these SNP morons from our lives the better.


I don't think we'll be taking any advice from someone who can't even bring himself to type the name "Celtic".

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I go to football and have a beer and laugh and this bill doesnt affect me because i dont act like a total knobhead

If you act like a knobhead you deserve to get punished,its actually quite funny that folk believe there was no arrests at football before this bill

Look at the seethe of some when the boy that ran onto the pitch at the hibs/hearts game,he didnt go to jail because of the bill he went to jail because of his past criminal behaviour

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Everybody is tagging this to the OO and Rangers .... again ... yawn.

The people to thank gettong this sorted, and it pains me to admit, is celt*c. Look here http://fansagainstcriminalisation.com/ and along with the guys from this movement that went to the parliament and told the SNP to GTF wae their stupid laws. Take my hat off to yees on this one.

To the rest, it affects EVERYONE. Not just OF. Look at the reports around Scotland. The quicker we get rid of these SNP morons from our lives the better.

you had your chance last May 5th.

How did that go?

Which party would you prefer to replace the SNP in Parliament?

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I go to football and have a beer and laugh and this bill doesnt affect me because i dont act like a total knobhead

If you act like a knobhead you deserve to get punished,its actually quite funny that folk believe there was no arrests at football before this bill

Look at the seethe of some when the boy that ran onto the pitch at the hibs/hearts game,he didnt go to jail because of the bill he went to jail because of his past criminal behaviour

'Behaviour which a reasonable person might consider offensive' covers a lot more posts than just being a dick.

A reasonable person could consider shouting 'f*ck's sake referee' offensive.

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'Behaviour which a reasonable person might consider offensive' covers a lot more posts than just being a dick.

A reasonable person could consider shouting 'f*ck's sake referee' offensive.

If you shout it sitting in a family section it probably is.
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you had your chance last May 5th.

How did that go?

Which party would you prefer to replace the SNP in Parliament?

I never bother voting because they are all the same .... but I was going to vote Torie just because Murdo Frazer tweeted about our Queens 11. Choice was decided there and then for me. I never made it to vote though. I will next time. If this act gets repealled, it shows us voting does work and we can overthrow a dictator goverment hated acts of law.

Now, what the results have showen me is with an increase in the Tories and a minority SNP goverment, we can beat the SNP over crap rules and laws they have forced on us all. From now on, I will make a point of getting my vote in and voting for the Tories. I hope lbour, greens, lib dems and tories they all club together and fix all the bad laws the SNP have dictated to us all. Jeez, I might even vote Green next time as long as its not SNP.

I would NEVER vote for the SNP. I might have if Jim Sillars still had influence. He was the real SNP. What we got now are dictator marxists who want to leave UK then submit Scotland to the EU. British NEVER surrender to any foe. Look how the SNP MSPs all are told to vote as the party wants. None of them are allowed to make their own minds up. Thats no way to run a democracy. Should be ringing bells in the whole of Scotland that. Thats what dictators do with their political party in power. This is our SNP exactly. At least when the SNP fall, we can have a normal free western democratic country back. Not one who lies and sends out propaganda like Hitler, to its people.

Axe the act. Well done FAC and the activist celt*c supporters for pushing this. Not forgetting or underestimating Rangers involvement and the Scottish fans in total.

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If you shout it sitting in a family section it probably is.

You shouldn't get a criminal record for shouting something at a football match, regardless of how offensive it is.

This is what SFA/SPFL and Club bans are for.

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Doesn't invalidate what I said.

It was clearly a law written with ridiculously broad terminology and should be repealed. I'm all for the police dealing with people being arseholes, but they had plenty of powers to do that already.

Meerly an observation, rather than a view on the post.

Tbh I ain't fussed either way, there's a great thistle song that I might be allowed to sing again next season.

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I never bother voting because they are all the same .... but I was going to vote Torie just because Murdo Frazer tweeted about our Queens 11. Choice was decided there and then for me. I never made it to vote though. I will next time. If this act gets repealled, it shows us voting does work and we can overthrow a dictator goverment hated acts of law.

Now, what the results have showen me is with an increase in the Tories and a minority SNP goverment, we can beat the SNP over crap rules and laws they have forced on us all. From now on, I will make a point of getting my vote in and voting for the Tories. I hope lbour, greens, lib dems and tories they all club together and fix all the bad laws the SNP have dictated to us all. Jeez, I might even vote Green next time as long as its not SNP.

I would NEVER vote for the SNP. I might have if Jim Sillars still had influence. He was the real SNP. What we got now are dictator marxists who want to leave UK then submit Scotland to the EU. British NEVER surrender to any foe. Look how the SNP MSPs all are told to vote as the party wants. None of them are allowed to make their own minds up. Thats no way to run a democracy. Should be ringing bells in the whole of Scotland that. Thats what dictators do with their political party in power. This is our SNP exactly. At least when the SNP fall, we can have a normal free western democratic country back. Not one who lies and sends out propaganda like Hitler, to its people.

Axe the act. Well done FAC and the activist celt*c supporters for pushing this. Not forgetting or underestimating Rangers involvement and the Scottish fans in total.

You'd struggle to spell the x if you did vote.
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You shouldn't get a criminal record for shouting something at a football match, regardless of how offensive it is.

This is what SFA/SPFL and Club bans are for.

We've seen how effective our governing bodies were at dealing with sectarianism.
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I never bother voting because they are all the same .... but I was going to vote Torie just because Murdo Frazer tweeted about our Queens 11. Choice was decided there and then for me. I never made it to vote though. I will next time. If this act gets repealled, it shows us voting does work and we can overthrow a dictator goverment hated acts of law.

Now, what the results have showen me is with an increase in the Tories and a minority SNP goverment, we can beat the SNP over crap rules and laws they have forced on us all. From now on, I will make a point of getting my vote in and voting for the Tories. I hope lbour, greens, lib dems and tories they all club together and fix all the bad laws the SNP have dictated to us all. Jeez, I might even vote Green next time as long as its not SNP.

I would NEVER vote for the SNP. I might have if Jim Sillars still had influence. He was the real SNP. What we got now are dictator marxists who want to leave UK then submit Scotland to the EU. British NEVER surrender to any foe. Look how the SNP MSPs all are told to vote as the party wants. None of them are allowed to make their own minds up. Thats no way to run a democracy. Should be ringing bells in the whole of Scotland that. Thats what dictators do with their political party in power. This is our SNP exactly. At least when the SNP fall, we can have a normal free western democratic country back. Not one who lies and sends out propaganda like Hitler, to its people.

Axe the act. Well done FAC and the activist celt*c supporters for pushing this. Not forgetting or underestimating Rangers involvement and the Scottish fans in total.


Top trolling right there.  :lol:

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We've seen how effective our governing bodies were at dealing with sectarianism.

The Police have been no better. Not that that matters.

The failure of governing bodies and Clubs to ban people who breach their own rules about sectarian singing does not justify criminalisation of one single person.

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The Police have been no better. Not that that matters.

The failure of governing bodies and Clubs to ban people who breach their own rules about sectarian singing does not justify criminalisation of one single person.


You don't watch football. You're an opportunist c**t. It's disgraceful stuff.

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