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Favourite quirks of Scottish stadiums.

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7 hours ago, Glenconner said:

My old man was at the game in 1938.

First he heard it was a record crowd was about three decades later.

Must have taken a hell of a long time to get out of the ground.

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On 28/08/2016 at 09:16, CityDave said:

Is that your favourite or a main criticism?

Its hard to find anything nice and quirky about new modern stadiums, many nice ones still to grow a personality but not much in the way of quirky. Loss of quirky football grounds further down the leagues, some of these Junior grounds are something else. Lochee Utd for example probably set the bar when it comes to quirkyness.

I was curious to find out about them after you mentioned so I looked it up and found this. Quirky indeed. I like how the social club backs on to the main stand, which itself looks like it's behind the goal. I also like the hill in th far corner of the pitch.





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1 minute ago, Jimboyjones1976 said:

I was curious to find out about them after you mentioned so I looked it up and found this. Quirky indeed. I like how the social club backs on to the main stand, which itself looks like it's behind the goal. I also like the hill in th far corner of the pitch.





That pitch has more levels than a Star Trek chess board.

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10 hours ago, Flybhoy said:

The old Celtic Park mid demolition, the old jungle flattened looking towards what is now the Jock Stein stand.


That's a whole lot of improvement going on there.

The jungle has never looked better.

Is that what was left after the SFA allowed the rangers  fans in for a scottish semi final?

Cant remember the year.

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17 hours ago, Hawkeye the Gnu said:

That's a whole lot of improvement going on there.

The jungle has never looked better.

Is that what was left after the SFA allowed the rangers  fans in for a scottish semi final?

Cant remember the year.

They were in there the year rangers played St Johnstone in Scottish Cup semi-final, same day as Hillsborough tragedy (1989) and the replay a few days later.

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On 14 June 2017 at 14:25, PauloPerth said:

They were in there the year rangers played St Johnstone in Scottish Cup semi-final, same day as Hillsborough tragedy (1989) and the replay a few days later.

And a League Cup final v Hibs.

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On 5/15/2017 at 21:13, HibeeJibee said:

20/23 - reasonable.

However anyone suggest an explanation for image described as Gala? It's football - but it clearly says GR-FC which would be rugby; but it isn't Gala RFC's stand.



Gala Rugby Football Club moved from the old Netherdale (currently the football ground in season 61/62) and Gala Fairydean took over the old rugby ground. As the current football stand wasn't built until 1964 they would have used the old rugby stand for a few seasons.  You can clearly see Eidon Hill in the background in both of your pics.

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On 06/06/2017 at 19:53, Jimboyjones1976 said:

I was curious to find out about them after you mentioned so I looked it up and found this. Quirky indeed. I like how the social club backs on to the main stand, which itself looks like it's behind the goal. I also like the hill in th far corner of the pitch.





Thornton Hibs park used to have a big slope, playing there as a goalie felt like corners could just be dinked in. steelend also used to have a slope, it also had a 'gulley' about half way into the bottom half, seen boys running at full pelt down the slope then hit this even steeper slope within a slope and the legs couldn't keep up!

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