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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 minute ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Never once said it was. Was merely backing up GD and dismissing WB comment. Ie referendum was never winnable

I've just realised I'm pro referenda when it suits me.

I'm all over the place. :lol:

Was one of the huge winning lines in that campaign not that it might cost an extra £500 million in counting costs or something like that? I think it shows that when campaigning it's better to stick a number on it, no matter how small, large, or ridiculous it is. "It'll cost you" doesn't cut it, I'm afraid.

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The Tories will make an absolute mess of this, there is no doubt. May and rest are so far out of their depth on this.

Turbocharged Toryland after Brexit won't be pretty, if you think it's bad now, just wait and see the depths this scum will go to.

I wouldn't trust them with a cat, they would probably try and privatise it. No doubt Capita would put in a bid.

On the bright side it will probably herald a 2nd Indyref. Which will be successful. As the Tories continue to run Britain into the ground. Only a complete moron would want to stay attached to Toryland.

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2 minutes ago, Father Ted said:

 Only a complete moron would want to stay attached to Toryland.

Be prepared for some bad news about your fellow countrymen.

ETA: My work lost a contract to Capita last week. I didn't even realise they were a competitor. :lol:

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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36 minutes ago, Father Ted said:

Only a complete moron would want to stay attached to Toryland.

I think you're in for a shock.

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Heseltine attacking May, saying exactly the same things I’ve said on here - cheers Mickey, as if life wasn’t bad enough without being in agreement with you.  

In all seriousness though, he’s the first senior Tory figure to say that May’s speech was vacuous pish (not his exact words) and that there’s no more chance of the EU accepting May’s position now than there was before.

In a survey of local authority leaders and chief executive executives 61% thought Brexit would have a negative or very negative impact on their regions; only 12% thought it would have a positive impact.


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I think you're in for a shock.
I'm not doubting there will be morons. But the swing that this Tory f**k up will make, will be enough.

The Tories are destroying what's left of Great Britain and have been hellbent on doing so, in their time in government for their own ideology and personal gain.

It is unsustainable at it's current rate and and when EU brakes are taken off this despicable ideology, we will see the true extent of the Tory scum.

A percentage of people fell for the propaganda the last time, it won't be so easy next time. Whenever that maybe.
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The Maybot stuttering over its sound bites on Marr: “it’s ... the supply chain. And links! The links in the supply ... chain.”

No fucking idea what she’s talking about, but her programmers must think that jargon sounds impressive.

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3 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Her target audience is idiots and ideologues so she'll be fine

You are right.  As long as she says "We are leaving the EU" every two minutes nobody is paying attention to whatever else she is saying.

It is aimed at people who know the chorus to a song but not a single word of the verse.

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