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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, Suspect Device said:

Tory hard liners are egging Johnson on.  Maybe they’d like to see him in jail.


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Thing that confuses me is whether if Johnson loses a VONC after refusing to ask the EU for an extension, and the opposition unite around a new PM, would it still take 2 weeks for them to take power, or is that just the maximum time before a GE is called? I don't give a f**k about Johnson doing a poor Tommy stint, better just to send him off to spend more time with his family.

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Johnson six weeks ago “Get off my fucking laptop!”

Johnson six weeks from now “Get off my fucking arsehole.  No, wait, didn’t I use to bugger you at school?”


Edited by Granny Danger
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39 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Thing that confuses me is whether if Johnson loses a VONC after refusing to ask the EU for an extension, and the opposition unite around a new PM, would it still take 2 weeks for them to take power, or is that just the maximum time before a GE is called? I don't give a f**k about Johnson doing a poor Tommy stint, better just to send him off to spend more time with his family.

They could take power in a day if Boris goes to the Queen and tells her there's a new government on the first day.

The issue is them organising the government and Boris playing ball. The opposition parties must know that a VONC is inevitable so they are surely already talking this out. As for Boris I think he would go to the Queen then immediately start campaigning on a betrayal narrative.


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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Thing that confuses me is whether if Johnson loses a VONC after refusing to ask the EU for an extension, and the opposition unite around a new PM, would it still take 2 weeks for them to take power, or is that just the maximum time before a GE is called? I don't give a f**k about Johnson doing a poor Tommy stint, better just to send him off to spend more time with his family.

Think the existing government  (and largest party) get 14 days to show Her Maj that they can form a stable government (e.g by getting votes of smaller parties with promises of whatever). So I would imagine if they triggered a VONC in themselves (assuming Bercow couldn't block)? any time from 17th Oct onwards, it surely means no deal. And if Boris doesn't want to go to jail, he can surely resign as PM on the 19th

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Guest Bob Mahelp

It's all...all...alll.....all....all....all....all.about appealing to the right-wing Brexit fuckwits and their Telegraph/Express/Daily Mail cheerleaders. 

Johnston is the dancing monkey to Cummings being the organ grinder. They're staking everything on the populist bet that there are enough Brexit loving khunts in the country to vote for the Tories under Johnson, no matter what.

The problem for them I suspect, is that as every day passes, Johnson looks more and more ridiculous. 

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Guest Bob Mahelp
11 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

It's all...all...alll.....all....all....all....all.about appealing to the right-wing Brexit fuckwits and their Telegraph/Express/Daily Mail cheerleaders. 

Johnston is the dancing monkey to Cummings being the organ grinder. They're staking everything on the populist bet that there are enough Brexit loving khunts in the country to vote for the Tories under Johnson, no matter what.

The problem for them I suspect, is that as every day passes, Johnson looks more and more ridiculous. 

I posted this before I knew that Rudd had resigned. 

The breaking point for Johnson and his BNP/UKIP strategy is surely coming soon....a huge percentage of moderate Tory votes could well be going to the LibDems, and no matter how much the right-wing media trumpets how great Johnson is, he's surely destined to fail. 

We're days away from the Tories and Farage forming an 'official' alliance. 

It's delightful from a Scottish point of view. 


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23 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

Think the existing government  (and largest party) get 14 days to show Her Maj that they can form a stable government (e.g by getting votes of smaller parties with promises of whatever). So I would imagine if they triggered a VONC in themselves (assuming Bercow couldn't block)? any time from 17th Oct onwards, it surely means no deal. And if Boris doesn't want to go to jail, he can surely resign as PM on the 19th


Not quite, if the house passes a motion showing it has no confidence in the government, there's a 14 day period for any MP to show HM that they can command the confidence of the house. That could mean a unity government being formed to exclude the Tories and DUP.


Besides even if Boris tried to VONC himself, there's no guarantee the VONC would even pass. The government's "working majority" is -45 now that Amber Rudd has left the Tories. If the opposition want to trap Johnson they'll just vote no on a VONC motion. 

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I suspect the 14 days is the time limit for somebody to appear who has the confidence of the House before a GE is called, for 25 days later. So if Johnson has failed to get a deal by the 19th of October and refuses to ask for an extension, and Corbyn demands a VONC and wins, and if the opposition have already agreed on a caretaker PM, he/she could be appointed immediately and send the letter to the EU. So if the opposition keep solid there's f**k all Johnson can do.

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1 hour ago, Donathan said:


Not quite, if the house passes a motion showing it has no confidence in the government, there's a 14 day period for any MP to show HM that they can command the confidence of the house. That could mean a unity government being formed to exclude the Tories and DUP.


Besides even if Boris tried to VONC himself, there's no guarantee the VONC would even pass. The government's "working majority" is -45 now that Amber Rudd has left the Tories. If the opposition want to trap Johnson they'll just vote no on a VONC motion. 

I think I understand that, just. But The existing Gov do get 14 days to fanny about trying to cobble together enough votes. " Hey, Nicola - how do you fancy an Indyref 2"?  (No  obligation to respect the outcome, mind)  Oi, Jo. Howzabout a coalition and some nice ministerial Jags)?  And while all this shenanigans is going on, parliamentary time for emergency hand-brake turns on no-deal gets burnt up. And presumably a Lib-Lab-SNP-Etc coalition would have to agree on more than just "let's get a 3 month extension" in order to persuade Boris to resign promptly and HM  to appoint Corbyn as PM?

It's a bit of a mess. The FTPA plus the Speaker opening the Pandora's Box of innovating with Parliaments customs have made things worse

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52 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

List of medicines that will be in short supply after brexit:


I didn’t believe the hysterical Project Fear nonsense that was thrown at Scottish Independence and I don’t believe the same nonsense now being thrown at Brexit. 

btw that article talks about shortages and price rises being caused by stockpiling / import rights fears. Why is any UK government going to restrict import rights?

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9 hours ago, Pet Jeden said:

And presumably a Lib-Lab-SNP-Etc coalition would have to agree on more than just "let's get a 3 month extension" in order to persuade Boris to resign promptly and HM  to appoint Corbyn as PM?

All the opposition have to do is keep solid till March 19th, call a VONC and choose a caretaker PM to last 25 days till a General Election, after the EU agree to an extension. The only way out for Johnson is getting a deal with the EU that Parliament somehow rushes through in ten days, which looks very unlikely. Cummings has been done up like a kipper, unless he can win the election of course.

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I can't believe this 'strategy' has been thought up and put into action by actual adults. The whole thing hinged on Corbyn agreeing to an early election.Jezza

Also blowing their muck too early with the whole 'end of austerity' announcement that absolutely nobody is talking about now. Monty Chuckle 

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I can't believe this 'strategy' has been thought up and put into action by actual adults. The whole thing hinged on Corbyn agreeing to an early election.ChMampY.png&key=946fbb41fe4656f1d84b1986025a0e7c0653855d0b520e97ade4e3763d80b9b4
Also blowing their muck too early with the whole 'end of austerity' announcement that absolutely nobody is talking about now. yXAbrOQ.png&key=fd8a8a1c32739807a3c7a60aa25279887b7174ffe8d90e234328c191c8797ff4 
It was like planning a fight without taking into account the other side might punch back. The insipid remain campaign for the referendum got them thinking they were masters of the Universe instead of shooting at an open goal.
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