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2 hours ago, Al B said:

At it's essence it's just a pure example of if you have the ball, give it to someone wearing the same clothes as you. If you don't have the ball, don't stand next to people wearing different clothes.


Just chucking in my enjoyment of this as well. Fucking yes!

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On 8/7/2018 at 08:39, Casagolda said:


That was exactly my initial reaction.

I suppose it depends if Cadden/Bigi or someone leaves between now and Thursday but he’s exactly the type of player you could see Robinson bringing in.

A workhorse who covers a lot of ground but is ultimately fairly limited.  In saying that I noticed he scored 4 goals in 18 starts for Hearts in the league last season- which was more than Rose, Bigi, Grimshaw, McHugh etc managed in the league for us combined.

Still as I said, we’re overstocked with midfielders at the minute so unless one of them is leaving then I can’t see us bringing anyone else in. 

I've loads of time for Robinson and 'nuff respect for the relative stability he's brought after McGhee's freefall season and of course, the two cup finals but by f**k he's got a type...

You could pretty much script his quote in the press release now: "He's a big, strong, physical boy who'll give us competition for places in that area of the park." I wholeheartedly endorse and approve of our Thunderdome approach but it'd be nice if there was a bit of spark from a couple of signings now and again.

As far as the Callachan story goes it seems fairly easy to join the dots. Robinson said himself that until recently they had expected Bigi to leave the club (who knows, he may still be on his way if an offer comes in before the window slams shut), Cadden's someone we view as a sellable asset and while it had never really occurred to me at the time there's every chance a club down south might be willing to chuck us some cash for McHugh, Rose or Grimshaw.

Basically, it makes sense for us to have contingencies and I'd imagine that Callachan is a name on a list of landfill midfielders rather than someone we're actively pursuing or have an offer in for.

Looking at his goals for Hearts, two come from him breaking into the box and the one against Dundee is a nice finish. I'll not lie, the two goals he scored against Accies are the sort of thing I'd have hoped to have seen more of from both Cadden and Rose.

Anyway, according to the bold 'Flow we're hoping to have a defender in ahead of Saturday.

We're also apparently just shy of 4k STs...so that's nice.


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I saw the 4k season ticket thing somewhere else (it was a comparison of all the teams on twitter I think) - that must be the best for a long time and compared pretty favourably with clubs of our size...

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23 minutes ago, Swello said:

I saw the 4k season ticket thing somewhere else (it was a comparison of all the teams on twitter I think) - that must be the best for a long time and compared pretty favourably with clubs of our size...

Aye. Grant Russell was talking up the season tickets during his excellent turn on the podcast with @AndyRoss and the bold @Desp the other day.

The plan seemed to be to have another push this week with some #content but the gist was that the sales were going well...

I've not seen recent numbers for 'similar' sized clubs but as of July 15th #theDee were sat on 3100. That was up from 3000 on June 19th.

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Nearly 4000 season tickets is a very decent number. 

Which is why I will be scratching my head when our crowds are 4200 with 750 away fans. 

Basically it appears as if 15-20% of season ticket holders fail to turn up for every match. Maybe that is the norm with work, holidays, weddings etc etc. But it does seem a high number not attending v season tickets sold. 

Does not sound like it will be Aldred returning which I would have liked. In my opinion less of a risk as he is a known quantity. We shall wait and see......


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6 minutes ago, welldaft said:

Nearly 4000 season tickets is a very decent number. 

Which is why I will be scratching my head when our crowds are 4200 with 750 away fans. 

Basically it appears as if 15-20% of season ticket holders fail to turn up for every match. Maybe that is the norm with work, holidays, weddings etc etc. But it does seem a high number not attending v season tickets sold. 

Does not sound like it will be Aldred returning which I would have liked. In my opinion less of a risk as he is a known quantity. We shall wait and see......

I'd imagine it'd be down to juveniles tickets skewing things.

I've no idea what the breakdown of sales is but £20 a ticket for the season means it's pretty easy to sack off if you can't be arsed going along.

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Not sure why our fans our obsessed with bringing back Aldred, unless Robinson’s planning on switching from a back 3 then he’s not really what we need at all imho. 

We need guys with some pace/mobility to play either side of Hartley to make the back 3 work- as much as I like Aldred I reckon if you stuck him on the right of a back 3 where Kipre was he’d massively struggle.

He’s an old fashioned centre back who likes to head and kick things, not to be dragged out to the touch line up against some nippy winger.

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I can easily understand why people's first reaction is #announceAldred - as he came in last year unheralded, did a great job and would be a known quantity but I agree that it doesn't stand much scrutiny. The defence last year - by accident or design - was very well balanced and our first choice defenders were of different types and all played to their strengths. Assuming we want to re-create that this year - we need someone to be emulating the role played by Kipre and that wouldn't be Aldred....

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For avoidance of doubt I don't spend my day creeping on Burrows' Twitter feed (honestly) but I thought it was interesting that after Kipré left he implied that we were after a few players rather than just a straight one in, one out situation. A Hartley/Aldred-style loan would make sense to cover Dunne's injury and obviously Kipré needs replaced.

Am I wrong in thinking that 'a number of targets' and 'hopefully won't be long until they join us' sounds slightly more expansive than simply a replacement for Kipré and cover for Dunne?

Edit: re: Aldred there's obviously a certain logic that's understandable given how he performed last season and also the fact that half his Twitter mentions probably consist of Bury fans telling him to GTF (the other half being needy Motherwell fans begging him to sign up). It does seem strange that there's little consideration of whether he'd actually want to come back to FP.

It seems like there's a perception that all we have to do is offer him a contract and that'll be that.

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26 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

For avoidance of doubt I don't spend my day creeping on Burrows' Twitter feed (honestly) but I thought it was interesting that after Kipré left he implied that we were after a few players rather than just a straight one in, one out situation. A Hartley/Aldred-style loan would make sense to cover Dunne's injury and obviously Kipré needs replaced.

Am I wrong in thinking that 'a number of targets' and 'hopefully won't be long until they join us' sounds slightly more expansive than simply a replacement for Kipré and cover for Dunne?


Though doth protest too much. 

I would say two.  Unfortunately,  Hartley is now on the fragile list.   Bad enough with him struggling for fitness, we're gonna be in trouble if he breaks down.  

On other unrelated and totally speculative matters, Hibs fans are spending the McGinn money already. The majority would love to see Mulumbu at the club, other names mentioned are Cadden and Campbell, with a couple of wags ( rightfully ) pointing out that our support would go into meltdown if we sold them, Campbell.  

Would we meltdown if Cadden went there? Don't think so, if the money was right. 


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