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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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Nonsense, I couldn't give two f*cks mate, I couldnae give a shite what they sing or chant about us, just don't pretend it all flows from our support, it doesn't!!

Yes, your post came across as you not giving two fucks.  Not.

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I seriously dont think its limited to one club. There are about 4/5 clubs in scotland i can think of off the top of my head with an issue with sectarianism in seniors and plenty in the juniors.

Name the senior clubs.

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If I can wade into the incest discussion for a second:


People don't have to have an ideologically rigid vision of the world. You can believe that consenting adults should generally be allowed to do as they want. You can also believe that certain actions are so repugnant to our society that they should be banned. This is the way most people look at the world. They don't view every single issue through a consistent liberal/libertarian/socialist/racist/fascist/whatever prism in order to decide what they believe. There's nothing wrong with this. It is normal. The weird people are the ones who can't get past the logic, "We believe that consenting adults should be allowed to do as they please so go ahead and f**k your sister. It's your life. More power to you." The end result of this extreme logic is that 50 year old Canadian man who left his family to be adopted by another family and live as a transgender 6 year old girl.

Edited by Yank Mike
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I look forward to his response too. If he mentions either Dundee club then he's as about as accurate as a blind man pinning the donkey's tail.

I think things have changed latterly. Both Dundee and Falkirk in the 1980s and 90s had plenty of *** without busfare types.

They probably still do, but its just far less vocal now, and changed a bit as the gap between Rangers and Falkirk narrowed .

There's still plenty of guys who 'support their local team' whilst admitting they 'like to see Rangers doing well'.

There was always a noticeably more vocal hatred of visiting Celtic sides than Rangers when Falkirk were at Brockville. Don't see that now really at Westfield.

Edited by ScotSquid
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And can the rest of us predict more posts where you shove your head as far up Strichener backside as possible?

I've never met the man!

I will side with whoever is talking the most sense, obviously IMO, though.

That's very rarely you.

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No there is more to it than that.

Thats two threads where he has demonstrably twisted what different posters have said and you still havent twigged either of them.

If you think that then that's your prerogative. Certainly, the one thing I won't do is try to change your mind because you're an obstinate imbecile who lacks the capacities of contrition, reasoning and self awareness.

You're only good for prodding and laughing at.

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You are doing it again.

I told you repeatedly it wasnt just my words you were wilfully twisting.

This is something you do again and again to other posters.

The only thing I cant fathom out is whether you are deliberately doing it or whether you genuinely lack the intelligence to know you are doing it.

You can either agree with Ad Lib or not as regards to whether incest should be illegal but he clearly did NOT express a view of being FOR incest.

Maybe you are just winding him up but most reasonable peole can see what your game is.

Sorry, I won't highlight either your stupidity or hypocrisy again.

One again apologies.

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Well done you! However, I have not used the word accepting and neither has Ad Lib. So perhaps you can clarify where this post is directed.

I see lots of instances of people advocating that things that they find unacceptable, that are currently a criminal offence, to be decriminalised. :huh:


Well accepting is pretty closely related to 'acceptable'. E.g. if you find something acceptable, you are accepting of it.


I don't think anything I don't like or wouldn't encourage others to do needs to be criminalised. You can advocate for drugs to be decriminalised without advocating for everyone to take drugs. Again, they're just just different things by definition.

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Well accepting is pretty closely related to 'acceptable'. E.g. if you find something acceptable, you are accepting of it.

I don't think anything I don't like or wouldn't encourage others to do needs to be criminalised. You can advocate for drugs to be decriminalised without advocating for everyone to take drugs. Again, they're just just different things by definition.

Would you advocate for drugs to be decriminalised and then find it unacceptable for people to take drugs?

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I think things have changed latterly. Both Dundee and Falkirk in the 1980s and 90s had plenty of *** without busfare types.

They probably still do, but its just far less vocal now, and changed a bit as the gap between Rangers and Falkirk narrowed .

There's still plenty of guys who 'support their local team' whilst admitting they 'like to see Rangers doing well'.

There was always a noticeably more vocal hatred of visiting Celtic sides than Rangers when Falkirk were at Brockville. Don't see that now really at Westfield.

Apart from a short spell in the early 70s when being a hooligan was all the rage - and a minority of Dundee fans (ironically some being Catholic) decided to ape Rangers fans - most Dees fans I've come across hate the pair them. 

If there is any bias it is actually usually towards Celtic - many Catholics like myself would have followed them as young bairns - only to see the light and support their hometown team when they got older - usually after getting taken (like I was) to my first match at Dens.

The same is true for United - yes they may have been formed from the original Dundee Hibs BUT the sectarian element never went to United (but to Harp).

Anyone who wants to read about the true non-sectarian background to the Dundee clubs should check out Jm Wilkie's "ACROSS THE GREAT DIVIDE:A History of Professional Football in Dundee

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The ends at Dens were the "TC Keay" (after the factory behind it) and the "Provvy" (after Provost Road, which runs behind it)


Someone wasn't on the First Division forums circa 6-7 years ago. Don't be a bore.

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