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6 minutes ago, FrankChickens1 said:

This is a total fiction. 

I haven't done anything to undermine support for anti racism. Just you had a wee strop that I downvoted a comment saying that Kamara should have been allowed by a major corporate entity to be allowed to get away scot free with what seems to have been a premeditated assault. 

All Rangers fans are supporters of bigotry. It's an inherent and inescapable part of the club and its identity. 

Equating that accusation to racism is repugnant and undermines support for anti racism by drawing false equivalences between yourself and those who actual victims of discrimination focused on factors inherent to them, as opposed to being victims of warranted criticism, but no discrimination, by virtue a choice they made and make afresh every day to associate themselves with an institution that is the primary cause of sectarianism in Scottish society. 

What happened to Kamara was disgusting. You're not Kamara. You're just a sad little bigot. 

It's anything but.

You are clearly undermining support for anti-racism by saying that people supporting Kamara are simply exploiting the attack. Especially when you're given reason for this is that they're trying to hide their own bigotry, and your proof of this is nothing that has been said or done by these people, but merely their support of a football club. Suggesting that the support for Kamara isn't genuine is clearly undermining it and it's farcical that you're either too sleekit or too stupid to realise it.

This reminds me of the same ridiculous logic that I've seen posted about how Rangers players can't be upset over this because they are employed by Rangers. I've no doubt you believe that too.

People like you are a massive part of why black players say that anti-racist initiatives have a long way to go in Scotland and among Scottish football fans. Qualifying your anti-racism stance with "Aye, but Rangers fans can't be" is disgraceful, and shows you prioritise football tribalism over anti-discrimination, and are only really interested in using the issue to point score.

There are many BAME Rangers fans out there. Are their lived experiences of racist abuse meaningless, or worse, fictional, because they support Rangers?

You absolute moron.

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You don’t even realise you’re part of the problem do you?
By undermining support for anti-racism on the basis of a lie (All Rangers fans are bigots), you are no better than the Slavia fans who have done the same thing using the same or different lies.
Be better.
As I recall, you immediately made it into a joke about Celtic on the match thread at the time.
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5 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
34 minutes ago, G51 said:
You don’t even realise you’re part of the problem do you?
By undermining support for anti-racism on the basis of a lie (All Rangers fans are bigots), you are no better than the Slavia fans who have done the same thing using the same or different lies.
Be better.

As I recall, you immediately made it into a joke about Celtic on the match thread at the time.

As I recall, that was before we had any confirmation that Kamara had actually been racially abused. Also, you're not going to get me to feel bad about making a joke at the expense of Leigh Griffiths, a guy who has actually been found in a court of law to have been guilty of racism.

Edited by G51
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On 09/04/2021 at 14:04, bennett said:

I'd like to see us giving some youth and fringe players a chance, rather than watching players go through the motions. 


Aye, that would be shit.

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26 minutes ago, FrankChickens1 said:

This is a total fiction. 

I haven't done anything to undermine support for anti racism. Just you had a wee strop that I downvoted a comment saying that Kamara should have been allowed by a major corporate entity to be allowed to get away scot free with what seems to have been a premeditated assault. 

All Rangers fans are supporters of bigotry. It's an inherent and inescapable part of the club and its identity. 

Equating that accusation to racism is repugnant and undermines support for anti racism by drawing false equivalences between yourself and those who actual victims of discrimination focused on factors inherent to them, as opposed to being victims of warranted criticism, but no discrimination, by virtue a choice they made and make afresh every day to associate themselves with an institution that is the primary cause of sectarianism in Scottish society. 

What happened to Kamara was disgusting. You're not Kamara. You're just a sad little bigot. 

I think the main issue I have is that you are judging people not on what they say, but on the team they support.

There has been plenty of times I've seen you down vote a comment and I think "he can't possibly disagree with that", but as it's come from a Rangers fan, you do.

You have this strange belief that Rangers fans cannot call out racism when their player has been a victim of it without knowing anything about said person.

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9 minutes ago, G51 said:

It's anything but.

You are clearly undermining support for anti-racism by saying that people supporting Kamara are simply exploiting the attack. Especially when you're given reason for this is that they're trying to hide their own bigotry, and your proof of this is nothing that has been said or done by these people, but merely their support of a football club. Suggesting that the support for Kamara isn't genuine is clearly undermining it and it's farcical that you're either too sleekit or too stupid to realise it.

This reminds me of the same ridiculous logic that I've seen posted about how Rangers players can't be upset over this because they are employed by Rangers. I've no doubt you believe that too.

People like you are a massive part of why black players say that anti-racist initiatives have a long way to go in Scotland and among Scottish football fans. Qualifying your anti-racism stance with "Aye, but Rangers fans can't be" is disgraceful, and shows you prioritise football tribalism over anti-discrimination, and are only really interested in using the issue to point score.

There are many BAME Rangers fans out there. Are their lived experiences of racist abuse meaningless, or worse, fictional, because they support Rangers?

You absolute moron.

