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Just now, The Tedi said:


It`s simple really (1) I said I would accept to it and have to stick to it (2) I am willing to accept the word of a much respected law lord, who is much more learned than you or I and is also not consumed with years of hatred and prejudice over a fitbaw team.

Guess I am just built that way, maybe one day you will learn to let go and see the world as we do.

I hate to break this Ted, but your or my acceptance or otherwise of the ruling is not desperately significant. 

I absolutely fail to accept it, but all I am and can do about it, is shout into this empty room.


I'm afraid I don't care if you made any pledges before the judgement.  It doesn't mean that its merits cannot still be examined.

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3 minutes ago, The Tedi said:


It`s simple really (1) I said I would accept to it and have to stick to it (2) I am willing to accept the word of a much respected law lord, who is much more learned than you or I and is also not consumed with years of hatred and prejudice over a fitbaw team.

Guess I am just built that way, maybe one day you will learn to let go and see the world as we do.

I wouldn't expect you to be in support of title stripping.  You are, after all, a football supporter who's ultimate desire is to see your team be successful.  

Is there no part of you that looks back on that era and has even a hint of doubt about the rationale and credibility of not disclosing the payments to the authorities?  Especially when the examples can be given of clubs being expelled from competitions for entirely trivial matters.

I have no particular desire to see title stripping, to my mind what's done is done and ultimately nothing can change that. But you surely can recognise that this was a hugely grey area as to what constitutes 'unfair competitive advantage' in the eyes of the law/football laws, and that the moral argument is a much more simplistic one.

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Just now, The Tedi said:

I know Monks, I am only messing with you, keep up good fight.

I will.

Hey, it's just been like the old days.

I do actually remember you being nervous about the ruling, anticipating the same outcome as most posters.  I think though that by that time, after the EBTs had initially been adjudged ok, the tide had shifted and it was likely the titles would stay put.

I think they should have been removed and I'm not even convinced you necessarily believe otherwise.  The verdict obviously suited you better than me though.

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3 minutes ago, The Tedi said:

This is P & B, you see what Rangers fans have to put up with on here, sensible discussion is simply a no go area.

Nah I will continue to get called a bigot, pedo, *** and whatever witty banter that you all seem to find acceptable debate.  So I will continue to keep whatever feelings I have to myself and respond with the off Nacho Novo video, works just fine for me, it is over to some other PnB poster to try and change the culture on here, perhaps you and Monks can try and bring about some change.

Yes, but surely you're capable of discriminating between the posters you wish to engage with and those you don't.

Nobody is forced to post in a particular way on here.


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6 minutes ago, The Tedi said:

This is P & B, you see what Rangers fans have to put up with on here, sensible discussion is simply a no go area.

Nah I will continue to get called a bigot, pedo, *** and whatever witty banter that you all seem to find acceptable debate.  So I will continue to keep whatever feelings I have to myself and respond with the off Nacho Novo video, works just fine for me, it is over to some other PnB poster to try and change the culture on here, perhaps you and Monks can try and bring about some change.

I recognise some of what Rangers fans put up with however it is entirely your choice to acknowledge the shite and ignore the sensible

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Aye, you could always just fuck off. That'd be a popular and uncharacteristically wise choice if I may say so.


As for accepting the verdict, dead Rangers were found guilty of absolutely every single thing they were accused of. You can debate the merits or otherwise of how they were sentenced, if you will, following the verdict all you like.


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18 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

I can't agree here.

I think it's very important and that the record can and should be set straight.

I know you disagree and I understand that.

I would just rather see the focus of Scottish football changed going forwards instead of stripping titles.

As it happens I've resigned myself to neither happening.

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3 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I know you disagree and I understand that.

I would just rather see the focus of Scottish football changed going forwards instead of stripping titles.

As it happens I've resigned myself to neither happening.

Let's wait until the next time a club cheats for a decade(s) then find that the precedent has been set to do nothing. Great plan.

