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Edinburgh City

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Starting to become an established side now. Time to climb the table.

Serious question but do Edinburgh City fans think that McDonaugh is the man to kick the club onto climbing the table? Or are you set for another season like this one where you are changing manager early doors?
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Serious question but do Edinburgh City fans think that McDonaugh is the man to kick the club onto climbing the table? Or are you set for another season like this one where you are changing manager early doors?

Whatever he does he can have Alex Harris for the title charge.
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3 hours ago, Waspie said:

Well done on staying up. Already doing considerably better than the 1930's City. Hopefully you can kick on and climb the table next season. Any word on Meadowbank since City said the plans were shite?

i notice that there's a meeting of various concerned parties at Meadowbank Church on Wednesday. Whether this will lead to a pressure group to sway the Council we'll have to wait and see. Maybe we should just change the club's name to Edinburgh Hotel and Student Accomodation FC as we might get a more sympathetic hearing from the Council. 

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Serious question but do Edinburgh City fans think that McDonaugh is the man to kick the club onto climbing the table? Or are you set for another season like this one where you are changing manager early doors?

Yeah I’ve definitely got faith in him, there were enough signs during the season for me to believe in what he’s trying to do. The switch from full time coach to part time manager must be tricky and in the end he handled it well.

Actually quite intrigued to see what he does over the summer in terms of recruitment and whether we can actually hit the ground running next season.
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3 hours ago, tamthebam said:

i notice that there's a meeting of various concerned parties at Meadowbank Church on Wednesday. Whether this will lead to a pressure group to sway the Council we'll have to wait and see. Maybe we should just change the club's name to Edinburgh Hotel and Student Accomodation FC as we might get a more sympathetic hearing from the Council. 

Serious question but apart from the City directors and fans is there really any other concerned parties about the redevelopment of Meadowbank.

If you wern't connected with City and a Edinburgh Council taxpayer would you really be wanting to Council to build an SPFL compliant stadium on the site when the money could be directed at other things?

The days of big athletics meetings have long since gone and it appears as if the council want to turn Meadowbank into more of a participation centre for the athletics rather than a spectator one, I would imagine they also get more folk using the sports centre every fortnight than go through the gates for a City game. 

Would the "non football minded" not be more concerned  about the student flats being built there rather than the stadium itself?

In an era of public service cutback it seems a hard sell for the council to favour one football team in their area.

Edited by cowdenbeath
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1 hour ago, cowdenbeath said:

Serious question but apart from the City directors and fans is there really any other concerned parties about the redevelopment of Meadowbank.

If you wern't connected with City and a Edinburgh Council taxpayer would you really be wanting to Council to build an SPFL compliant stadium on the site when the money could be directed at other things?

The days of big athletics meetings have long since gone and it appears as if the council want to turn Meadowbank into more of a participation centre for the athletics rather than a spectator one, I would imagine they also get more folk using the sports centre every fortnight than go through the gates for a City game. 

Would the "non football minded" not be more concerned  about the student flats being built there rather than the stadium itself?

In an era of public service cutback it seems a hard sell for the council to favour one football team in their area.

"The days of big athletics meetings have long since gone" - really? It seems that athletics are never off the TV - there's been rather a large event going on for the last week or two in Australia. And if you meant "long since gone from Edinburgh" that's probably because Meadowbank is such a shithole. If a new state of the art stadium was built the big meetings would soon return.

As for the student flats being more of a concern, the planned height of them has caused a stushie.  Mainly from the folk who live nearby, but then they're the ones that would be affected.

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1 hour ago, GordonD said:

"The days of big athletics meetings have long since gone" - really? It seems that athletics are never off the TV - there's been rather a large event going on for the last week or two in Australia. And if you meant "long since gone from Edinburgh" that's probably because Meadowbank is such a shithole. If a new state of the art stadium was built the big meetings would soon return.

As for the student flats being more of a concern, the planned height of them has caused a stushie.  Mainly from the folk who live nearby, but then they're the ones that would be affected.

Aye I was meaning from Edinburgh the council seemed to give up on the idea of wanting them as you say they let Meadowbank get run down and anything in Scotland goes to either Glasgow or Grangemouth.

I was trying to give the thoughts on what folk in Edinburgh who don't follow football would maybe think of the development.

As I said it looks like the council are going down the participation route with the site rather than the spectator one and no doubt pocketing a few quid for the sale of the excess land which I presume will pay for the redevelopment.

