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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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4 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

side tracking here but what is all this pish about caring or what kind of people they think they are?

people with a brain will vote for whichever party they think that they and their family will do best under , no one seriously thinks politicians care about them do they?

people who fall into the "lowest common denominator" bracket will vote for whoever panders to them hardest

That's why we have a tory government.  when the middle class done well from new labour they won with massive majoritys

I've probably far more people in my circle who vote Tory than any other party, wouldn't dream of questioning their choice, it's easy to spout the left wing pish when it's not affecting you to the tune of 4,5 or 6 figures.

Edited by ayrmad
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side tracking here but what is all this pish about caring or what kind of people they think they are?
people with a brain will vote for whichever party they think that they and their family will do best under , no one seriously thinks politicians care about them do they?
people who fall into the "lowest common denominator" bracket will vote for whoever panders to them hardest
That's why we have a tory government.  when the middle class done well from new labour they won with massive majoritys
I dont think thats true. In the position I personally am in, I would be better off financially if Wee Ruth and her cronies were in power.

I would rather pay more in taxes than put an X in the box for them and theirs.

I would also rather eat my own genitals.

No doubt my principles will probably have a price same as everything, but it is unlikely a Tory would ever be able to meet it.
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15 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I dont think thats true. In the position I personally am in, I would be better off financially if Wee Ruth and her cronies were in power.

I would rather pay more in taxes than put an X in the box for them and theirs.

I would also rather eat my own genitals.

No doubt my principles will probably have a price same as everything, but it is unlikely a Tory would ever be able to meet it.

If you had a £10/£20m estate you'd probably feel differently, losing a tenner or so a week is not comparable to those that have built up a sizeable estate.

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1 minute ago, ayrmad said:

If you had a £10/£20m estate you'd probably feel differently, losing a tenner or so a week is not comparable to those that have built up a sizeable estate.

No I wouldnt. I am who I am. As stated on the trade union thread, I have been a shop steward, I was front and centre of a very large dispute during which I held a consistent position that the health and wellbeing of a workforce, and bleief in a better set of conditions for the wider industry were far more important than money. I was prepared to leave a shit load of money on the table in favour of hitting my employer with strikes from which they may have struggled to recover. My beliefs arent for sale for a few less % to the taxman m8. 

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2 minutes ago, virginton said:

Yeah cos people with £10 million estates and above represent a key swing vote in any GE campaign. 


It'll be as key as anyone else' vote.

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

No I wouldnt. I am who I am. As stated on the trade union thread, I have been a shop steward, I was front and centre of a very large dispute during which I held a consistent position that the health and wellbeing of a workforce, and bleief in a better set of conditions for the wider industry were far more important than money. I was prepared to leave a shit load of money on the table in favour of hitting my employer with strikes from which they may have struggled to recover. My beliefs arent for sale for a few less % to the taxman m8. 

Good for you, you'll be rewarded in heaven.

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1 minute ago, ayrmad said:

Good for you, you'll be rewarded in heaven.

You issued a set of  circumstances in which you thought my moral compass would somehow shift.

I have given you a real life example in which I put my beliefs before money. 

You put forward the above. 

Glad to see you have finally learned to extricate yourself from a situation before making a colossal arse of yourself. 

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It has to be remembered that the whole indicative vote process only happened because enough MPs voted for it.  That suggests to me that there is scope for consensus on one or other of the options.
I wonder if anyone was daft enough to vote for the process then vote against or abstain on all the options.
Some MPs will have have only voted for their main preferred options.

If they are removed and push comes to shove there could be a majority for one of the other options.
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28 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

You issued a set of  circumstances in which you thought my moral compass would somehow shift.

I have given you a real life example in which I put my beliefs before money. 

You put forward the above. 

Glad to see you have finally learned to extricate yourself from a situation before making a colossal arse of yourself. 

You've given a pretty humdrum situation, others on the other side might be risking 7 figures if votes go against them, then they've to worry about keeping all their workforce in jobs. I didn't really comment as I'm not interested in trade unions in the slightest.

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37 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

You issued a set of  circumstances in which you thought my moral compass would somehow shift.

I have given you a real life example in which I put my beliefs before money. 

You put forward the above. 

Glad to see you have finally learned to extricate yourself from a situation before making a colossal arse of yourself. 

It’s a strange mindset that thinks a few extra quid (hundred quid, thousand quid) is worth sacrificing a social conscience.

It astounds me the number of folk who because they own their own house and have a few quid in the bank think that their interests lie with those of May, Mogg and Arron Banks.


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It’s a strange mindset that thinks a few extra quid (hundred quid, thousand quid) is worth sacrificing a social conscience.
It astounds me the number of folk who because they own their own house and have a few quid in the bank think that their interests lie with those of May, Mogg and Arron Banks.
It's worse when you see folk who clearly haven't got two ha'pennies to rub together voting Tory.

Utterly frightening.
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25 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

You've given a pretty humdrum situation, others on the other side might be risking 7 figures if votes go against them, then they've to worry about keeping all their workforce in jobs. I didn't really comment as I'm not interested in trade unions in the slightest.

If you are stand to lose 7 figures depending on who gets voted into power, then it stands to reason that you are incredibly wealthy. A multi millionaire can afford to lose the same % of money as I can to tax. That it runs into 4, 7 or 10 figures is completely irrelevant given that all it shows is that have that magnitude of earnings

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It's worse when you see folk who clearly haven't got two ha'pennies to rub together voting Tory.

Utterly frightening.
Used to be the way in Glasgow within the Protestant community back in the day, quite often on the instruction of the Church.

It's on the way back to a degree, minus the church bit.
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14 minutes ago, Jeff Venom said:

The state of this.
What would a sexier scenario of not just looking after yourself look like?

Looking after myself, good one, fae Lochside and proud of it.

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