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3 hours ago, The Tedi said:

Of course I am, as are you, I have seen you being attacked on threads by the 'clique' who pretty much go out of their way to ruin any sensible discussion, you tend to drift away these days, it is a fact that any Rangers fan who attempts to discuss anything here has to wade through 10 posts of utter guff to find 1 decent post to respond to.  In the old days this did not happen, the trolls were shouted down by the majority, now the trolls are the majority (see above post) and the ones I would consider to be sensible sit on their hands, this place is what we have allowed it to become.

Are you saying we let the site die?

As it happens, I think as in the other case, there's little anyone could have done.

For me, it's best captured in these 'Best and Worst poster' threads that spring up around Christmas.  People like  Skyline Drifter who use words to actually say things, are now widely dismissed as boring, while shouty Hibs fans are lauded.

It's a generational shift that sees us as old fogeys.  It's also a dumbing down, which is regrettable. If Kincardine were to revert back to his former posting style, it could help with the rescuing of the Rangers threads.


Edited by Monkey Tennis
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1 hour ago, The Tedi said:


I am willing to accept the word of a much respected law lord, who is much more learned than you or I and is also not consumed with years of hatred and prejudice over a fitbaw team.


:lol: The tiny brain of a goldfish Ted.

The SPL hired a law lord to basically parrot out that the SPL were complying with their own rules and regulations to somehow give it some credence because a law lord was chairing a fixed outcome in favour of a dying institution. For the avoidance of any doubt the hearing wasn't held in any court numbmut, Lord Nimmo was a hired adjudicator in a rigged outcome much like me making up some fudged rules then hiring some law lord to basically say that according to my rules you are the thickest fucker on P&B.

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11 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

You are a fucking disaster of a human being and a tragic poster who has been reduced to a slavering idiot by your own stupidity

Rangers RC est 1872 were given a £250K fine for breaching the rules & regulations, now I do wonder exactly what the largest ever fine to a Scottish football club was for again?

As MT has already posted, no retrospective punitive measures could be meted out to the club because both the corrupt institutions the SFA and former SPL wrote it into their fucking rules the year before your old club died an embarrassing and humiliating death by financial asphyxiation by cheating their opposition. If you want to argue about that then ask what the hell was the £250K fine for?

You really are as thick as fuck you stupid deluded hun, have a nice day fuckwit.

Not the greatest challenge to Tedi's case about how Rangers fans on here are often treated.

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14 minutes ago, hellbhoy said:

You are a fucking disaster of a human being and a tragic poster who has been reduced to a slavering idiot by your own stupidity

Rangers RC est 1872 were given a £250K fine for breaching the rules & regulations, now I do wonder exactly what the largest ever fine to a Scottish football club was for again?

As MT has already posted, no retrospective punitive measures could be meted out to the club because both the corrupt institutions the SFA and former SPL wrote it into their fucking rules the year before your old club died an embarrassing and humiliating death by financial asphyxiation by cheating their opposition. If you want to argue about that then ask what the hell was the £250K fine for?

You really are as thick as fuck you stupid deluded hun, have a nice day fuckwit.

Too far.

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1 hour ago, The Tedi said:

This is P & B, you see what Rangers fans have to put up with on here, sensible discussion is simply a no go area.

Nah I will continue to get called a bigot, pedo, *** and whatever witty banter that you all seem to find acceptable debate.  So I will continue to keep whatever feelings I have to myself and respond with the off Nacho Novo video, works just fine for me, it is over to some other PnB poster to try and change the culture on here, perhaps you and Monks can try and bring about some change.

There is sufficient humour in Rangers latest self-induced misfortune that the need to rehash a five year old argument seems unnecessary. Let's all enjoy this one and look forward to the next.

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9 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:


Tedi, serious starts now.

I almost felt sorry for you reading that as it reads like you genuinely just want to talk about the football.

Thats not really the case though is it? You line yourself up with that fucking idiot Bennett and end up on the receiving end more often than not because its all about tit for tat shite with the other arse cheek.

If you are serious, maybe cut loose from that clown and the diddy-obsessed Kincardine.

For a good example that not all Sevco fans are victims look at KB. He is an excellent poster and doesnt face daily abuse because he doesnt deserve it.

If you want a change, do it yourself.

Serious over.


Bit harsh. 

Bennett is actually quite funny and there's no more need for Ted to disown people than there is for any of us.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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