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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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16 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

Whatever you thought about the act, this sends out the completely wrong message and empowers the knuckle draggers from far and wide.

And introducing the Act sent the wrong message to the Police, that they could get away with treating football fans however they wanted and could film, harass and intimidate them as they saw fit. f**k them.

Edited by HibsFan
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1 minute ago, HibsFan said:

An introducing the Act sent the wrong message to the Police, that they could get away with treating football fans however they wanted and could film, harass and intimidate them as they saw fit. f**k them.

Short sighted foolishness. 

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16 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

I can’t make up my mind whether James Kelly is a fucking scum bag or is just as thick as he looks- he’s probably both.

Whatever you thought about the act, this sends out the completely wrong message and empowers the knuckle draggers from far and wide.  What the f**k are the Greens playing at as well!?

The Greens’ position is one that shows that whilst they are a useful voice of conscience they don’t always get it right.

There are fewer public displays of bigotry than at certain football grounds.


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7 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

And introducing the Act sent the wrong message to the Police, that they could get away with treating football fans however they wanted and could film, harass and intimidate them as they saw fit. f**k them.

I know people who work in the police force and who have routinely worked security in and around football stadiums. The exact opposite is true. The amount of billy big baws who think they're hard as f**k after a few pints and can talk to any member of authority like utter crap is staggering.

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12 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

I know people who work in the police force and who have routinely worked security in and around football stadiums. The exact opposite is true. The amount of billy big baws who think they're hard as f**k after a few pints and can talk to any member of authority like utter crap is staggering.

I'm not denying that there are football fans who behave like arseholes, just like there are music fans who behave like arseholes at festivals, or random folk on night outs who behave like arseholes. I don't see football fans being so much worse that we need our own specific legislation to deal with us.

Likewise, as you know one side of the story from people in the police force, I've seen police officers routinely pissing away time and money filming young football fans on trains and in stands, looking frankly desperate to catch them out on something. There've also been instances of policemen asking "do you still work at x, ______?" to fans who are yet to commit a crime, and never end up doing so. Lots of other instances of Police Scotland making 20 arrests only to then have all 20 cases thrown out of court, each within 5 minutes.

The bottom line is that offence is wholly subjective and the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act has done nothing to curb sectarianism and naughty songs within Scotland. Rangers are still as bad, possibly worse, than they were in the early 00s, and Celtic's IRA-fest still continues unabashed. It was brought in after two football mangers squared up to each other on the touchline, and is frankly just centrist, 'keep politics out of sport' grandstanding.

Edited by HibsFan
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1 minute ago, HibsFan said:

I'm not denying that there are football fans who behave like arseholes, just like there are music fans who behave like arseholes at festivals, or random folk on night outs who behave like arseholes. I don't see football fans being so much worse that we need our own specific legislation to deal with us.

I don't recall music fans in the UK sending bullets to other artists in the post on the basis of their ethnicity, or having sectarian hate crimes in wider society surge  in number as the result of a certain music concert taking place at the weekend. Looks like football is a significant source of the problem then, as indeed every single academic study has concluded. 

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11 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

I'm not denying that there are football fans who behave like arseholes, just like there are music fans who behave like arseholes at festivals, or random folk on night outs who behave like arseholes. I don't see football fans being so much worse that we need our own specific legislation to deal with us.

Likewise, as you know one side of the story from people in the police force, I've seen police officers routinely pissing away time and money filming young football fans on trains and in stands, looking frankly desperate to catch them out on something. There've also been instances of policemen asking "do you still work at x, ______?" to fans who are yet to commit a crime, and never end up doing so. Lots of other instances of Police Scotland making 20 arrests only to then have all 20 cases thrown out of court, each within 5 minutes.

The bottom line is that offence is wholly subjective and the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act has done nothing to curb sectarianism and naughty songs within Scotland. Rangers are still as bad, possibly worse, than they were in the early 00s, and Celtic's IRA-fest still continues unabashed. It was brought in after two football mangers squared up to each other on the touchline, and is frankly just centrist, 'keep politics out of sport' grandstanding.

No, they don't always get it right. It's impossible for them to get it right all of the time and you do get some utterly incompetent/anal-grade officers. However, for the most part, they are simply doing their jobs in trying to ensure public safety. Not just for football fans but for the whole of the general public. Football fans can get so jollied up, that they forget that there are other people not even involved with the football who just want to go about their daily lives without being hassled by a group of drunken buffoons.

The act has been far from perfect, but I don't see how removing it will help improve matters. The idiots that belt out the "party tunes" will merely view it as some sort of victory and a thumbs up from authorities to belt them out at every opportunity. The act needed to be modified and improved. Not completely removed IMO, which was nothing more than a cheap political stunt from other parties looking to get that element of society on their sides for reinforcements.

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15 hours ago, HibsFan said:

And introducing the Act sent the wrong message to the Police, that they could get away with treating football fans however they wanted and could film, harass and intimidate them as they saw fit. f**k them.

They've been doing that since they invented football, mate. Football fans aren't unique, they're just another rabble to the Polis, like teenagers and coloured folk.

Edited by Baxter Parp
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They've been doing that since they invented football, mate. Football fans aren't unique, they're just another rabble to the Polis, like teenagers and coloured folk.

Sorry are you saying that Police officers in Scotland pick on people because of their skin colour? Do you even remotely have any evidence of this? I get that you’re the forums resident edgy left winger and tbh I like a lot of your well thought out posts but thats just a lot of crap.

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6 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Sorry are you saying that Police officers in Scotland pick on people because of their skin colour? Do you even remotely have any evidence of this? I get that you’re the forums resident edgy communist and tbh I like a lot of your well thought out posts but thats just a lot of crap.

The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights says Police Scotland suffers from “institutional racism”


Top academic accuses police union of 'aggressive' refusal to confront racism


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The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights says Police Scotland suffers from “institutional racism”
Top academic accuses police union of 'aggressive' refusal to confront racism

Ok two issues here. The body accusing police scotland of institutional racism says that it needs to specifically recruit from bme communities and has failed to address this, despite the fact numbers of officers from these backgrounds has risen dramatically with the introduction of a proactive recruitment team three years ago and has seen some divisions improve bme recruitment upto 400%. The proactive recruitment team holds events all over the country specifically to attract bme people to join and gives them significantly more guidance through the recruitment process than any other applicants. My mate is a Scottish pakistani and a cop and i’ve had an significant insight into the process he undertook. Its also right that they undertake this work as the cops should reflect the society they serve, it breeds confidence.
My mate helps out with their version of the fire cadets and that group has a very significant proportion of BME and other diverse groups in it, they did a bag pack for a charity I work with and I was impressed by the diversity of the group and the kids in general were great.
Further 2 points, the academic you’ve quoted is a member of a labour think tank, a party which has sought to undermine the police at every turn and secondly you’ve quoted a paper which has a pretty clear agenda against the SNP and Police Scotland.
I concede that stop search figures skew opinion, however quantitive data without context doesnt do enough to convince me that every police officer or even anything close to a majority of officers have a problem with racism. It may not be a perfect organisation and far from it, but throwing around accusations that 15,000 people are racists who pick on people because of their skin colour is a shameful generalisation.
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