I see you're back in the fiction again. Total fanciful made up strawman fiction.

I'd fully support BAME fans who experience racism. But not when someone calls them a bigot c**t for supporting bigotry. 

In any event its f**k all to do with you

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1 minute ago, AJF said:


You have this strange belief that Rangers fans cannot call out racism when their player has been a victim of it without knowing anything about said person.

This is another fiction. 

You boys got involved cos I said, by downvoting that Kamara can't hit someone freely. 

The downvotes to you and the other were for your ridiculous arguments that Rangers aren't bigots. 

Nowhere has it beens aid or suggested that rangers fans, and more importantly players, can't call out racism. 

You two are master extrapolators of nonsense 

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5 minutes ago, FrankChickens1 said:

I see you're back in the fiction again. Total fanciful made up strawman fiction.

I'd fully support BAME fans who experience racism. But not when someone calls them a bigot c**t for supporting bigotry. 

In any event its f**k all to do with you

This assertion that "supporting Rangers is supporting bigotry" is completely false and just makes you look like what you are.

If we were all to judge people solely on the previous transgressions of their football club and their fellow supporters, then everyone would look like bigots. It wasn't that long ago your fellow St Johnstone fans were singing about Ki Sung-Yeung eating dogs.

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2 minutes ago, FrankChickens1 said:

This is another fiction. 

You boys got involved cos I said, by downvoting that Kamara can't hit someone freely. 

The downvotes to you and the other were for your ridiculous arguments that Rangers aren't bigots. 

Nowhere has it beens aid or suggested that rangers fans, and more importantly players, can't call out racism. 

You two are master extrapolators of nonsense 


8 hours ago, FrankChickens1 said:

Not a single one in direct response to Kamara actually.

Just in answer to you two repugnantly trying to exploit the vile attack on Kamara as part of trying trying to pretend you're not all wee bigot boys.

You support rangers, who promote and exploit sectarianism for their own financial aims, and so you are. 

"I didn't say you can't support anti-racism! Except when you do, I'll call you out for exploiting it and not being genuine about it"

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2 minutes ago, G51 said:

This assertion that "supporting Rangers is supporting bigotry" is completely false and just makes you look like what you are.

If we were all to judge people solely on the previous transgressions of their football club and their fellow supporters, then everyone would look like bigots. It wasn't that long ago your fellow St Johnstone fans were singing about Ki Sung-Yeung eating dogs.

It isn't though is it. We all know the way that Rangers encourage it, and we all know the knockon effects it has on Scottish and British politics.

You can choose whether you let that bother you or not. In my view, not letting it bother you makes you a bigot. 

If I was saying what I was saying about the last instance of rangers bigotry, and that last instance was in 2010 (Ki Sung-Yeng) , then you might have a point. You don't. 

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2 minutes ago, G51 said:


"I didn't say you can't support anti-racism! Except when you do, I'll call you out for exploiting it and not being genuine about it"

Another fiction. 

I didn't every take any issue with you calling out racism. 

Only when you and the other boy tried to argue with other posters that Rangers fans aren't bigots. I didn't even post anything until you had a toddler strop about greenies and reddies. 

Keep making stuff up though eh, what ever helps you sleep at night knowing you're part of Scotland's shame. 

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2 minutes ago, FrankChickens1 said:

It isn't though is it. We all know the way that Rangers encourage it, and we all know the knockon effects it has on Scottish and British politics.

You can choose whether you let that bother you or not. In my view, not letting it bother you makes you a bigot. 

If I was saying what I was saying about the last instance of rangers bigotry, and that last instance was in 2010 (Ki Sung-Yeng) , then you might have a point. You don't. 

I think it's quite sweet that you believe that Rangers influence Scottish and British politics, rather than Scottish and British politics influencing Rangers.

Why do sections of the Rangers support have a problem with sectarianism? Could it have something to do with the thousands of people who travel over to the games from Northern Ireland, a part of the world where Catholics and Protestants killed each other until very recently and have massive walls dividing their communities? Maybe they have Scottish friends and family who are influenced by that? Possibly, who can tell!!

The politics of NI have far more influence on the Rangers support's attitude to sectarianism than Rangers could ever possibly hope to have on Scottish/British politics. Anyone who thinks about it for longer than ten seconds would realise this.

Just now, FrankChickens1 said:

Another fiction. 

I didn't every take any issue with you calling out racism. 

Only when you and the other boy tried to argue with other posters that Rangers fans aren't bigots. I didn't even post anything until you had a toddler strop about greenies and reddies. 

Keep making stuff up though eh, what ever helps you sleep at night knowing you're part of Scotland's shame. 

My friend, you know nothing about me. But I have no posting history of using sectarian slurs (unlike a lot of people on this forum), and I have never, ever said anything on this forum that could possibly be construed as anti-Catholic. I also have personal circumstances that make it extremely unlikely, nay impossible, for me to be anti-Catholic. Continuing to push this angle that I am a bigot is going to make you look really stupid if you keep doing it.

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You willingly identify with bigotry. That's fact.

