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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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5 minutes ago, Sooky said:

31st of October seems to be doing the rounds a bit, which would be a compromise between those who want a short and long extension.

Confirmed as offer to May. Plenty time for Tory election, GE and/or second referendum would be their thinking I'd imagine, and stops the need for yet another fucking emergency Council meeting for a while.

Edited by welshbairn
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3 minutes ago, Sooky said:

31st of October seems to be doing the rounds a bit, which would be a compromise between those who want a short and long extension.

What’s the point of 31 October.  We would have to participate in the Euro elections but not enough time for a second referendum or a GE with necessary settling in period.

Simply to pick a date between what May wants and the end of the year seems a crazy ‘compromise’.


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8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Plenty time for a second referendum and/or GE and Tory leadership contest.

By all accounts it is not sufficient time for a second referendum given the need to agree to what the terms of that referendum would be and approval from the Electoral Commission.  If there’s a second referendum with a result that’s anything other than Revoke or Hard Brexit there might have to be further discussions.

I never said there wasn’t time for a GE, I said a GE then a settling in period.  If you think any new government can successfully renegotiate with the EU within weeks of assuming office then you’ve not been paying attention.

ETA Lewis Goodall tweeting Electoral Commision saying 31 October might *just* be enough time for Referendum (assuming Parliament gets their finger out and agrees to one).

Edited by Granny Danger
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8 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

By all accounts it is not sufficient time for a second referendum given the need to agree to what the terms of that referendum would be and approval from the Electoral Commission.  If there’s a second referendum with a result that’s anything other than Revoke or Hard Brexit there might have to be further discussions.

I never said there wasn’t time for a GE, I said a GE then a settling in period.  If you think any new government can successfully renegotiate with the EU within weeks of assuming office then you’ve not been paying attention.


Maximum 6 months for a referendum, 2 months for a Tory leadership election, and 3 weeks for a general election. The settling in time is for the EU after their elections and new appointments, our Parties have had 3 years to prepare, they don't get any settling in time to take over Government. Anyway, they can always bung on another few months if necessary.

Edited by welshbairn
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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

By all accounts it is not sufficient time for a second referendum given the need to agree to what the terms of that referendum would be and approval from the Electoral Commission.  

Stop being so hysterical. It took 4 months to organise 1997's devolution referenda. There's ample time to arrange a referendum on the EU.

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What’s the point of 31 October.  We would have to participate in the Euro elections but not enough time for a second referendum or a GE with necessary settling in period.
Simply to pick a date between what May wants and the end of the year seems a crazy ‘compromise’.
Blame Macron - he was being an arse over the extension.
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18 minutes ago, zidane's child said:

She’ll soldier on.

The cabinet/ERG won’t class that as a long extension.

I think she'll be gone if she can't get a deal before the Euro elections on May 23rd, after a probably disastrous showing in the local elections on May 2nd. Then the Brexiteers will try to get their man in as PM but even if they succeed he won't get any support in the house to do anything, so they'll have to call a general election. Labour will get the most seats but will need to rely on the SNP and Lib Dems to get anything done. Peace will break out around the world.

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10 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

This stupid khqunt is the living embodiment of your average, ignorant Brexit fanatic.

He's someone who sees anyone foreign as lacking intelligence. As being below him, because he's British and hey, we rule the waves and all that ridiculous pish.

He typifies what Brexit was all about for many people....casual racism combined with blind ignorance. What a turdmouthcuntface he is.


His fanatical British nationalism is clearly because his name is francois and he got bullied as a kid for it.  This is him making up for being called Jonny foreigner.when he was 7.

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