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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Not too well up on this but could we not just stay in the EEA and form our own wee bespoke version on EFTA? Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein don't sound to keen on having the constant whine of moaning Brits honing in on their patch. Our reputation for silky diplomatic skills has taken a bit of a battering, and they're getting on quite fine on their own, and keeping a cordial and friendly relationship with the EU. Which we'd more than likely f**k up overnight, bit like the Crusaders arriving at Byzantium. 

The Norway plus deal I believe is the bespoke EFTA deal. If it’s not I cannot see the EU finding it too hard too draft something up based on it.

I am sure I heard the UK were offered Norway plus or Canada plus at the outset, as this would have made for good starting point. They declined.
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8 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:



"People on Facebook were saying they're coming - they but haven't turned up.

"I feel sorry for people having to to grow up in this country. I'm advising my kids to leave the country - to go to Greece or somewhere."


Lin Taylor-Greep said: "So many people so full of it online - Plymouth is a  damp, limp lettuce.

"I was the first here and nearly went home. This is laughable."


Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, J_Stewart said:

Lads, it’s alright, Brexit’s no happening, we’ve been saved. Uri Gellar has entered the fray:


I’ll admit I was worried for a minute, but we can all set our minds at ease now.

I knew that was going to happen

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From a Scottish perspective there must be a relaxation on Freedom Of Movement otherwise the impact on the economy will be horrendous.

Soubry on TV just now saying she wants May to go but “...certainly doesn’t want the government to go.”   Frightened at the thought of a General Election Anna?  I wonder why?


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From a Scottish perspective there must be a relaxation on Freedom Of Movement otherwise the impact on the economy will be horrendous.
Soubry on TV just now saying she wants May to go but “...certainly doesn’t want the government to go.”   Frightened at the thought of a General Election Anna?  I wonder why?

She also voted in favour, twice, of Theresa May just a couple of months ago.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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From a Scottish perspective there must be a relaxation on Freedom Of Movement otherwise the impact on the economy will be horrendous.
Soubry on TV just now saying she wants May to go but “...certainly doesn’t want the government to go.”   Frightened at the thought of a General Election Anna?  I wonder why?
Do you have a link or two to the research showing how many season workers come into and leave Scotland each year?

Given everyone who is here already is welcome to stay then there shouldn't be an instant labour shortage so curious to find out about this in more detail as obviously people will also retire and/or die, have a family, etc.
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4 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

Do you have a link or two to the research showing how many season workers come into and leave Scotland each year?

Given everyone who is here already is welcome to stay then there shouldn't be an instant labour shortage so curious to find out about this in more detail as obviously people will also retire and/or die, have a family, etc.


Try reading this, it might help you  :


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3 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

Do you have a link or two to the research showing how many season workers come into and leave Scotland each year?

Given everyone who is here already is welcome to stay then there shouldn't be an instant labour shortage so curious to find out about this in more detail as obviously people will also retire and/or die, have a family, etc.

We had producers moaning about losing crop this year due to a lack of workers, it ain't going to get any better once we finally stick the 2 fingers up to them and tell them to f**k off.

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The ERG wouldn't but your average non gammony Brexit supporter would have.

Most Remain supporters would have accepted an EFTA type deal.

EFTA was what Farage etc were promoting as their preferred option upon leaving the EU for decades. Unfortunately the Leave referendum campaign needed to be anti freedom of movement in order for them to win, and that explains why we are where we are.

I still think if May had said she was pursuing EFTA membership upon becoming PM, she could have solved all of this. Instead she spent the best part of a year pretending she favoured a hard Brexit then sold out the ERG by effectively guaraneeting a soft Brexit with the backstop.

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Thanks, I still maintain there's an element of lazy Scottish people who could do with getting a job and saying that only migrants will take on low paid work seems somewhat exploitative to me but if there is a need to tweak the working Visa scheme proposed then hopefully someone will listen and realise before it becomes a major problem.

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The employers could tweak it by paying £30k pa, probably find more Scots willing to do the backbreaking stuff if that tweak was ever to happen.
So farmers should be paying £5000 over the average wage for their fruit pickers? Never had you down as a radical socialist, I must say.
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