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6 minutes ago, Richie said:

Motherwell were massively overspending on Dempster's watch were they not?

Like everyone, everywhere she goes.

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I kind of thought that was still because John Boyle was still involved really. Like I say, I wasn't really paying attention 10-15 years ago. Too busy going out and having fun in my late 20s/early 30s....now clearly have too much time on my hands and know too much of our internal workings as enter my 40s. Evidenced by me typing this on a Saturday night at this time 😁

 Just reading there she's apparently resigning to focus on health due to a cancer scare. Best wishes to her.

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39 minutes ago, eliphas said:

I have to say, I wasn't paying much attention at the time to the behind the scenes stuff when she was chief exec but was that not quite a successful period, still John Boyle time though, and she basically mentored and fast tracked Alan Burrows in to place? Or have I only seen the headlines?  

32 minutes ago, Richie said:

Motherwell were massively overspending on Dempster's watch were they not?

Dunno about overspending but we were posting six figure losses while we were finishing 2nd so....something wasn't right.

IIRC that was less about overspending per se and more her interesting approach to player bonuses. I dunno the ins and outs but was it not a bit of a Blue Monday situation? It was actually costing us money to be "successful" because we were having to dish out bonuses.

I seem to remember we were also budgeting for cup runs so as soon as we get knocked out in the early rounds by lower league clubs like Albion Rovers and Rangers that was us fucked.

I guess you can also point to the amount of talent that walked out the door for free or buttons in comparison with what's become our business model recently.

I posted our P&L figures last month when Motherwell Twitter was getting bent out of shape about McMahon making an entirely stating the obvious comment that we needed significant investment to remain competitive and it's of note here.

We finished 3rd in 11/12 and 2nd in 12/13 & 13/14 Dempster was Chief Exec from Sept 2008 and June 2014 so a net loss of £1,112,607 during her time? our league finishes were 7th, 5th, 6th3rd, 2nd & 2nd plus 1 SC cup final and 1 LC semi-final in the 10/11 season (hence the profit):

On 19/12/2023 at 18:51, capt_oats said:

Just to throw this in, here's a list of our published financial figures going back to 2005/06:

05/06: £50,000
06/07: £7,000 
07/08: £380,000
08/09: (£704,000)
09/10: £18,884
10/11: £541,863
11/12: (£600,000)
12/13: (£184,500)
13/14: (£184,854)
14/15: (£1,150,000)
15/16: (£412,000)
16/17: (£104,000)
17/18: £1,720,000
18/19: (£436,000)
19/20: £346,590
20/21: £3,575,615
21/22: (£1,082,000

Cleary we know we're posting a loss again when this year's accounts are published but looking at this in a very basic way:

Profits: £6,639,952
Losses: (£4,857,354)

Net profit = £1,782,598

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48 minutes ago, Richie said:

Motherwell were massively overspending on Dempster's watch were they not?


Budgeted for top 6, good cup runs and player transfers. Completely unsustainable as soon as we have or had one or two seasons where all those things don’t come together.  Let’s face it rarely do those 3 come together even with very good and expensively assembled Motherwell teams.

The Q is how much of this strategy was completely down to her alone. The answer is even as CEO this would need overall Board approval. 

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I've always wondered about the lack of any major sales back then. Did we never get the bids we anticipated or did we just decide we weren't arsed about making money and decided to keep the team together? 

You would genuinely expect to get about £10m between Randolph, Law, Murphy, Hutchinson, Humphrey, Reynolds, Higdon and Ojamaa nowadays. 

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Not taking the piss here, but they mistakenly gave him the goal. Think he ended up with the assist. 

Yer standard last minute goalmouth scramble from the clip. 

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Not sure what’s more shocking, Wilkinson not actually scoring the goal or the prospect of it being entirely predictable and believable that an absolute jobber who couldn’t hack it up here goes down to some no mark team in a no mark league and starts banging them in anyway despite said leagues fans looking down on Scottish fitba. 

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31 minutes ago, MearnsWell said:

Entirely ambivalent towards the bold Curtis but I have to say watching him and Bad News Bowman utterly ragdoll Aberdeen at Hampden is an entertaining 6 mins and 33 seconds of a Sunday.

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9 minutes ago, Gianfranco said:

Main would probably work well with Mika but it’s a no thanks from me. There’s other areas that are the priority.

I agree. Would be better than we currently have but not the answer either.

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17 minutes ago, ropy said:

Probably him then 

Controversially starting on the right.

Grealish subdued by another Motherwell right back.

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If you'd asked me at most points after his initial purple patch I'd have said Main was a total huddy but he seems to have refined his game a bit at the Maureens.  My heart says Theo has nailed down the position behind Mika for the foreseeable but Main is probably dependable enough to challenge him more than Shaw or Obika will.

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