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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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Does that really happen anymore?  I can't really imagine a scenario where if a OF fan can't get one of the 4800 on sale, they'll pick one up for the home end for them to sit on their hands.  It's 99% certain to be on the telly anyway. 
Happens at Accies all the time. Sadly, I think it's folk from within the club who dish out home end tickets to OF fans.
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59 minutes ago, ONeils4Oyarder said:

If anybody wants to make their eyes bleed...heres the **** discussing it...


One thing that has been blatantly obvious since the Big Liquidation is that Rangers supporters have become the most glass-jawed hyper-sensitive support going - and in Scotland, that's a pretty competitive field. There is literally no situation so insignificant that they can't fire up the badly phrased indignation anyway - it's fucking pathetic.

I read a piece recently that was ranking Premiership clubs in terms of the positive and negative feedback that their club twitter account gets - and I was initially surprised (given the quality of the club's output)  to see 'Well near the bottom of the table. I then realised that its probably the result of hordes of Rangers supporters still complaining about Lee McCulloch being hit with that stick.


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1 hour ago, Swello said:

 the result of hordes of Rangers supporters still complaining about Lee McCulloch being hit with that stick...

... and then us beating them in a semi-final, Bowman putting one on Cardoso's nose, Hartley laughing at it months later and then some weird shit about Hastie.

They really have picked up the victim baton from the Celtic fans and ran like f**k with it.  Still, they don't care that nobody likes them apparently :lol: 

I fucking detest the social media element of the Rangers support.  There's decent Rangers fans out there, of course there is, but the wee bellends who sit behind Rangers-themed twitter accounts, greetin' about fucking everything because they can't take it that Rangers don't win anything anymore - f**k every single one of them!  I sincerely hope the Rangers trophy drought goes on for a very, very, very long time and it causes pain to their empty, shitty lives. 

Edited by Desp
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28 minutes ago, Desp said:

but the wee bellends who sit behind a Rangers-themed twitter accounts, greetin' about fucking everything because they can't take it that Rangers don't win anything anymore

That's a bit unfair TBH - I always find the points made on twitter by people with user names like  Gazza_Loyal or *****hunter1690 to be very fair and balanced #WATP

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26 minutes ago, Desp said:

I fucking detest the social media element of the Rangers support.  There's decent Rangers fans out there, of course there is, but the wee bellends who sit behind a Rangers-themed twitter accounts, greetin' about fucking everything because they can't take it that Rangers don't win anything anymore - f**k every single of them!  I sincerely hope the Rangers trophy drought goes on for a very, very, very long time and it causes pain to their empty, shitty lives. 

Social media has definitely changed an element of their support and club for the worst. They seem to be forever seeking a need to try and play the victim card the way Celtic have always done, whilst at the same time maintaining their sense of entitlement. The ridiculous statements that they have put out over the last few years about any thing that they perceive as a wrong doing to them, no matter how miniscule it may be are testament to that and makes them look even more ridiculous than they already are. The playoff has scarred them for life, particular the social media bampots in their support and we saw a clear indication of that at the League Cup Semi Final in 2017 when they held up a banner about us "being on to misery" or something. Time was, they wouldn't even have acknowledged our support or club like that, but they are clearly rattled by us.

If only we could finally find a way to beat them in League matches, it might send a few of them over the edge!

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1 hour ago, Ron Aldo said:

Inject this rage into my veins.

I was just about to post the one with the craving for the Blue Pound :lol:

I was also amused by the comments predicting our club's demise, as if their club hadn't already died.

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27 minutes ago, ropy said:

Does this rule out free ticket initiatives like the last game of the season?

Wouldn't have thought so.  Considering the club claimed they shifted over 4000 tickets for the Livi game, we were lucky if 1500 were in that stand.

Could always split the stand in half like they've done before (Panathinaikos for example) if it's a low risk fixture like Ross County, Livingston etc. 

Either that or just offer ST holders the chance to bring a pal for hee-haw, as has happened before.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Brightside said:

Can't just be me, but see when they refer to themselves as "bears" I nearly snap my neck from cringing.

Isn't a bear a nickname for a big, hairy gay guy? 

The Pride march should be busy this year down Govan way.

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Referring to themselves as Bears is bad enough but they regularly refer to their female followers as 'Bearettes' on social media...they are a parody of themselves.

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Ahhh the blue pound.

I prefer mine to be slightly golden, but fair play.

I was just talking the other day about their seethe at us halving their allocation for the playoff game and that thread reads like a greatest hits of it.

Fellow bears, don't spend the blue pound outside of Ibrox, WATP.

Cringey c***s.

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