Whether that makes you a bigot is a point of contention. In my view it's completely indisputable, but others disagree. 

For me Frances McDormand puts it perfectly in Three Billboards when talking about, oddly enough, priests. 

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On 09/04/2021 at 23:09, Salt n Vinegar said:

That would be fair comment if some fans of the club I've supported for over 50 years didn't glorify themselves in royalty, Union Jacks, National Anthems and Rule Britannias. (Non-football interest nutters associate themselves with other clubs too including another biggish team in Glasgow.) Trouble is, some will regard Prince Philip's death in the same way as if the Club captain had died immediately after scoring the winning goal in the Champions League final.  Personally, I can do without the religious/royalty/unionist pish, but I accept that I'm a minority in the Rangers support, many of whom seem to think/assume that it's a package deal. I'm not "happy" that the Duke has died, but I can't say it will cause me any grief.  Edinburgh will get along without him just fine.  In the grand scheme of things, with covid, brexit, poverty, global warming, nukes, it's pretty small beer.  If some think I'm an unfeeling grinch, OK, but I'll get over it.  The media will play this "oh woe are we" stuff for weeks.  Aliens could land at Anniesland Cross tonight and it wouldn't get a mention.  At least things aren't quite as bad here as they are in parts of Vanuatu, where some considered him to be divine. 

The fact that he's died might have disabused them of that notion.

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5 minutes ago, FrankChickens1 said:

You willingly identify with bigotry. That's fact.

Whether that makes you a bigot is a point of contention. In my view it's completely indisputable, but others disagree. 

For me Frances McDormand puts it perfectly in Three Billboards when talking about, oddly enough, priests. 

I live in Ireland, I have an Irish Catholic wife, Irish Catholic in-laws, the people I socalise with and work with are Irish Catholics. Pretty much all the important people in my life, save my parents and siblings, are Irish Catholics. Even my marriage was a Catholic ceremony.

Do you think that would be possible if you were right, and I was an anti-Catholic bigot?

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As I recall, that was before we had any confirmation that Kamara had actually been racially abused. Also, you're not going to get me to feel bad about making a joke at the expense of Leigh Griffiths, a guy who has actually been found in a court of law to have been guilty of racism.
I dont have any reason to doubt that you take racism seriously. I dont think your wee point scoring joke neccesarily undermines that too much. It does undermine most of the stuff you have posted of late from way up on that high horse though. Through all of your grandstanding, your immediate instinct was to post a tit-for-tat dig about Celtic and no amount of internet "I HATE RACISM MORE THAN YOU" is going to change that.

A lot of people are going to think its all a bit rich coming from Rangers. That's something you are going to accept as a result of decades of your clubs particular choices of branding.

I think you should probably just ignore this Frankchickens character here tbh.
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4 minutes ago, G51 said:

I live in Ireland, I have an Irish Catholic wife, Irish Catholic in-laws, the people I socalise with and work with are Irish Catholics. Pretty much all the important people in my life, save my parents and siblings, are Irish Catholics. Even my marriage was a Catholic ceremony.

Do you think that would be possible if you were right, and I was an anti-Catholic bigot?

Well it plainly is possible in circumstances where you have no issue being part of, to reference the film above, part of the bigot club. Draw your own conclusions. 

Doesn't Kudela have black team mates? You're close to making that tired argument. 

Maybe we have different interpretations of bigotry. For me, it includes being part of the problem. 

Edited by FrankChickens1
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2 minutes ago, G51 said:

I live in Ireland, I have an Irish Catholic wife, Irish Catholic in-laws, the people I socalise with and work with are Irish Catholics. Pretty much all the important people in my life, save my parents and siblings, are Irish Catholics. Even my marriage was a Catholic ceremony.

Do you think that would be possible if you were right, and I was an anti-Catholic bigot?


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44 minutes ago, AJF said:

I think the main issue I have is that you are judging people not on what they say, but on the team they support.

There has been plenty of times I've seen you down vote a comment and I think "he can't possibly disagree with that", but as it's come from a Rangers fan, you do.


Like Stormzy you mean? 

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I dont have any reason to doubt that you take racism seriously. I dont think your wee point scoring joke neccesarily undermines that too much. It does undermine most of the stuff you have posted of late from way up on that high horse though. Through all of your grandstanding, your immediate instinct was to post a tit-for-tat dig about Celtic and no amount of internet "I HATE RACISM MORE THAN YOU" is going to change that.

A lot of people are going to think its all a bit rich coming from Rangers. That's something you are going to accept as a result of decades of your clubs particular choices of branding.

I think you should probably just ignore this Frankchickens character here tbh.

It's perfectly possible to laugh at and make jokes at the expense of racists while maintaining an anti-racist stance. I'm very comfortable that there is no conflict of interest there, as much as people might want to try and manufacture one.

I think it's probably more telling that in a discussion about racism, the only point you have to offer is about my posts discussing anti-racism being "grandstanding" and "internet "I HATE RACISM MORE THAN YOU"".

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