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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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7 hours ago, MONKMAN said:

There’s morons out there that genuinely thought the UK could go to the table, with the upper hand in the negotiations.



Usually prefixed with 'we owe europe nothing we won the war" blah blah blah

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It was the fact people thought importing more than exporting was a good thing. 
Those on here that thought the UK would hold all cards seemed to have disappeared though.  Funny that.

This was the most ridiculous thing of all. Every time it was repeated by leave campaigners/MP'S I was in disbelief.

Imagine thinking that you'd have the upper hand in negotiations against a larger body when you NEED to get a deal and they don't.

I have some family and friends who voted leave and the only reasons I got were 'fishing' and a vague admittance of racism.

Lots of people still have an attitude that we're British and don't need the EU.
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This is true, and entirely logical. Disappointingly however we are a national of servile shitebags. Whether it's political decisions, sport or indeed almost anything else, given the opportunity for meaningful change we will without question utterly shit the bed and vote for anything which brings us more misery. Frankly, we deserve everything we fucking get. 

Did Scotland shit the bed on the EU vote?

I could be charitable and say that we are a nation of committed Europeans, but I suspect there will be an element who are just scared by any sort of change to their routine so will always vote for no change.
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1 hour ago, Scary Bear said:


Did Scotland shit the bed on the EU vote?

I could be charitable and say that we are a nation of committed Europeans, but I suspect there will be an element who are just scared by any sort of change to their routine so will always vote for no change.


Either generalisation would be unfair

The idea of moving power from Brussels to Westminster wasn't likely to appeal to the yes voters who don't like westminster anyway and radical change was going to scare off most of the no voters as well.

This left no voters who weren't afraid of change but had a strong Union Jack identity and isolationist little Scotlander Yessers as the core market for Brexit

In short the kind of people who, more or less, conformed to the stereotypes that each side of Indyref1 tended to paint the other as

And there aren't actually that many of them

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11 hours ago, bob the tank said:

Get on with it, get us out now with no deal and f**k the next generation...


The only "good" thing is that it won't only be the next generation.  I think the implications of a No deal or a Bad deal will be felt almost immediately and only the very wealthy will escape the consequences.  Many of the same folk who are still shouting "Brexit means Brexit" will be sitting in stupified silence in a couple of years as the realities hit home.


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The only "good" thing is that it won't only be the next generation.  I think the implications of a No deal or a Bad deal will be felt almost immediately and only the very wealthy will escape the consequences.  Many of the same folk who are still shouting "Brexit means Brexit" will be sitting in stupified silence in a couple of years as the realities hit home.

I really don't think they will be sitting quiet, as they just don't care how it goes. Every time there is a debate they are the loudest and most outspoken of the audience, and even when they are being shown to have been duped and taken for fools, still brass neck it with their bluster. I don't think that will change in the future.
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Either generalisation would be unfair
The idea of moving power from Brussels to Westminster wasn't likely to appeal to the yes voters who don't like westminster anyway and radical change was going to scare off most of the no voters as well.
This left no voters who weren't afraid of change but had a strong Union Jack identity and isolationist little Scotlander Yessers as the core market for Brexit
In short the kind of people who, more or less, conformed to the stereotypes that each side of Indyref1 tended to paint the other as
And there aren't actually that many of them

Personally, I'd have no real problem if an independent Scotland joined the EU.

I think my Leave vote was at a moment of existential crisis, rather like Father Ted had where he was vaguely unhappy but couldn't quite put his finger on why.
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2 hours ago, bob the tank said:


I really don't think they will be sitting quiet, as they just don't care how it goes. Every time there is a debate they are the loudest and most outspoken of the audience, and even when they are being shown to have been duped and taken for fools, still brass neck it with their bluster. I don't think that will change in the future.


If their incomes/pensions/benefits are affected they will care.  And they will be affected.  However there will probably be some/many who will still think it's worth it 

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46 minutes ago, zidane's child said:

It's scary to think how much of an omnishambles this would be if May had got her landslide majority in June!

Scary to think that May appeared to be the least bad option in the tory leadership contest

Scarier that she probably was

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People are stupid.
I don't think social media helps- not Brexit related but the same shit goes around about the EU.
I saw some ridiculous statistic posted as fact.
Immigrants apparently get their housing paid for, then on top of that they get something like £27 a day in food vouchers per person!
The synopsis was "£756 for a family of 4 per week, on food! No, they are buying vodka & cigarettes with this money, selling them on, then sending the proceeds back to whatever land they came from" utter tripe with thousands of "likes".
Stop the planet, I want to get off.

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Just finishing work, and going for a pint on my way home.

The pub is a blue-nose bastion, and they are all yoons and brexiteers.

No doubt the conversation will get around to football, with Bayern playing the Sellik tonight (the pub has BT).

Question: As a sevcovian brexiteer do you support your fellow h***, even although they are the Germans? Or do you hate the EU Germans more than the Sellik?

I'll let you know tomorrow.

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4 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Those stupid facts were being printed in the papers for years as well. Decades of easy political capital gained out of bashing the EU came to bite the Tory Remainers in the arse last year.

Can't remember a single Remainer from any party campaigning on the good stuff the European project had achieved. It was all about how even shittier the alternative could be. Not exactly inspiring people to get out and vote.

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