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Red Dead Redemption


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First cast today, landed the salmon within two minutes as easy as fucking pie.

If I meet that fisherman he’s getting shotgunned in the face for sending me on this fucking fishing trips!

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On 11/13/2018 at 08:44, forameus said:

The control scheme can be a bit picky sometimes, can't it?  Met a treasure hunter who wasn't keen on sharing his map, and tried to escape.  FOllowed him to his horse and tried to execute a perfect takedown.

Punched his horse.

Went to try and shoot near the bank clerk opening the vault as suggested. Aimed at wall then it suddenly focused on him and I blew his brains out. Mission failed. 

That said it is terrific. 

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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

Got the White Arabian last night but what a fucker it was getting it. Genuinely took me about half an hour. Concluding that I am shite at this game.

To be fair, she's jittery as f**k at the start.  Loves being told she's a good girl now, tbf.

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Sure most people are far further ahead than me, I'm at about 48%, but I'll post this in a spoiler tag anyway.



I love little things like this. If I hadn't used a shotgun, if he hadn't been exactly where he was, that moment wouldn't have happened. Superb.

I'd love to say I planned that, but I most certainly did not.

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I went hunting a couple of the legendary animals tonight- legendary beaver (fnarr) and boar, used a fire arrow on the latter by accident (meant to use poison), some pork crackling but as it's legendary the skin wasn't damaged. Nearly caused a forest fire, mind.

Also, if the game's aiming for hyper-realism, when you're in the bath why isn't there an option for "scrub baws" and "scrub oxters"?

edit: at my wits' end trying to get perfect rabbit pelts. Small game arrows don't kill them and then they run away, and any other arrow or gun, even the varmint rifle mutilates them. Got one perfect one but no idea how I did it.

Edited by Fuctifano
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If it’s any consolation to those who can’t get the white Arabian, I accidentally burned mine to death last night ☹️ overrated anyway imo

How did you manage to burn your horse? I’ve successfully set a gudgie on fire, when I shot him dead at a camp and he went head first into the fire.

Swarley: you just know you’re dead when you hear that scream. The b*****ds always bite you around the neck/head. Not looking forward to hunting the legendary cougar down by Tumbleweed
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Most of you probably know this, but if you have a f**k up in your game, like your prized horse getting burned to death or a the like, just (on ps4 anyway) close the application then re-open it again.  You'll lose a little bit of progress to your last auto save, but it's worth it.

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9 hours ago, Swarley said:

Tracked and killed the Legendary Moose last night. Sauntered over to skin it, fecking cougar appeared from nowhere and killed me. That scream before they strike still gives me chills down my spine.

I went cougar hunting last night.  Spent ages trying to find it laid my bait and sat back with the binoculars.  Nothing for ages, laid my bait again and again waited for a while.   A guy went past on a horse and was acting weird so I started watching him wondering what his horse was up to and why it was acting weird.  Then I realised why as I heard that cougar scream and it was game over.

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