I would imagine there would be more complaints about the size of the flats rather than the stadium on being up to standard for the SPFL.

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9 hours ago, cowdenbeath said:

Serious question but apart from the City directors and fans is there really any other concerned parties about the redevelopment of Meadowbank.

If you wern't connected with City and a Edinburgh Council taxpayer would you really be wanting to Council to build an SPFL compliant stadium on the site when the money could be directed at other things?

The days of big athletics meetings have long since gone and it appears as if the council want to turn Meadowbank into more of a participation centre for the athletics rather than a spectator one, I would imagine they also get more folk using the sports centre every fortnight than go through the gates for a City game. 

Would the "non football minded" not be more concerned  about the student flats being built there rather than the stadium itself?

In an era of public service cutback it seems a hard sell for the council to favour one football team in their area.

The Council saw fit to put money into the stadium we currently play at, that being the Council Facility at Ainslie Park. Funds for which were partly raised by selling off council land at City Park.  The Edinburgh Rugby franchise have similarly sniffed about looking for a suitable venue to play at for years, which would have been the proposed stadium at Sighthill had that come off. 

I believe there is a bit of nimbyism of local residents regarding the student flats being built on the site.  As an Edinburgh resident I feel priced out of the housing market and feel annoyed at student flats and hotels being built in the centre of the city rather than affordable flats for residents. Especially when you see the number of rough sleepers/beggars about the place. 

And it wasn't just Edinburgh City that played at Meadowbank- you're forgetting about Leith Athletic who seem to have thought they would share the new stadium with us. 



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14 hours ago, tamthebam said:

The Council saw fit to put money into the stadium we currently play at, that being the Council Facility at Ainslie Park. Funds for which were partly raised by selling off council land at City Park.  The Edinburgh Rugby franchise have similarly sniffed about looking for a suitable venue to play at for years, which would have been the proposed stadium at Sighthill had that come off. 

I believe there is a bit of nimbyism of local residents regarding the student flats being built on the site.  As an Edinburgh resident I feel priced out of the housing market and feel annoyed at student flats and hotels being built in the centre of the city rather than affordable flats for residents. Especially when you see the number of rough sleepers/beggars about the place. 

And it wasn't just Edinburgh City that played at Meadowbank- you're forgetting about Leith Athletic who seem to have thought they would share the new stadium with us. 



Don't know the ins and outs of Ainslie Park and its ownership but as a neutral I would have to say all the community stuff Spartans do will have had a lot to do with any money that the Council has put in. You have to take your hat of to Spartans with all that stuff in a deprived area of the City.

I would agree with you about the housing you do see more rough sleepers and beggars than you used to and obviously affordable housing is needed but land in the City Centre is alway going to be sold for top dollar, maybe not right but sadly the way things are.

And I didn't forget about Leith I was thinking the new stadium would be suitable for the EOSL so they wouldn't have as much of a problem with it as City do.

Anyway just thought I would fire the question. No doubt bump into you at a game some where, well done on staying up.


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Guest Landan Spiv
On 15/04/2018 at 13:19, tamthebam said:

i notice that there's a meeting of various concerned parties at Meadowbank Church on Wednesday. Whether this will lead to a pressure group to sway the Council we'll have to wait and see. Maybe we should just change the club's name to Edinburgh Hotel and Student Accomodation FC as we might get a more sympathetic hearing from the Council. 

I shall be attending that meeting along with a couple of others just to listen in. I've said from day dot that City and Leith Athletic were going to be shafted out of any deal regarding the football facility. There was not a single mention of Edinburgh City fc or leith athletic in any of the initial proposals. What I'm grasping  is that Edinburgh city Council do not want football there at all. We're not profitable to them we're clearly seen as some sort of hindrance. It would break my heart if we don't move back, yes we weren't originally from there however the "modern" version of City was built at Meadowbank and created history there. To me Meadowbank is our home. We played there a long time. I really couldn't care if Tarquin and Matilda the students want a plum facility to do their "squats" in. We deserve a good deal, we've played ball with the council ever since moving in there. 

