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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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41 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
19 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:
They'll soon give a flying f**k about Scotland, when the SNP trigger Indy2 - which I can guarantee will happen in the event of the UK leaving the EU with No Deal.
Don't you remember what happened last time?
Even the Queen was getting worried - I just hope she lives long enough to see an independent Scotland.

IndyRef2 would happen with May's deal as well.


Possibly, but it would probably be lost.

It would more likely be won in the event of the UK crashing out with No Deal.

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5 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I assumed that post from sureiknow was a pisstake. Puts my LEAVE MEANS LEAVE efforts to shame tbh

Wait until the EU annexes , I mean when the Ukraine joins the EU and they move their troops into the Ukraine. 

The fun will start then.

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On 12/14/2018 at 07:58, FlyerTon said:

Can someone clarify the 'backstop'?


I think it's something similar to using a cork bung to stop diarrhoea.

It works for a while..., but when it does let go....

we all get showered with it.  



Edited by beefybake
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11 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
12 hours ago, Granny Danger said:
The EU have previously indicated that they would grant an extension in the event of a GE or a further referendum where Remain was an option.  If that took us past the elections to the EU Parliament and we eventually chose Remain (revoked Article 50) we would be a member of the EU but with no MEPs.  I don’t see that being a big deal as arrangements could be made for a later election for the U.K.
I think if we chose remain the other EU countries would go out of their way to be helpful.

Yep, the Bobby Ewing Solution, when the previous two years were revealed to be nothing but a horrible dream.

Been saying for a while Brexit could end up being a modern day Pam's dream.


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I fully expect May and her supporters in the scarecrow press to now start ramping up a narrative which pitches her head-on against the EU.

This will involve her threatening the EU that either they now cease their 'intransigence' on massaging the current deal or the UK will walk off the pitch in a No Deal huff. Hunt is already alluding to it this evening.

It's now become personal for May and rational thought becomes a casualty.

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9 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I assumed that post from sureiknow was a pisstake. Puts my LEAVE MEANS LEAVE efforts to shame tbh

This. It's really becoming difficult to tell the difference between trolling and genuine political opinion at the moment.

People need to up their game to give the trolls something to work with. Surely can't be long 'til we start camps for those dastardly <insert minority group here>.

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15 hours ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

The Tory party will always be around. And never underestimate this Labour leadership to shoot themselves in the foot. The next GE , I believe , will be a minority Labour government at best.

Even as a labour Party member, I agree that a labour Government reliant on other parties would be for the best in the short/medium term - the obvious cancdidates being the SNP, as no other party would gain a meaningful number of seats and have a sufficient overlap of ideology. With the current brexit shambles resolved, the next Government could concentrate on fixing the domestic issues which are doing even more to break the country than May's shot at a "legacy".

A subsequent election, after the five-year term, would see the electorate judging Labour on how they've tried to repair the country, the SNP with how well they've handled being a minor partner in UK National Government (I'm guessing a fúckload better than the Libdems when given a similar role), and whatever's left of the right wing parties on whether they actually care more for the plebs than they do for their own bank accounts. As a fair number of Tory supporters will have seen their "investments" (or houses, as the rest of us call them) plummet in value by then, it will be much harder for the Tories to convince even the thickest, most racist among the electorate that another bunch of Public School arseholes would be the answer to their problems, as most of the working class voters they rely on will only be "alright, Jack" by the implementation, easily proved, of a Labour-led government's policies. I feel that would be the Election which cements Labour as the Party of Government for a while. I also think it would see the agreement for a second Independence referendum - this time run knowing that the rUK would be looking to grow together with an Independent Scotland.

Their are massive demographic and attitudinal shifts going on in Britain, and the Tories have failed to take note of them*. Unfortunately for them, if you ignore an approaching tsunami, you're still going to drown.

*Not just the Tories, but their apologists in the Media.

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21 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

The best analogy I've seen on this forum. Kudos.

Corbyn and McDonnell's crawling for the DUP's support has one of the most sickening things about the whole episode. The backstop, if it ever happened, would mean the entire UK would stay in the Customs Union and Single Market without paying a penny to the EU or having freedom of movement. Labour's reaction to it has been as cynical as their 6 rules, or Corbyn's claim that he can take the UK out of the EU without rule taking ,freedom of movement, getting rid of state subsidy rules and get a better deal than May. I'm beginning to think he wants a hard Brexit so he can try to take over the wreckage. 

Edited by welshbairn
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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Corbyn and McDonnell's crawling for the DUP's support has one of the most sickening things about the whole episode. The backstop, if it ever happened, would mean the entire UK would stay in the Customs Union and Single Market without paying a penny to the EU or having freedom of movement. Labour's reaction to it has been as cynical as their 6 rules, or Corbyn's claim that he can take the UK out of the EU without rule taking ,freedom of movement, getting rid of state subsidy rules and get a better deal than May. I'm beginning to think he wants a hard Brexit so he can try to take over the wreckage. 

Labour's six rules. Cynical? I think the word you are looking for is consistent.

  1. Does it ensure a strong and collaborative future relationship with the EU?
  2. Does it deliver the "exact same benefits" as we currently have as members of the Single Market and Customs Union?
  3. Does it ensure the fair management of migration in the interests of the economy and communities?
  4. Does it defend rights and protections and prevent a race to the bottom?
  5. Does it protect national security and our capacity to tackle cross-border crime?
  6. Does it deliver for all regions and nations of the UK?

Now, to me there's only one of those which is unachievable. Can you guess which one? A clue - it's the one with a quote within it - a quote from the Tory promise of what they would achieve through their negotiations. So the only one you could reasonably have issue with as having asked the impossible is the one which is lifted directly from may and her crew.

You'll really have to do better than that if you want to represent Labour as being "cynical" over these tests. They were in the manifesto, and they're still policy.

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