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3 hours ago, Swello said:

I think this is fair (and something acknowledged by Burrows last night) - but I also don't think a disclaimer saying that fixtures weren't confirmed until 6pm today would have stopped the small group of folk gambling on a cheap flight.

Aye, I mean it's not unreasonable to expect that the info disseminated from the official channels should be able to be taken at face value and in good faith. Equally the CEO popping up 6 hours or whatever after the fact to say "Oh, by the way..." isn't a great look - especially from someone who's generally pretty switched on.

At best it's naive to make an assumption that fans aren't going to be idiots and tbqh given the number of roasters Burrows has in his mentions on a daily basis not considering that seems quite the misstep and in fairness he's admitted this and taken responsibility for it.

Who could have foreseen...

Equally though, if you're getting bent out of shape because you've jumped in two footed to make speculative plans based on the outcome of a 2 legged tie that doesn't involve us, doesn't complete until mid-July and a switch that might not even happen then...fucking hell.

Btw, a special shout out to the boy raging in the mentions that this is an outrage because..."tHe cOsT oF LivIng cRiSis".

Edited by capt_oats
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4 hours ago, one m in Motherwell said:

You’d hope that the folk moaning about booking travel for a fixture that, as yet, doesn’t even have a confirmed opponent exercise the same razor sharp common sense in other aspects of their lives.

Or do they tweet Flow to get a decision on what to wear when they get up each morning?

You get the impression that some of these guys must have got their heads stuck in a bin   by him at school or something cos they cannae wait to give him  grief for anything.

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22 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

This isn't "a say on day-to-day runnings" though, it's expecting that if a club is owned by their supporters then the supporters should be consulted and/or informed about things that are to do with the supporters. It's not like I'm suggesting they should have held a vote on whether to lay a new pitch.

That's where this lead. Giveth an inch... etc

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1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

This isn't "a say on day-to-day runnings" though, it's expecting that if a club is owned by their supporters then the supporters should be consulted and/or informed about things that are to do with the supporters. It's not like I'm suggesting they should have held a vote on whether to lay a new pitch.

Given the departure of our recent Head of Comms and the delay in getting a replacement, I see it as a simple but careless error. Unsure why someone unconnected to the club is getting so bent out of shape over it though?! 

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Oh...some more quotes from what seems to be the same press conference.

"we want to bring the numbers down slightly again" do we? That's interesting given some of the regular comments last season.


"But we’re still looking to improve because there are still a couple of positions we need to strengthen.

“There were maybe eight or nine players left at the end of last season.

"We had an extremely big squad when we joined, which we trimmed down last summer, and we want to bring the numbers down slightly again to a more workable group, but without exposing ourselves.

"We’re looking to improve anyway, regardless of a couple of holes in our squad. We just need the right quality in the right positions to give us a bit of variety for certain games, tactical games, or opposition.

"We always think it's good to bring in a bit of fresh blood, fresh faces and a bit more competition.

“Sometimes over the course of a season people settle in where they stand in the squad, and I think it’s good to re-set that by bring in some new faces, so no-one knows where they stand again.

"I think you have to be able to play and train with that pressure as a player, but sometimes you have to create it by bringing in new players."


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Given the departure of our recent Head of Comms and the delay in getting a replacement, I see it as a simple but careless error. Unsure why someone unconnected to the club is getting so bent out of shape over it though?! 

I'm commenting on it because it's part of a very long recent pattern of clubs only being interested in their supporters when they are trying to squeeze money out of them. As an advocate of more fan-ownership in our game, it's particularly concerning to me that even fan-owned clubs seek to be able to do this without consequence.
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15 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

Oh...some more quotes from what seems to be the same press conference.

"we want to bring the numbers down slightly again" do we? That's interesting given some of the regular comments last season.

I'm sure we ran with a slightly larger squad last year to cover losing players to covid / close contacts etc? I'd be quite happy to see us try run with a smaller but higher quality squad. 

