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Red Dead Redemption


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8 hours ago, Lichtie78 said:

Take great pleasure in killing Lemoyne Raiders, the Murfrees, and more recently, the Skinners. All tinky b*****ds

Aye, Lemoyne Raiders are particular bams.  They're fond of the backchat.  Not so much when they rub Arthur up the wrong way.

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Continuing the legendary animal hunt last night I bagged the wolf and bear. Absolutely piss easy. Am hoping the legendary squirrel or bullfrog put up more of a fight.


The legendary wolf almost got me. Planned to pick him off from a distance took aim and he wasn’t there next thing I knew he was all over me. Gave him a shot gun to the face instead.

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23 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:


Imagine you'll definitely get to make your own character. I just want another story add on to be honest.

People have spoke about red dead undead nightmare again, genuinely think I'd shite masel if they done that with these graphics. Going through the swamp areas is scary enough as it is without fucking Zombies/Vampires and Werewolves.

The thought of trekking up in around Annesburg or the Big Valley in the fog at night with the noise of a werewolf coming from the trees or going through the swamps with actual zombies and no the night folk is a frightening one, dunno how I'd cope. emoji23.png


Haha RDR2 Undead Nightmare would be pure class, but not sure how much sense it would make given it was already part of the first game. Unless they did it with Arthur instead but don't know how that would pan out.

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I killed the legendary cougar. I was a bit surprised at how easy it was. Cover scent on and picked off from long range with the Rolling Block rifle with high velocity bullets.

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11 minutes ago, Mr. Brightside said:

What was your bounty after that?

It maxed out at £1,500.  I'm not sure how long I was there shooting but it got dark then light again. The lawmen that had been lying there for a while had flies flying round them.  I like that attention to detail.  I genuinely think if you get the right spot you could sit there all day killing the lawmen as they don't change their attack methods.  Its not like GTA when they bring in helicopters and tanks.  It's just more guys clumsily climbing up the same ladder like cannon fodder.    

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11 minutes ago, Eric said:

It maxed out at £1,500.  I'm not sure how long I was there shooting but it got dark then light again. The lawmen that had been lying there for a while had flies flying round them.  I like that attention to detail.  I genuinely think if you get the right spot you could sit there all day killing the lawmen as they don't change their attack methods.  Its not like GTA when they bring in helicopters and tanks.  It's just more guys clumsily climbing up the same ladder like cannon fodder.    

Was that by any chance early in the game trying to escape Valentine?

I got the last mission in chapter 2 last night where you have to do that, and really struggled for a while.  Kept trying to get far enough away from them I could mount the horse, but he kept waiting until I got close and grabbed the reins, then pissed off.  Eventually found a ladder and just sat up there.  A few attempts where I was picking off guy after guy as they kept respawning, then got lucky and managed to sneak away after only killing about 5.  

Agree though, if you're in a standard situation where they're not going to keep respawning, it is pretty easy to just hold your position.  Not sure what the Wild West equivalent of helicopters and tanks would be - if this eventually makes it to PC, I can imagine the modding community will have some interesting ideas.

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Love it when they jump out and give it the whole “You’re a marked man in the state of lemoyne!” Dead eye on, bang bang bang

I prefer it when some randoms try and hold you up. You're just thinking "Big mistake pal" as you blow their heads off before they can get a shot away.

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46 minutes ago, forameus said:

Was that by any chance early in the game trying to escape Valentine?

I got the last mission in chapter 2 last night where you have to do that, and really struggled for a while.  Kept trying to get far enough away from them I could mount the horse, but he kept waiting until I got close and grabbed the reins, then pissed off.  Eventually found a ladder and just sat up there.  A few attempts where I was picking off guy after guy as they kept respawning, then got lucky and managed to sneak away after only killing about 5.  

Agree though, if you're in a standard situation where they're not going to keep respawning, it is pretty easy to just hold your position.  Not sure what the Wild West equivalent of helicopters and tanks would be - if this eventually makes it to PC, I can imagine the modding community will have some interesting ideas.

It was down near the port in Saint Denis.   I've just started chapter 4.    I knew I wasn't going to get out alive if I came down from the roof but was going to take as many as I could down with me,  it actually got a bit boring twowrds the end.  

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I think this could well be the best video game I've ever played. I don't want to get overexcited when I'm only halfway through it but my word, it's a stunning experience.



I didn't see the section in Guarma coming at all - I was completely thrown by it. Brilliant level design. I was riding through Saint Denis when I fell off my horse and had to go to the doctor - Arthur's only gone and contracted tuberculosis! Disaster.

The mission on the hot-air balloon was some turn.


What a game!

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1 hour ago, Mr. Brightside said:

I prefer it when some randoms try and hold you up. You're just think "Big mistake pal" as you blow their heads off before they can get a shot away.

My favourite weapon is the sawn off shotgun with slug ammo. 


And it does indeed blow heads right off.

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I’m on the epilogue just now. Want to do another play through as a right bad b*****d, although I’m not sure if I could be bothered with bounties all the time.
Does anyone else think that New Austin might’ve been better left out?Cool seeing all the places but it seems so empty compared to the new map.

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I know I keep harping on about realism but I was on my horse and I paw print came up. I went to get the animal because I had no idea what it was. I aimed my rifle and it was a white dot (suggesting the animal was indeed dead). Went to pick it up and it moved. It was a possum playing dead. They're known for that aren't they? I just said "superb" and let the thing run off.


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Red Dead Redemption 2 blows the first game out of the water in my opinion, and I thought the first one was flawless. 

Completed the main story over the weekend and my thoughts on the game - 


Story was genuinely captivating. Arthur was an interesting character who developed from being  a lackey of Dutch to then going against the grain after seeing through his manipulative behaviour. I loved how Dutch would always say "I have a plan" and "Have some god dang faith", and by probably the 4th chapter Arthur was getting sick of this which reflected how I felt listening to Dutch at that point. All of his plans at that point involved people dying or getting hurt and then that f******* snake Micah getting into his head after good ol' Hosea gets killed. 

I had the ending where Arthur died of TB and I wanted to bawl. He had begun to redeem himself as a character. There was two missions for Strauss where you had to collect two debts and Arthur wrote them off and chased him out of the camp for his sheer greed. 

And holy sh** the Epilogues were phenomenal. 


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