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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Is Trump’s outburst unexpected?  Whilst other leaders keep toadying it will only get worse.  There is so many things that politicians can attack Trump on but they sit around grinning nervously hoping that his attention will shift elsewhere.


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Guest Bob Mahelp

Trump's comments.....always taking into account that these are the utterings of a manchild with a 2 minute attention span....show the folly of Brexit in all its glory.

As part of the EU we are part of the combined strength of 28 countries. We have/had the power to cope with the ebb and flow of world economics caused by lunatics like Trump.

Outside the EU, we're vulnerable to the whims of bigger, more powerful countries. We now have a foreign leader being invited into our country, and trying to dictate constitutional and economic policy to us.

Anyone who thinks that we are going to leave the EU and negotiate all these wonderful, beneficial trade deals with self-interested countries like the USA and China et al., is as raving as Trump.



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19 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Trump won't be president by the time the UK is in a position to negotiate a trade deal. Also worth mentioning that trade deals take years to complete.

This is true.

Also given Trump's absolute contempt for suppossed allies and trading partners only a lunatic would want to be dependent upon any trade deal he brokered.

ETA:  May's White Paper is going nowhere, it got savaged in the HoC yesterday by Tory MPs, and that's before the EU tell her it's not acceptable.

I think a GE is far more likely now than any other scenario.  It won't help the Tories because it will not remove the underlying conflict; we can only hope Labour don't f**k it up completely.

Edited by Granny Danger
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Farage has admitted he noised Trump up about Brexit just before this interview. As a poster on here has said before it's incredible how Trumps opinions can be seismically shifted based on the last person he spoke to. I'd be stunned if he actually has any real handle on what is going on with Brexit.

Aside from that the interview is classic Trump - waffling non specifics and generalisms, saying how great someone is who likes him (Johnson) and how terrible someone is who doesn't like him (Khan). 

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Where to start...  Trump's rambling answer to the question on his thoughts on Brexit at the press conference yesterday would have been laughable if it wasn't for the fact that he's the leader of the free world.  Back onto how he won the election and how he even beat Reagan's record of winning Wisconsin (another lie).  How he has a lot of property, how we all like him a lot in "Skatland" and Ireland where he has more property (although is this the Ireland who aren't coming out of the EU?)

Fast forward to this morning's car journey to work where, instead, of the usual Tay2 on the dial, 5Live had been left on by Mrs Dee_62 (loves the tennis).  Caught the end of an interview with Rees-Mog who basically confirmed that "no deal" was quite likely as May had united the entire country at last... against her white paper.  At the same time he was Boris' cheerleader in chief and he'd support him for PM and again (as he did in the last leadership contest), telling us that BJ is much loved and respected throughout the country - honestly, these politicians must be living in some kind of bubble or getting some drug-fuelled smoke blown up their @rses if they think huge swathes of the country really like / respect either Trump or BJ.

Thanks f**k it's Friday, I need a drink.

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1 hour ago, RiG said:

Farage has admitted he noised Trump up about Brexit just before this interview. As a poster on here has said before it's incredible how Trumps opinions can be seismically shifted based on the last person he spoke to. I'd be stunned if he actually has any real handle on what is going on with Brexit.

Aside from that the interview is classic Trump - waffling non specifics and generalisms, saying how great someone is who likes him (Johnson) and how terrible someone is who doesn't like him (Khan). 

It’s not just with Brexit.  The guy is an ignoramus that is why he has shied away from any hard hitting interview from the day he launched his campaign.

Put him one-on-one with a reasonably competent interviewer and his ignorance on domestic and foreign issue, the environment, legal issue, crime, etc would be laid bare.


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1 hour ago, RiG said:

 As a poster on here has said before it's incredible how Trumps opinions can be seismically shifted based on the last person he spoke to. I'd be stunned if he actually has any real handle on what is going on with Brexit.


He should come here,   as apparently only wee krankies sheep  know the score.

Edited by philyerboots
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