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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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We have signed nothing of any quality yet, and I doubt we will. This is a lower Championship side at best and that is where we are headed.  

3 seasons of garbage. 

New owners brought some light relief during the week but they can't kick a football either.


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15 minutes ago, Saintdunc said:

We have signed nothing of any quality yet, and I doubt we will. This is a lower Championship side at best and that is where we are headed.  

3 seasons of garbage. 

New owners brought some light relief during the week but they can't kick a football either.


No it’s fucking not 😂 The absolute knicker wetting by saints fans is hilarious you’re making RG seem wonderfully positive with that statement. 

Had it been good enough, no. Is the squad where we want it to be, no, would we win the Championship with the squad we have, I’d say yes and comfortably so. We might not be good, but there’s 5/6 other top flight teams who can all say that. As Tam is saying we’ll get new players in and it’ll take time to get the ones we want. I’m totally ok with giving the youngsters a chance too, they deserve it. Is there people in our squad who need shipped out, yes but again you need to find someone to take them it’s not that easy. For all we know we’ve got offers out to 4/5 first choice players, but the way we’re doing business hides that. 

But lower championship, give me fucking strength. 😂

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I get raging at times with the football when we're pathetically shite. 

Right now though 🤷‍♂️ I'm fine with whatever. 

Save the rage for if/when we are indeed rubbish on the pitch rather than being angry at the prospect of us being rubbish before we've actually failed 😂

Edited by SJFCtheTeamForMe
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The strongest 11 does involve some square pegs in round holes but at least we're going into these matches with more than 8 senior outfield players fit. Last season felt like a disaster waiting to happen whereas a few high quality signings (which the now increased budget will make a bit easier) and we'll have a much better chance of success this season. 

Happy enough with where we are. I don't think we'd made a single signing by this stage last year, at least this time we can focus in on certain players and positions rather than having to scattergun and hoping 

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2 hours ago, Saintdunc said:

We have signed nothing of any quality yet, and I doubt we will. This is a lower Championship side at best and that is where we are headed.  

3 seasons of garbage. 

New owners brought some light relief during the week but they can't kick a football either.


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1 hour ago, Widge said:

No it’s fucking not 😂 The absolute knicker wetting by saints fans is hilarious you’re making RG seem wonderfully positive with that statement. 

Why do I keep getting brought up? I've been fairly positive this Summer 😂

49 minutes ago, Kyle said:

I don't think we'd made a single signing by this stage last year.

We signed Mitov before the first competitive game last season, a year ago tomorrow.

We then waited a week for Jephcott, then 2 weeks later, a few days before the first league game, we signed our 3rd in McClelland. 

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Respectfully, Saintdunc is getting on my last nerve. This is the type of negative small-town mentality that the ambitious American financial mogul Adam Webb will have to contend with for the first time in his life. 

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I'd have started MacPherson and Sprangler but obviously excited to see Essel.

Remember the excitement seeing this new high tempo, high press MacLean team this time a year ago.

Please, Saints, give us some cause for optimism today.

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I just want a solid win where players look competent tbh. Excitement etc., can come later. 

Just get through this group and try and get some momentum.

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3 hours ago, Saintdunc said:

We have signed nothing of any quality yet, and I doubt we will. This is a lower Championship side at best and that is where we are headed.  

3 seasons of garbage. 

New owners brought some light relief during the week but they can't kick a football either.


Harsh..........................................but fair.

Thank you.

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