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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 minutes ago, Terry_Tibbs said:

What is your source for foreign NHS staff being removed from their jobs and the country? As far as i'm aware the policy is to recruit fewer overseas doctors, in the future, not to ditch the ones who are already here.

Earlier the thread I posted a few.  Hunt himself has talked about the NHS down south being 'self-sufficient' in doctors by 2025 which can be taken several ways.  It may or may not mean a clear out of the foreign staff. He could mean a gradual phasing out of foreign staff but as has been widely discussed that simply isn't possible by training new British doctors in that kind of timescale, if it is possible at all with the numbers he's talking about.

 Theresa May herself has made more concrete statements about the foreign doctors only being here on an 'interim basis' until the new doctors come on stream, which strongly implies her aim is to remove them as soon as she is able.


“Yes. There will be staff here from overseas in that interim period – until the further number of British doctors are able to be trained and come on board in terms of being able to work in our hospitals."



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2 minutes ago, Redstarstranraer said:

Earlier the thread I posted a few.  Hunt himself has talked about the NHS down south being 'self-sufficient' in doctors by 2025 which can be taken several ways.  It may or may not mean a clear out of the foreign staff. He could mean a gradual phasing out of foreign staff but as has been widely discussed that simply isn't possible by training new British doctors in that kind of timescale, if it is possible at all with the numbers he's talking about.

 Theresa May herself has made more concrete statements about the foreign doctors only being here on an 'interim basis' until the new doctors come on stream, which strongly implies her aim is to remove them as soon as she is able.


“Yes. There will be staff here from overseas in that interim period – until the further number of British doctors are able to be trained and come on board in terms of being able to work in our hospitals."



So it looks like they are attempting a phasing out and the 2025 target will come and go like all the others. The foreign doctors who are already here can apply for citizenship after 5 years. Teresa May did absolutely nothing to reduce immigration as Home Secretary so i wouldn't worry.

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Also Jeremy Hunt is going to fine junior doctors who go abroad at the end of their training. Also nice.

Most organisations who invest significant amount of time and money in staff training will have stipulations that you can not leave with in an agreed time period after completion or you will have to repay the costs- affect felt be fined.
That is standard and rational practice.
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8 hours ago, Redstarstranraer said:

And there we have it, as predicted.

The NHS is operational 7 days a week, in case you haven't noticed.  Don't see many hospitals shut on a Sunday.  Now you're doling out the emotive pish right left and centre, invoking poor benighted patients sacrificed at the altar of doctors getting hammered at the weekend.  Junior doctors have every right to time off like any other employee, if the Westminster government want to provide the same levels of service across the full week they should resource it properly, not try to bully and cajole NHS staff into working longer hours or to take away weekend rates of pay they've enjoyed for years.  Routine procedures were cancelled during the strike, not life-saving care, so patient safety wasn't compromised.  But you know that and are just railing at them because they have better terms and conditions than you do, as you've admitted yourself.

(More emotive pish , no wonder doctors have a god complex when they can do no wrong.......even when they do wrong........and getting more angry with every post.  Typical blinkered leftie type post. )

Twice now you've accused me of being 'prejudiced' for daring to have an opinion other than yours.  I raised the sodding foreign aid budget but of course I'm too scared to discuss it.  :1eye  What it is or isn't spent on actually isn't at issue here, it's the MORONIC insistence of folk like you that all this money is pissed away and therefore shouldn't be spent rather than attempting to redirect it to better ends.  Whilst at the very same fucking time insisting you want foreign doctors out of the NHS (the very same doctors who are a bit suspect in quality terms apparently) to benefit these same third world countries.  I'm pointing out how your concern for international development rings false.  And indeed the mask has slipped already.

(You raised the foreign aid budget as a subject not to be scrutinised.........I have never said I want foreign doctors out en masse, I've simply said that due to well publicised problems with foreign doctors ,  the training of more British doctors is a step in the right direction. It's incredible how you imbibe any statement that may be a tad contrary to your prejudiced opinion with a whole other set of standards. )

You really are one of the worst posters on this forum.  You seem a petty minded, jealous, spiteful, xenophobic would-be bully that likes to dole out the insults but can't take them back, and hilariously claims everyone who doesn't agree with you is 'prejudiced'.  

