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5 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

You know fine what I'm saying min, you don't want to discuss it clearly so we'll leave it there.

It was a testimonial at which a flute band provided some entertainment since (some) fans from both sides are a wee bit orangey.  There was nothing organised that was bigoted, sectarian or "gloried in the death of Catholics".  Bennett's said he's bored with the Orange thing, I've said I'm indifferent to it (though seriously doubt its value from a brand strategy PoV) but there's nothing really to discuss beyond that and certainly nothing happened to cause the level of hysteria we've seen from our resident diddies.

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8 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

It was a testimonial at which a flute band provided some entertainment since (some) fans from both sides are a wee bit orangey.  There was nothing organised that was bigoted, sectarian or "gloried in the death of Catholics".  Bennett's said he's bored with the Orange thing, I've said I'm indifferent to it (though seriously doubt its value from a brand strategy PoV) but there's nothing really to discuss beyond that and certainly nothing happened to cause the level of hysteria we've seen from our resident diddies.

Right ok.

So you and Bennett don't support the Orange Order, and nothing was done over the weekend that directly supported killing Catholics.  Fine.

But you must surely see the correlation between these friendlies with Linfield, the links with flute bands and the people that go across to support such a fixture etc etc.

So when your club says it does everything it can to eradicate sectarianism, can you really say you believe that?  The club knows why such a friendly is an attraction to your fanbase.  Please don't insult either of our intelligence by suggesting it doesn't.

It's the same way if you sang the billy boys and sang 'up to your knees in EBT's' instead of the 'naughty' bit.  OK you didn't sing the ****** part, but we know what you mean really, this is a song that doesn't reference Rangers FC once.  It is a song about non-football issues.

If you and Bennett don't like the Orange Order/loyalist stuff then I commend it, fantastic.  But you can't simply bury your head in the sand and say 'I don't like it so it doesn't effect me'.


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8 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

If you and Bennett don't like the Orange Order/loyalist stuff then I commend it, fantastic.  But you can't simply bury your head in the sand and say 'I don't like it so it doesn't effect me'.

There is no 'head in the sand burying' from me - I stated clearly that I, "Doubt its value from a brand strategy PoV."  

However, let's stick to the particular: Nothing happened on Saturday that merited you ghirls having a touch of the vapours.  Of course, your histrionics are amusing but tediously predictable and I think it's best to hurl the sectarian/bigoted/revellers-in-Catholic-deaths epithets around when it's based on something real rather than something possible.

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4 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

There is no 'head in the sand burying' from me - I stated clearly that I, "Doubt its value from a brand strategy PoV."  

However, let's stick to the particular: Nothing happened on Saturday that merited you ghirls having a touch of the vapours.  Of course, your histrionics are amusing but tediously predictable and I think it's best to hurl the sectarian/bigoted/revellers-in-Catholic-deaths epithets around when it's based on something real rather than something possible.

Just a run of the mill testimonial then, aye? 

Ok min. 

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11 minutes ago, bennett said:

Change the record  dons, we played a friendly and the home team had a flute band (known for bringing communities together) play and pose for a pic.


Does it really merit such a stooshie?



Don't worry I'm done with it.  The point has been made.

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I was quite seething on hearing about Jabba's piece in the Record during the heady days of 'Save the Jags' back in 1998.


Anyway, the fans clubbed together and didn't let our club die.

Shame Jimbo's two clubs did*.



Not a shame 8)


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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

Don't worry I'm done with it.  The point has been made.

Indeed it has.

I wish they didn't feel the need to defend or dismiss this kind of stuff, which of course perpetuates things Rangers should be distancing itself from, but they do.

It's a pity, but it shows the scale of the issue.

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Just now, StandFree03 said:

Is that why you do it? Because you're a bit ashamed of being a gloryhunting *** bigot?

That's unusually loquacious of you, Stan.  You usually just pop in to match threads during a game and ask posters why they're not at Ibrox.  Are you becoming more sociable?

1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

I wish they didn't feel the need to defend or dismiss this kind of stuff, which of course perpetuates things Rangers should be distancing itself from, but they do.

Still flouncing I see.  Two The Rangers posters commented.  Neither defended nor dismissed Saturday's events.  Both suggested the response from you and yours was disproportionate, which is a serious point worthy of consideration.

Sectarianism isn't to be taken lightly and not something anyone here would condone.  The problem you and yours face is that you see sectarianism in everything and end up trivialising a serious topic.

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2 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

That's unusually loquacious of you, Stan.  You usually just pop in to match threads during a game and ask posters why they're not at Ibrox.  Are you becoming more sociable?

Still flouncing I see.  Two The Rangers posters commented.  Neither defended nor dismissed Saturday's events.  Both suggested the response from you and yours was disproportionate, which is a serious point worthy of consideration.

Sectarianism isn't to be taken lightly and not something anyone here would condone.  The problem you and yours face is that you see sectarianism in everything and end up trivialising a serious topic.

"Flouncing"? Ok.  My money was on "knicker wetting".  


Of course you were both dismissive.  As I said it's regrettable if decent sorts just shrug; as it enables those who aren't, to continue being pandered to.

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1 minute ago, Monkey Tennis said:

"Flouncing"? Ok.  My money was on "knicker wetting".  

Of course you were both dismissive. 

Well I'll reserve 'pouting' until the next time you (pl) need smelling salts.

Neither of us dismissed 'the events' - such as they were.  We dismissed your (pl) reaction to them.  My more substantive point remains: You and your coterie of menopausal harpies trivialise the 'sectarianism' debate by having coordinated hot flushes for pretty innocuous reasons.

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