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56 minutes ago, Landan Spiv said:

I shall be attending that meeting along with a couple of others just to listen in. I've said from day dot that City and Leith Athletic were going to be shafted out of any deal regarding the football facility. There was not a single mention of Edinburgh City fc or leith athletic in any of the initial proposals. What I'm grasping  is that Edinburgh city Council do not want football there at all. We're not profitable to them we're clearly seen as some sort of hindrance. It would break my heart if we don't move back, yes we weren't originally from there however the "modern" version of City was built at Meadowbank and created history there. To me Meadowbank is our home. We played there a long time. I really couldn't care if Tarquin and Matilda the students want a plum facility to do their "squats" in. We deserve a good deal, we've played ball with the council ever since moving in there. 

That's what it seems like, as I said yesterday it seems like they want it more as a participation centre rather than a spectator one. I think whats on offer would be good enough for Leith in the EOSL.

In the council's side of the argument they would probably say that the original stadium was never built to host football which really just fell into the place by default when Ferranti were looking for a ground and that could be perhaps their "get out of jail card" on the subject.

Will be interesting to see what happens at the meeting.




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1 minute ago, cowdenbeath said:

That's what it seems like, as I said yesterday it seems like they want it more as a participation centre rather than a spectator one. I think whats on offer would be good enough for Leith in the EOSL.

In the council's side of the argument they would probably say that the original stadium was never built to host football which really just fell into the place by default when Ferranti were looking for a ground and that could be perhaps their "get out of jail card" on the subject.

Will be interesting to see what happens at the meeting.




Surely City must have some "tenancy" rights under Scottish law, which protects them IF the new ground doesn't meet the required SPFL standards ?  One for the lawyers.........

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20 minutes ago, Robert James said:

Surely City must have some "tenancy" rights under Scottish law, which protects them IF the new ground doesn't meet the required SPFL standards ?  One for the lawyers.........

No idea one for one of the City fans to answer.

Depends how long their lease was for I would imagine, the ground is still going to be there in some form so I the council could say their offering them a facility. As they were a non league side when they 1st went there I don't think the SPFL standard thing would stand up.


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Guest Landan Spiv

Hi all, 

Attended the save Meadowbank public meeting earlier this evening. I can honestly say  that apart from two if the councillors who spoke that they really do not give a toss about local residents concerns nor the concerns of Edinburgh city football club. The whole thing is an absolute farce. Two of the councillors were caught out blatantly lying about the land being sold off already. I am very doubtful we will move back to Meadowbank now even if we lobby the council like mad. It'll fall on deaf ears. The councillors and MSPs that were asked to turn up didn't bother so other councillors and MSPs and a local resident took the seats on the stage instead. My pal next to me who was wearing and Edinburgh city shirt and wanted to have his say was constantly ignored and never got a chance to speak eventhough he was seen with his hand up on many occasions. The whole thing is farcical. As a fan of the club I am very disappointed of the outcome tonight but I'm sure the good people who run  our club will keep on lobbying the council to get us a good deal but as I said I think they've made their mind up. We're not wanted in my opinion simple as that. The bloke who spoke from leith athletic as well was dismissed pretty quickly so someone else could ask a question. Feel sorry for leith athletic as well here. 

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8 hours ago, Landan Spiv said:

Hi all, 

Attended the save Meadowbank public meeting earlier this evening. I can honestly say  that apart from two if the councillors who spoke that they really do not give a toss about local residents concerns nor the concerns of Edinburgh city football club. The whole thing is an absolute farce. Two of the councillors were caught out blatantly lying about the land being sold off already. I am very doubtful we will move back to Meadowbank now even if we lobby the council like mad. It'll fall on deaf ears. The councillors and MSPs that were asked to turn up didn't bother so other councillors and MSPs and a local resident took the seats on the stage instead. My pal next to me who was wearing and Edinburgh city shirt and wanted to have his say was constantly ignored and never got a chance to speak eventhough he was seen with his hand up on many occasions. The whole thing is farcical. As a fan of the club I am very disappointed of the outcome tonight but I'm sure the good people who run  our club will keep on lobbying the council to get us a good deal but as I said I think they've made their mind up. We're not wanted in my opinion simple as that. The bloke who spoke from leith athletic as well was dismissed pretty quickly so someone else could ask a question. Feel sorry for leith athletic as well here. 

Strikes me that they've perfidiously went about doing what they've wanted to do for 10 years now. They've always wanted to sell that land off and now they're doing it a little bit at a time. What baffles me that the thing they're replacing it with is more student housing. Considering the amount of it getting built in Leith and Tollcross areas, how much more do they actually fucking need?

What would your options be? I'd imagine you'd be wanting to look elsewhere rather than staying at Spartans beyond your two year lease?

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