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Things You Have Never Done

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I have never crossed the equator so the joy of seeing water go round the wrong way has eluded me.

I have never been to a Casino so have missed out on the joy of losing what little money I have.

I have never been in a helicopter. I was offered a birl in one but chose instead to watch Scotland thrash the Faroes 6-0.

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Watched star wars/trek. Had fish and chips.  Experienced anal (as giver/taker). Also never seen full episode of top gear, Been on a lads holiday to restort etc although been on stags, amsterdam, football trips.  Oddly I have been to a Scotland game but not an England one, nor likely too.

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I have never crossed the equator so the joy of seeing water go round the wrong way has eluded me.

I have never been to a Casino so have missed out on the joy of losing what little money I have.

I have never been in a helicopter. I was offered a birl in one but chose instead to watch Scotland thrash the Faroes 6-0.


This isn't true. I've just saved you a journey that was destined to end in disappointment.

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What an absolutely bizarre thing to say.




When philpy first joined this forum he responded to some ribbing over pish posts by claiming he had autism.  He then subsequently admitted that he made it up to gain sympathy.


Not the worst thing anyone has ever done on P&B and rare that people own up to their mistakes.  

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- Been on a 'ladz' holiday

- Drank alcohol

- Been inside an Aldi

- Been to a football match abroad 

- Been to a concert

- Been in a real fight (though I used to lash out quite a bit during lunchtime football matches)

- Swung a punch at a Rangers player on the pitch after the Scottish Cup final

- Been at a Church service

- Been to Wales

- Been to a gym (like with running machines and stuff)

- Been overweight

- Ridden a skateboard

- Played on the wing in an 11 a-side football match (I have however played in goals most of my life and LB, RB, CB, CM and upfront for the school team yonks ago)

- Played Rugby

- Voted for the Communist Party (my Great Granny did and would be raging at me)

- Walked up a mountain of notable size

- Worn trainers with no socks, and that bit of ankle showing

- Kept a job for over a year

- Been to a wedding

- Tweeted Katie Hopkins

- Been arrested/lifted

- Taken any form of illegal drugs/smoked 


I'm a great laugh and have lots of friends....



Edited by Sonsteam of 08
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I've never -

Been to London

Been in a hot air balloon

Witnessed any salmon swimming up that fecking ladder at Pitlochry

Driven a motorbike

Ate a mushroom

Broken a bone

Been called for jury service

Owned a tool box

Learned to knit

Drank Bovril indoors

Been arrested

Owned a games console since the Sega Megadrive

Shat on a plane

Had a fake tan or been on a sun bed

Seen a Chiropractor

Ate pâté

Been entitled to any PPI money

Been jogging or dogging

Had any savings

Played cricket

Had anything pierced

Driven on the other side of the road in a different country

Bought a pair of curtains

Changed a tyre

Visited any of the Scottish Islands

Been inside a betting shop

Ate black pudding

Read a Harry Potter book

Dyed my hair

Bought skinny jeans

There's probably more though.

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- Been on a 'ladz' holiday

- Drank alcohol

- Been inside an Aldi

- Been to a football match abroad 

- Been to a concert

- Been in a real fight (though I used to lash out quite a bit during lunchtime football matches)

- Swung a punch at a Rangers player on the pitch after the Scottish Cup final

- Been at a Church service

- Been to Wales

- Been to a gym (like with running machines and stuff)

- Been overweight

- Ridden a skateboard

- Played on the wing in an 11 a-side football match (I have however played in goals most of my life and LB, RB, CB, CM and upfront for the school team yonks ago)

- Played Rugby

- Voted for the Communist Party (my Great Granny did and would be raging at me)

- Walked up a mountain of notable size

- Worn trainers with no socks, and that bit of ankle showing

- Kept a job for over a year

- Been to a wedding

- Tweeted Katie Hopkins

- Been arrested/lifted

- Taken any form of illegal drugs/smoked 


I'm a great laugh and have lots of friends....




I'm gonnae get you full of ching and bevvy at an away game next season.

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Listen bawbag, it's quite funny when posters (usually those who started it) mention after I mention my wife, marriage or whatever. However, no mention of her there ya wee tadger. Next you'll be asking me if I can turn it down... Go figure :lol:

Wee fannies thinking they're comedians... :lol:



Lads holidays were amazing back in the day!! No idea why people think they are horrendous. 2 weeks in the sun with your best mates, plenty of single burds, plenty of shagging, plenty of boozing and plenty of good music! If anything a major regret in life is settling down at 21 years old and missing a couple of lads holidays as a result! Made the most of it when I was single again :lol:

Things I have never done, played Nerd games such as Call of Duty, watched or read any Harry Potter, and watched or read anything to do with Marvel! Never watched any Star Wars of Star Trek. Basically Nerdy things I have never partaken in...

Also, have never taken any illegal drugs or "legal" highs. That's for idiots...


Did ye aye?

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Do you not get bored going out getting drunk every night?  Also, with a group of friends you can't really go off and spend any time doing anything else, I'd find that a bit stifling.  It's all personal though, it's just not something I'd want to do.  Maybe when I was younger but I couldn't really afford it.


It probably says more about me than anyone else haha

Edited by ICTChris
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  1. Entered the kingdom of Narnia via the wardrobe.  I always get claustrophobic long before I find the secret passageway

  2. Had lunch with a mad hatter or a Cheshire cat

Been abducted by aliens

Played an active role in a time travel paradox – although maybe I have and just don’t know it

Played golf in my pyjamas

Taken a surfboard on the Glasgow underground

Read poetry at a KKK annual convention

Sang Waltzing Matilda in German

Wrestled with a  sabre tooth tiger

Asked my friends why they keep making these suggestions

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I've never used Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or Tinder.

I've never tried drugs other than cannabis and that was one time over a decade ago.

I've never been arrested.

I've never broken a bone.

Until last Wednesday I'd never had an operation.

I've never had a filling in my teeth.

I've never been able to dive.

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