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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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I think the boy in question was wrong to hitch his grievance onto the back of the video that Motherwell put out last night.  However, he may have felt that was the only way to get the attention he feels he requires. 

What I will say, is I hope the guy raises his issues through the proper channels and it's fully investigated.  Mud-slinging on Twitter from one side isn't going to solve anything.

The most important point for me though, even if it turns out Stephen Robinson was the most horrible guy ever and went to the guy's father's hospital bed and laughed at him whilst pishing on his mattress, is that the original point of the video is not overlooked.  It's a big message to get out there, and if it coming from a football club helps at least one person, then it's job done. 

Edited by Desp
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6 hours ago, 'WellDel said:

I would imagine it's so that if he turns out to be as absolute humpty as he's expected to by many, our good friends in the capital will still be paying the lions share of his wages, while he warms our bench instead of theirs. 

Low risk for' Well. 

And that's what annoys me.

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7 hours ago, Al B said:

I obviously don't know what happened so there's a good chance I could be speaking out of turn, but if a manager not wanting you at a club, not playing you if you stay because you're not deemed good enough and your wages are taking up budget that could be used for a better player, is now being held up as bullying... then football probably isn't the career some people should be choosing.

I think you're deliberately misrepresenting what the guy was saying there. The actual accusations of how he alleges  Robinson treated him are missing from your post. 

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16 hours ago, Casagolda said:

It’s an excellent video by Motherwell, shame it appears to have been hijacked by an ex player of Robinson’s from Oldham who’s using to sling some pretty serious accusations his way. 

Whilst I have sympathy with the boy if what he’s saying is true(there’s 2 sides to every story of course), by all means call Robinson out on it but go through the proper channels.

Doing it on twitter and labelling said video as ‘bollocks’ was surely not the time or the place. As always with social media, you’ve now got a lynch mob out wanting blood and with the boys tweet getting almost as much traction as Motherwell’s, the whole thing has now sadly started to overshadow what was an excellent initiative by the club.

Isn't the message of the video to speak out? That's exactly what the boy is doing. He rightly said he wouldn't have ever spoken out if it wasn't for the video and witnessing the 'hypocrisy' from your manager.

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There is speaking out which should be encouraged, then there is calling the video bollocks. Which seem to be the basis of the sensible posters points.

IF Robinson has done something wrong then he 100% deserves to be pulled up for it in the proper manner but as the way the world is nowadays we have people on social media making accusations without the need to back it up with facts.

The lad should have taken his complaint to Oldham or the English FA now he has the courage to do something about it.

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13 hours ago, Dee Man said:

I think you're deliberately misrepresenting what the guy was saying there. The actual accusations of how he alleges  Robinson treated him are missing from your post. 

Nope, I'm deliberately highlighting the ambiguity of what happened and the amount of opportunities for misrepresentation, and that using social media to air an unsubstantiated claim which then results in a witch-hunt when literally no-one knows what happened, is in effect bullying itself.

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Seems that Dundee fans have a particular interest in this (possibly non)issue. Not sure why. 
my interest is purely down to the fact its a great video highlighting a serious issue very personal to me. well down motherwell.

as for the allegations thrown about from the boy, despite the severity of them, i think its in very poor taste from him to use that platform to air his grievance with robinson. there is a time and a place and that certainly wasn't it.

hopefully more clubs folloe motherwells example here.
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3 hours ago, 18May1991 said:

Seems that Dundee fans have a particular interest in this (possibly non)issue. Not sure why. 

Why is it possibly a non-issue? Are you suggesting the guy made it up?

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BBC story:

Motherwell manager Stephen Robinson has refused to comment on allegations of bullying at former club Oldham.

A former player at Boundary Park, where Robinson worked from July 2016 to January 2017, made the claims on social media.

BBC Scotland understands the Fir Park club believe the tweets, made in response to a suicide prevention campaign, are defamatory.

"I can't talk about it at this moment in time," said Robinson.

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27 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

Stephen Robinson can bully whoever he wants as far as I'm concerned.

Shame you feel that way. May be tongue in cheek but this is sadly serious accusation.  

Most people have been bullied physically or verbally at some point in their lives.  I was verbally by a previous boss, but I just thought he was a dickhead and despite my anger at the time you move on.  Some people are not as thick-skinned.

Hopefully there is less in it than appears. I suspect the situation at Oldham - where if I recall Robbo received a death threat ! put him and others under quite a bit of pressure. There might be nothing or something in it. We will probably never know.



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