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Yep, the defence looked really composed today. Sondre's positioning was excellent and there was some great stuff from Ojala as well, who looked much more comfortable than against Dundee.

Add Mugabi and McGinley to that and it was a really solid performance.

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At one point we were lined up like a kabaddi team, it was fun.

Woolery definitely had his best game for us so far, he will come good.

Solholm just slotted in there like he'd been playing for us all season, and Ojala is looking better each week. Once mugabi realizes he can just run through people up the right wing he will be unstoppable.

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22 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

Really pleased for Toby today. Thought he looked good.

Aberdeen deciding to target Bevis through the air is one of the most entertaining bit of tactical decision making I've seen in a while.

Imagine looking at our set of monsters at the back and thinking "aye long balls are the move here".

17 minutes ago, rowsdower said:

Once mugabi realizes he can just run through people up the right wing he will be unstoppable.

His 70 yard lung burster at the end was truly a majestic sight. 

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1 hour ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

My bedroom is like one of those Russian troll bot farms right now.

Innuendo heavy territory 👆.

Overall fantastic win, no doubt aided by a toothless Aberdeen. Many of the unforced errors and stupidity seem to have been diminished which helps the blood pressure. Added to that the Dons were pretty much restricted to troubling Kelly with no more than he faced in his pre-match warm up with the keeper coach. At times it was played with the intensity of a pre-season game and far from a entertainment roller coaster. As pointed out. Sideways passes in the middle third and no playmaker certainly helped us. 

Maybe the game would have played out differently if Ramirez didn't miss that sitter in the first half but I doubt it. We will have to get used to having less of the ball even at home but that doesn't equate to points, just a perception of control and dominance.

Van Veen has already earned himself cult status before today but was one left hook and baw stamp of Broony away from having the South Stand named after him in the WS ballot.

Woolery's cross was a peach, still think there are composure and decision making issues. Speed is his gift but I noticed him continually bending over to catch his breath early on.

Tony joined in with the Shithousery, all game he continually noised up Brown and followed by a mischievous grin. Uber-shithouser Slattery had a fine game in the middle, GA seems to direct most of his sideline instructions his way. O'Hara decent performance. Would have been easier for Grimmy to score than miss. Ojala has grown into the role and was solid with Ragnar.

McGinley seems to have given up shitting it from 50-50's and it was a joy to watch Brown going arse over tit and Big Bevis, still reminds of me of Bambi standing for the first time often but that run at the end. He obviously recalls some of Grimmy's finest from RB and decided on a "hold my pint".

Edited by Kapowzer
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5 hours ago, Archie McSquackle said:

Yeah, I dropped a mate off in Hamilton and was back in Glasgow before they talked about anything other than Celtic.

I'm guessing very few people vote for players, particularly subs, so a few high votes for Goss can skew the averages. Crazy for him to be top-rated, in fact all of the scores are unrealistically low.

Was saying the exact same thing when I got back. I couldn't quite believe how long they talked about Celtic. Found myself shouting at the radio "how can I have reached fucking Fife and you're still talking about Celtic?!"

Really enjoyed that game today. We didn't see much of the ball but I never felt like Aberdeen were going to score. We were so solid at the back and the front three worked very hard. 

Declan Gallagher having his replacement score right in front of his face and Tony Watt sending Scott Brown back up the road fizzing is a good day's work for the Mighty.

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7 minutes ago, Mr Hahn said:

Declan Gallagher having his replacement score right in front of his face and Tony Watt sending Scott Brown back up the road fizzing is a good day's work for the Mighty.

I can picture him now, taking out his rage with a baseball bat on a whirlygig in the back garden of his granite flat.

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Between McPake's tear-stained "the better team lost" interview, Glass getting bent out of shape by KVV so much he was booked and one of his coaches sent off and just a general post-match Twitter search yesterday we're going to boil a lot of people's piss this season.

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59 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

Between McPake's tear-stained "the better team lost" interview, Glass getting bent out of shape by KVV so much he was booked and one of his coaches sent off and just a general post-match Twitter search yesterday we're going to boil a lot of people's piss this season.

Aye, it's not Thunderdome levels of savagery and brutality like everyone was crying about a couple of years back (see Rangers over Cardoso's wee nose bleed), more robustness and shithousery. 

The levels of seethe and head explosions it induces will be equally high though. Highly enjoyable innit?

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