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11 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

I'm commenting on it because it's part of a very long recent pattern of clubs only being interested in their supporters when they are trying to squeeze money out of them. As an advocate of more fan-ownership in our game, it's particularly concerning to me that even fan-owned clubs seek to be able to do this without consequence.

I certainly don’t see this being a deliberate attempt to mislead and has been explained by AB as an error in judgement and the additional consequence of him being on a flight home from holiday when said tweet was sent by the club. 

There’s a lot of things that can be levelled against Motherwell but fleecing their own fans is most definitely not one of them! 

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Just now, CoF said:

I'm sure we ran with a slightly larger squad last year to cover losing players to covid / close contacts etc? I'd be quite happy to see us try run with a smaller but higher quality squad. 

Yeah, that was mentioned at the start of the season.

Going back to when Alexander got the job he stated his preference was to run with a smaller squad so this in itself is hardly a revelation. It's just mildly interesting in a bigger picture sense.

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49 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

I'm commenting on it because it's part of a very long recent pattern of clubs only being interested in their supporters when they are trying to squeeze money out of them. As an advocate of more fan-ownership in our game, it's particularly concerning to me that even fan-owned clubs seek to be able to do this without consequence.


36 minutes ago, Handsome John said:

There’s a lot of things that can be levelled against Motherwell but fleecing their own fans is most definitely not one of them! 

I would echo what HJ said above but also, there's a limit to where consultation is really needed at a micro level. Being balloted just because the club might want to move a fixture is unnecessary and would be an example of the kind of boardroom bureaucracy fan ownership is designed to counteract I'd say. And as many other folk have pointed out, the fans who booked travel don't even know who we are playing yet - they took the risk. Uefa also marks the dates as provisional on their website as fxtures are subject to change.

You seem to have a weird fixation with our media team btw - life's too short, eh?

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The mistake was announcing the dates before the UEFA deadline for changes today. There was no advantage to the club to post the dates early, they just had a brain fart.

I think apologizing to everyone individually is taking it a bit far.

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1 hour ago, Handsome John said:

I certainly don’t see this being a deliberate attempt to mislead and has been explained by AB as an error in judgement and the additional consequence of him being on a flight home from holiday when said tweet was sent by the club. 

There’s a lot of things that can be levelled against Motherwell but fleecing their own fans is most definitely not one of them! 

I don't think it's a deliberate attempt to mislead and haven't ever said so, I just found it surprising that it was overlooked. I'm sure ticket prices for Motherwell have risen as sharply as they have everywhere else in recent years, to the point where I'll be expecting to pay £25+ at every away ground this season. If that's not fleecing fans then I don't know what is. It's not a Motherwell-specific issue, it was just a manifestation of the issue which happened to be related to your club on this occasion.

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33 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

I don't think it's a deliberate attempt to mislead and haven't ever said so, I just found it surprising that it was overlooked. I'm sure ticket prices for Motherwell have risen as sharply as they have everywhere else in recent years, to the point where I'll be expecting to pay £25+ at every away ground this season. If that's not fleecing fans then I don't know what is. It's not a Motherwell-specific issue, it was just a manifestation of the issue which happened to be related to your club on this occasion.

I think Motherwell are a good example of a club that based on Social Media output gives the impression of being a bigger organisation than they are in reality. In this case, there is a lot less to it than meets the eye - Burrows was on holiday (and if his twitter is to be believed, stuck 5 feet from the 'pan for the duration) and due to a lack of forethought or planning in his absence, they made an arse of communicating the possibility of switching the tie (or were blindsided that folk were actually booking travel at this point). It's uncharacteristically amateur for the club these days but it's not symptomatic of some bigger problem IMO.

I agree that fans in general can be an afterthought (VAR was my main gripe in that regard as 'Well consulted really badly on that along with every other club) and that away pricing is s total joke now - but without being sycophantic about it, Motherwell are very near the top of the list when it comes to treating supporters fairly and it would be a bit mental to forget the genuinely good stuff because of this current storm in a teacup.

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