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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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34 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Because most Scottish Citizens are intelligent enough to realise the Scotland is far better off on many, many levels by staying within the UK. The people of the UK didn't vote to leave the trading block per se as we will still continue to trade with the EU and them with us, just under a different set of arrangements. What we did vote for was to leave the political union and to detach ourselves from the European Empire. Scotland would do a lot better if people like yourself put their energy into getting the best out of the Union and by standing up for Scotland WITHIN the UK. If our political system needs reform ( Abolish the H.o. Lords, proportional representation at Westminster, more devolved powers) then put your energy into that campaign. .........Btw the biggest trading block isn't the EU , its the Rest of the World.

Snivelling drivel. We're off. Time to detach from the British Empire - particularly given that we're one of the last vestiges of it. 

Let's get the vote on and get it done. 

Oh, where's the emergency budget gone?  The one thing I'll give Leave voters credit for - they learned the lessons from Scotland when Cameron and Osborne were giving it large. 

When Indy 2 arrives absolutely nobody will be fooled by the economic doom predictions of an independent Scotland trading freely with the EU. In fact certain sectors of our economy will explode with activity.  

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In a sense the "you voted to stay so deal with it" argument is actually fair enough. Scotland had its chance to be more than a wee diddy region and we turned it down. From an English/British perspective, why would they then prioritise our couple of million votes over anyone elses?

The question isn't whether Scotland is being insulted or ignored, we aren't particularly. It's whether we voluntary put ourselves in this position again next time.

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6 hours ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

The "main issues" like how it affects you go on a summer holiday? Presumably you'd also support adopting the Euro to save you the hassle of changing your currency as well....

Yes, this is one example reason of how Brexit will potentially affect me. What's your point caller?

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11 hours ago, Alan Stubbs said:

In a sense the "you voted to stay so deal with it" argument is actually fair enough. Scotland had its chance to be more than a wee diddy region and we turned it down. From an English/British perspective, why would they then prioritise our couple of million votes over anyone elses?

The question isn't whether Scotland is being insulted or ignored, we aren't particularly. It's whether we voluntary put ourselves in this position again next time.

^^^ Finally, a rational comprehension of Scotland's status. It took a while but we finally got there. Thank you for putting it so accurately and so succinctly. I would give you reputation but I'm not permitted to. 

11 hours ago, Antlion said:

I thought you detested the idea of Scotland being independent...

Far from it. It's just that it's in no way in Scotland's best interest to be independent imo. Obviously some people want independence regardless of any negative consequences in the same way some Brexiters wanted out of the EU regardless of any negative consequences.

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No......Scotland voted No to independence and to remain with rUK and all that goes with that but you fail to factor that in to your consciousness and you've done the same with the EU referendum.

You need to wake up to reality.

Brexit is coming and no-one truly knows what that will be like. It certainly won't be the disaster Remainers say. I'm just glad The UK is in charge of it's own destiny again instead of being dictated to from Brussels by unelected bureacrats, commissioners and judges , most of whom have probably never set foot in the UK, let alone Scotland.

So no one truly knows what it will be like, apart from you apparently going by your next line.

Personally I prefer being dictated to by unelected Lords, Bishops and special advisors...
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Theresa May announcing foreign doctors can stay up until 2025 before being replaced by home grown ones. That's nice. Also Jeremy Hunt is going to fine junior doctors who go abroad at the end of their training. Also nice.

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5 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Theresa May announcing foreign doctors can stay up until 2025 before being replaced by home grown ones. That's nice. Also Jeremy Hunt is going to fine junior doctors who go abroad at the end of their training. Also nice.

Just another example of an ill thought out shambles which is doomed to failure

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10 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Theresa May announcing foreign doctors can stay up until 2025 before being replaced by home grown ones. That's nice. Also Jeremy Hunt is going to fine junior doctors who go abroad at the end of their training. Also nice.

British doctors for British people! *shakes fist*

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Theresa May announcing foreign doctors can stay up until 2025 before being replaced by home grown ones. That's nice. Also Jeremy Hunt is going to fine junior doctors who go abroad at the end of their training. Also nice.

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33 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Theresa May announcing foreign doctors can stay up until 2025 before being replaced by home grown ones. That's nice. Also Jeremy Hunt is going to fine junior doctors who go abroad at the end of their training. Also nice.

That's actually quite disgraceful and I'm surprised there isn't a bigger out cry over this.

Thanks for saving our lives now goodbye!  

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It's not a working class obsession either that politicians are just having to pander to. Look at The Times and their cartoon of Corbyn at the helm of a ship full of migrants. Racism and anti-immigration attitudes is prevalent from the top down.

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It's not a working class obsession either that politicians are just having to pander to. Look at The Times and their cartoon of Corbyn at the helm of a ship full of migrants. Racism and anti-immigration attitudes is prevalent from the top down.

Yes. And the cartoon characters of drunk Scots beggars and Salmond dressed as Wallace pre referendum. It's sickening
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Can anyone find the May quotes about doctors? All I can find is Hunt saying more doctor training places will be available from 2018/19 so the NHS can be self sufficient instead of recruiting huge numbers by abroad. 2024/25 was mentioned but that's when they would've completed their degrees. I can't find anything from May on the subject. 

Not quite seen send 'em back type rhetoric but perhaps I missed it. 

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1 hour ago, Michael W said:

Can anyone find the May quotes about doctors? All I can find is Hunt saying more doctor training places will be available from 2018/19 so the NHS can be self sufficient instead of recruiting huge numbers by abroad. 2024/25 was mentioned but that's when they would've completed their degrees. I can't find anything from May on the subject. 

Not quite seen send 'em back type rhetoric but perhaps I missed it. 


She's suggested it today. Quote's in this article. Going off what Hunt has said and the signs are fairly clear there. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/theresa-may-suggests-nhs-doctors-from-overseas-only-welcome-until-2025_uk_57f365d1e4b056365584a252?z1jmpt28zj6im5cdi

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