( And there we have it, you have obviously set up a new account, who is it Cream Cheese? Btw I can happily take insults I simply throw them straight back at ya! Not something you deal with particularly well, ha ha)


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Just now, WILLIEA said:

First they came for the doctors, and I turned a blind eye!  etc. etc.

Lets not forget about about Liam fox saying "The eu nationals are a bargaining chip" ffs,lets get to f**k out of this shite

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8 hours ago, williemillersmoustache said:


Also, and this seems like a minor point in the face of such arrant racism and the clear attempt on the life of the NHS, is that the NHS sharing international expertise has been enormously beneficial to us as a nation, to our medics, to global medicine in general, to the foreign medics that have come here to practice and to the countries the vast majority of them return to. Making that exchange of talent and best practice harder is fucking bananas.



It's not just the NHS. There are so many areas of R&D in so many fields that will be adversely affected by this idiocy. 

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Disgusting Torys. We will be stuck with them for decades

Im just think of the SNPs pitch about "helping" Milibands Labour minority Govt that helped drive some thicker voters to UKIP and the Tories.Think that may have backfired a tad.The SNPs inability to win the referendum probably does mean Tories in charge for the foreseeable future.Never mind though Indy2 and victory are always just round the corner,any time now,tick tock.....
Just reminds me of clowns celebrating Labours poor showing in England last election.Lap it up.
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1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

(More emotive pish , no wonder doctors have a god complex when they can do no wrong.......even when they do wrong........and getting more angry with every post.  Typical blinkered leftie type post. )


1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

(You raised the foreign aid budget as a subject not to be scrutinised.........I have never said I want foreign doctors out en masse, I've simply said that due to well publicised problems with foreign doctors ,  the training of more British doctors is a step in the right direction. It's incredible how you imbibe any statement that may be a tad contrary to your prejudiced opinion with a whole other set of standards. )


1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

( And there we have it, you have obviously set up a new account, who is it Cream Cheese? Btw I can happily take insults I simply throw them straight back at ya! Not something you deal with particularly well, ha ha)

And you're shown up to be a petty ill-informed xenophobic cretin who thinks everyone who disagrees with you is a prejudiced leftie.  They're all clearly seething, whereas the above post demonstrates your apparent zen like calm.

Basically you're the pub bore who can't see why anyone would have an issue with their 'common sense' opinions aside from 'political correctness gone mad'.  

This isn't an alias.  It just hasn't taken me very long to establish you're a vacuous simpleton.  Deal with it.  Ha ha.

Edited by Redstarstranraer
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45 minutes ago, Loondave1 said:

Im just think of the SNPs pitch about "helping" Milibands Labour minority Govt that helped drive some thicker voters to UKIP and the Tories.Think that may have backfired a tad.The SNPs inability to win the referendum probably does mean Tories in charge for the foreseeable future.Never mind though Indy2 and victory are always just round the corner,any time now,tick tock.....
Just reminds me of clowns celebrating Labours poor showing in England last election.Lap it up.

The reason Labour lost was because they had a loser leading a party totally devoid of talent.

The Tories will remain in power for years as Labour have nothing to offer. They still lack talent as was shown in the recent Labour leadership.

If all Labour can offer is Corbyn or Smith don't expect to be in power any time soon. And that's got f**k all to do with the SNP

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The reason Labour lost was because they had a loser leading a party totally devoid of talent.

The Tories will remain in power for years as Labour have nothing to offer. They still lack talent as was shown in the recent Labour leadership.

If all Labour can offer is Corbyn or Smith don't expect to be in power any time soon. And that's got f**k all to do with the SNP

You seem upset.Im just pointing out that much as how NO voters didn't expect a Brexit vote the SNP didn't expect a Tory majority and the influence on Labour in Govt was a mirage.The fact is that unless the SNP deliver on independence Tory rule is for the foreseeable and that's that.Now let's say the SNP can't deliver Indy that means the revival of Labour at the very least in England and possibly some sort of progressive alliance in Govt is the only way out.Or you can all revel in Labour's problems while cutting your nose off to spite your face.I will point out the SNP have form on not delivering Independence and there is no evidence for that having changed.Difficult one isn't it.
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