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19 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

Unthinking default shite? This thread has deteriorated into the same tired arguments that started five years ago when Rangers went out if business, and have been going round in circle after circle ever since. There are some reasonably thought out arguments, but they're the same ones, with the same counter arguments, that have been brought out time after time after time since 2012. It's as if it's a number of politicians on here, with no one willing to concede an inch on either side. 

Some people aren't particularly on any side of the continuation debate, yet contribute to it.

Concessions aplenty.

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57 minutes ago, Drew Brees said:

 They should get puma to give their new signing a training top, looks like he's wearing Joe Garners old top from last season. IMG_1498592390.466956.jpg.a6b28d54e6a3c22ebe2cfb5b53bdbfa5.jpg


Edit - I bet the daft b*****ds still have Emerson Hyndmans top in a drawer somewhere.


Give the boy a new jersey ffs.

He's from South America. He's been though a lot.

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55 minutes ago, Forever_blueco said:

Mate 5 year ago you were banging on about catching phones and larsson curing depression :lol: 

Im just glad you're okay to be honest.

Hadnt seen you on Pie & Bovril since we fucking towed your mob 5-1 at Ibrox, thought something might have happened to you but its clear you were just a shitebag 8)

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 They should get puma to give their new signing a training top, looks like he's wearing Joe Garners old top from last season. IMG_1498592390.466956.jpg.a6b28d54e6a3c22ebe2cfb5b53bdbfa5.jpg 
Edit - I bet the daft b*****ds still have Emerson Hyndmans top in a drawer somewhere.

Apparently it is torals.
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12 hours ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Whether you want to debate if it was a punishment or not is sort of irrelevant. The 5 way agreement clearly shows that Rangers were a continuation club, otherwise the SFA and SFL would have been breaking their own entry rules. It would have been quite possible that Rangers could have stayed in the top flight without penalty.

Rangers applied to the SPL board to allow them to transfer their share from Oldco to Newco. Kilmarnock made it clear they wanted Rangers to stay up and Motherwell issued some financial guidance as to the dangers of losses without Rangers in the league. The SPL rejected that application. Rangers then applied to join the SFL and were accepted.

Both those requests for change in their SPL share and SFL membership required that Rangers remained full members of the SFA throughout the whole process. So it comes down to the whole Club vs Company stuff which imo is pretty simple. The SFA are an organisation for Clubs, the SFL and SPL were organisations for companies.

I'm afraid that is not quite so clear either.  BrandNewcoRangers FC played their first game before the five way agreement was ever ahem agreed.  So the five way agreement couldn't have conferred anything as it was not agreed (and I'm not sure if it ever was agreed in full).  

BrandNewcoRangers played their first game using a 'temporary' or 'conditional' membership (dependent on source) and not the transferred membership that came later.  If the SFA deal with clubs (as you state), then by default they must have been dealing with two clubs (the one that held the membership that was about to be transferred, and the one with the temporary membership that was about to receive the transferred membership).

Now I have no real issue with BrandRangersNewco FC claiming the titles of OldCoRangers FC, they bought the rights for circa 50p from OldCo FC in liquidation and have the right to use them, just like any other asset they purchased, such as the brand name, stadium etc. (Although it is a laugh when you think that this world record haul, stop laughing at the back, was bought for less than a £1)

I do object to being told that  this is somehow a seamless enterprise.  It was not!  For example had OldCoRangers FC been liquidated during the season, BrandRangersNewco would not have had any right to take their place and complete OldCo FCs fixtures.  How could that be if they were simply the same football club under new ownership?

The mental gymnastics required to weave in and out of the ethereal club v corporate entity is just mind boggling.  Companies buy players, sell players, pay players, insure players, own stadiums, own brand rights, enters into merchandise agreements, sells denbenture rights etc, etc.  That being the case, what does the ethereal football club do?

The buzz-term is cognitive dissonance, we all have it to a certain degree and it's certainly helped the authorities to bluff their way through this fiasco, to try and preserve their cash cow.

However everyone knows it's a charade, but there are too many people with vested interests to declare that the emperor is naked.





Edited by aDONisSheep
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It's going to be brilliant to see the bears displaying their colours again, it's few and far between that you see a Sevco top the last couple of years. Every time I drive/walk past someone wearing one or, for example, you see a car with an RFC number plate it always raises a wee chuckle.

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5 hours ago, Forever_blueco said:

You are one of the worst culprits yourself to be fair hellbhoy . You seem to be having the same debate across three different threads for about 5 years now . 

The state of you as well. :lol:

You mean the same debate you have been having with me over 3 different threads? :1eye

Nice of you to pin the blame on me when it was that fanny Nacho who spammed the fucking thread with THE DEBATE. So why don't you go and tell the fud to do one.

AND!, the biggest culprit by far is The_Drunk entertaining us with his alcohol induced heads gone losing the plot completely because Nacho started all of this shite in the first place and he couldn't cope with the resulting farce from it.

I only supplied some truth and some real facts. :angel

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2 hours ago, kingjoey said:

Unthinking default shite? This thread has deteriorated into the same tired arguments that started five years ago when Rangers went out if business, and have been going round in circle after circle ever since. There are some reasonably thought out arguments, but they're the same ones, with the same counter arguments, that have been brought out time after time after time since 2012. It's as if it's a number of politicians on here, with no one willing to concede an inch on either side. 

And it will be going on for at least another five years and well beyond that, it will never die away or go away as long as Rangers exist. You might as well get used to this horrific truth.

There will always be a Sevco account on P&B who will post contestable content disregarding truths or real facts on a thread and it doesn't necessarily need to be a Rangers related thread by the way. It only needs to take a plastic or a diddy to reply "yer talking shite" said Sevco account then pushes for an answer why it's shite and then it all goes to f**k very very quickly.

Best just to skip over the posts you can't be bothered with or want to read to posts that are relevant in your opinion because this sort of shit will always resurface time and time again.

Rangers are there for the lording over because they fucked it and it's the funniest thing ever to happen to them, and reminding them it happened is called goading your rival but you are correct by the way.,It shouldn't really happen in threads outwith the threads that are created for it but it's always going to happen if the topic goes off football.

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2 hours ago, hellbhoy said:

And it will be going on for at least another five years and well beyond that, it will never die away or go away as long as Rangers exist. You might as well get used to this horrific truth.

There will always be a Sevco account on P&B who will post contestable content disregarding truths or real facts on a thread and it doesn't necessarily need to be a Rangers related thread by the way. It only needs to take a plastic or a diddy to reply "yer talking shite" said Sevco account then pushes for an answer why it's shite and then it all goes to f**k very very quickly.

Best just to skip over the posts you can't be bothered with or want to read to posts that are relevant in your opinion because this sort of shit will always resurface time and time again.

Rangers are there for the lording over because they fucked it and it's the funniest thing ever to happen to them, and reminding them it happened is called goading your rival but you are correct by the way.,It shouldn't really happen in threads outwith the threads that are created for it but it's always going to happen if the topic goes off football.

"As long as Rangers exist"


Are we a new club or not? 

Edited by thekorean
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I don't think who it belonged to before is the issue here.

Had it sent to me by someone in utter disbelief
see images below
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47 minutes ago, C4mmy31 said:


Apparently E H stands for Ex-player Hand-me-doons......

Rangers the club that keeps on giving !!!!! emoji108.png


Remember though that the Megastore has run out of shirts.  And Rangers have only had a couple of weeks'warning that the lad was on the way.

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