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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Farcical doesn’t even start to describe this.  I can just imagine the hardline Brexiteers and their gammon supporters If May agrees to the ‘compromise’ of a one year extension to the transition in return for accepting the two-stage stop gap!!!

Another year of free movement, another year of accepting EU rules (though have very limited influence over them), another year of paying money into the budget, and another year of being subject to EU court rulings.

Can’t see the EU comprising any more and May knows if she tries to then she’s screwed.


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The EU hopefully won't cave today - they've played a blinder IMO ever since Theresa May triggered Article 50.

They've been firm and not taken any of the sh**e that the right wing media has been spouting and stayed true to protecting the Union.

I welcome anything which puts more pressure on Theresa May and her shoddy government!

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43 minutes ago, zidane's child said:

The EU hopefully won't cave today - they've played a blinder IMO ever since Theresa May triggered Article 50.

They've been firm and not taken any of the sh**e that the right wing media has been spouting and stayed true to protecting the Union.

I welcome anything which puts more pressure on Theresa May and her shoddy government!

Tusk, Barnier and others have said from day 1 that they will work with the UK but will do nothing that will comprosmise the basic tenets of the EU.  Only incredibly stupid and/or naive people would believe that they would deviate from this at ANY stage of the negotiations.  The fact that there are some in the UK government who seem to believe they would make such compromises beggars belief.

The portrayal by the Brexiteers and the MSM that the EU is being intransigent is not surprising but I don't think that line will be swallowed by any more than half of the UK electorate.


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2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

There's zero point of kicking the can down the road on the Irish border. There is clearly no solution and they are just hoping for a change in the UK political balance to allow one of the EU's prefered solutions to be applied.



The problem is that any future change in the makeup of the HoC, and a future UK  govt presumably no longer having to dance to the tune of the backwards knuckledraggers, does not solve the Irish border problem for the people in NI. Its just storing up future trouble.

If a UK govt present or future, concedes to the EU Irish sea customs solution, then the NI sectarians are gonna be a little annoyed.

.......as more importantly (from my perspective), will the people of Scotland....but for obviously different reasons.

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5 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Tusk, Barnier and others have said from day 1 that they will work with the UK but will do nothing that will compromise the basic tenets of the EU.  Only incredibly stupid and/or naive people would believe that they would deviate from this at ANY stage of the negotiations.  The fact that there are some in the UK government who seem to believe they would make such compromises beggars belief.

The portrayal by the Brexiteers and the MSM that the EU is being intransigent is not surprising but I don't think that line will be swallowed by any more than half of the UK electorate.

Imagine being told you are intransigent by the DUP!

That's like Donald Trump calling you a loudmouth.

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Independent Scotland is the only answer, with re-entry (ooh-er) to the EU at the earliest opportunity.
These financial types in CoL won’t realise what’s hit them until a hard Brexit sees all there jobs removed to Paris or Frankfurt, then they will wish they hadn’t listened to their gammon fathers & mothers. I despair.

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1 hour ago, doulikefish said:

It,s ok folks Kate Hoey has it sussed


What a stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid bint.


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