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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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17 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

I don't think Labour or the Tories would ever try and cut a deal with the SNP. They're simply blinded by hatred of the SNP. It would also be admitting that their Northern branches are pointless since all they stand for is to oppose everything and anything the SNP do or propose.

Boris Johnson is absolute scum. He's a blundering, racist piece of shit with not an iota of humanity. He's driven by greed and probably doesn't even comprehend the concept of truth let alone ever come close to telling it. He's a deeply untrustworthy arsehole who would say and sell anything out for a sniff of money.

Actually I don't think he even cares about money.
He is a self-absorbed attention-seeking shit.

Take Brexit and his approach to making a choice.
Eeny-Meeny-Miney-Mo.  What will get me the most attention?

IMO: If Jacob Rees Mogg became Prime Minister and pressed for the hardest Brexit, Boris would have a change of heart.
"You know something - I am not so sure about this."

I think he craves attention the way a drug addict craves heroin.
I bet he suffers withdrawal symptoms if he goes two days without anyone talking about him.

.. and of course, he has an obvious role model in America.

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1 hour ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Only six more months until all the rhetoric and lies from the Leave camp finally collides with reality. Once the dust settles will the UK finally move on from its post-imperial identity crisis or is there going to be a few more decades of this lunacy until people finally grasp that they live in a moderately large European state that needs to trade freely with its immediate European neighbours to remain prosperous rather than a global maritime empire that can still set the rules on world trade through gunboat diplomacy?

PBrilliant post.

There’s a (little) part of me that wants a hard Brexit and all that entails with Johnson as PM so he can go down in history as the man who oversaw the most cataclysmic period in modern history.


The Gammons will be huddled around a candle eating cold beans from tins agreeing that it was all worth it.


Edited by Granny Danger
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PBrilliant post.
There’s a (little) part of me that wants a hard Brexit and all that entails with Johnson as PM so he can go down in history as the man who oversaw the most cataclysmic period in modern history.
The Gammons will be huddled around a candle eating cold beans from tins agreeing that it was all worth it.

You helped create this problem by voting leave, and now you want to make everyone else suffer, for a decision you made? You’re no better than Rees Mogg or Bojo! Get in the fuckin sea. Plus, you can classify yourself as a gammon. Old, Voted Leave, want a hard Brexit. The very definition of gammon.
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1 hour ago, Brother Blades said:

You helped create this problem by voting leave, and now you want to make everyone else suffer, for a decision you made? You’re no better than Rees Mogg or Bojo! Get in the fuckin sea. Plus, you can classify yourself as a gammon. Old, Voted Leave, want a hard Brexit. The very definition of gammon.

A gammon wouldn't recognise their error. He's nothing like "the very definition". If gammons were grannies Brexit would be in the sea. 

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Hunt getting it in the neck for comparing the EU to a Soviet prison.  No doubt he was playing to the brain dead Tory supporters but it’s a crass comment for a Foreign Secretary.

The Tories have a dearth of capable people to fill the top slots at present.


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Hunt getting it in the neck for comparing the EU to a Soviet prison.  No doubt he was playing to the brain dead Tory supporters but it’s a crass comment for a Foreign Secretary.
The Tories have a dearth of capable people to fill the top slots at present.
You're assuming that the people currently holding the top spots are indeed capable
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Guest Bob Mahelp

It's now ever more obvious that the Tories have bet the farm on the EU blinking at the very last second.

Will they ?

Well, it's in nobody's best interest to have the UK leaving the EU with 'no deal' so in that sense I believe that a cobbled together compromise will emerge from the ashes in the next few weeks, probably accompanied with an extension of next March's deadline and some kind of vague promise to 'work on things furiously' over the next year.

And so the clusterfuck will continue. 

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38 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

It's now ever more obvious that the Tories have bet the farm on the EU blinking at the very last second.

Will they ?


Wouldn't count on it. The EU needs the example of a relatively painless exit like it needs a hole in the head right now with the rise of cranky right wing populism.

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54 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Wouldn't count on it. The EU needs the example of a relatively painless exit like it needs a hole in the head right now with the rise of cranky right wing populism.

^^^^ This.

The EU will endure some pain to protect what they have built.

The pain will be significantly less than that which the U.K. will feel.  

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May playing the immigration card; a desperate move from a desperate woman.  She really is an evil bitch.
Is that just controlling borders as promised in referendum? Introducing a skills based Visa system that most countries including Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada etc already have. Unsure of your point here GD?
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