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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 hours ago, Pet Jeden said:

Ken Clarke openly admits that he doesn’t want the UK to come out of the Single Market and Customs Union at all - despite having stood on a manifesto to do just that. So I’m not sure why you hold him up as some kind of impartial judge of what’s going on (or not) behind the scenes.

Also known as Soapy Clarke. First at the bar and always first to pay for pals, says it all.

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1 hour ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

Oh dear, May's deal or No Deal....Screenshot_20190908-154701_Daily%20Mail%20Online.jpeg

Serious fuckin shit, like all of us they are pissed off with the bollocks, I'm in France at the moment and speaking with ex pats and locals gets the same reaction, they don't want us, they never did as I was told this morning, De Gaulle was clear that when he met with Conrad Adenauer in 1955 at his home in Colombey Le Deux Eglise he envisaged the European Union as just that, the Western European Continent, the english are always trouble he was quoted.

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1 hour ago, SandyCromarty said:

Serious fuckin shit, like all of us they are pissed off with the bollocks, I'm in France at the moment and speaking with ex pats and locals gets the same reaction, they don't want us, they never did as I was told this morning, De Gaulle was clear that when he met with Conrad Adenauer in 1955 at his home in Colombey Le Deux Eglise he envisaged the European Union as just that, the Western European Continent, the english are always trouble he was quoted.

Macron was saying the same thing last time around and then nothing happened.

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You seriously think after signing the WA (incl the UK-wide Backstop) the EU would negotiate anything? How naive. That’s why they put up front the 3 biggies they were concerned about.
Are you the sort of person who pays a tradesman the whole price up front then wonders why you can’t get them to start or finish the job on time?
The backstop rules are what the UK government insisted on to make sure it was against the EU's interests for it to end up as a permanent arrangement. Pretty well the same access to the single market as we have now without paying a penny to help run it and no freedom of movement. And protecting the Good Friday agreement. Other than that it was guaranteeing citizens rights, ours and their's, and promising to pay our bills already contracted to, like pensions and projects we'd signed up to. Seems like a fair enough deal to me, if you're daft enough to want to leave in the first place. But Rees Mogg and his pals have blown that one, so thankfully we'll probably get a second referendum and get past this nonsense.
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14 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Swinson I will do everything to stop brexit but I'll never go into govt with Corbyn but will stand aside for brexiteer tories. 





Rebel Tories expelled from the party are in talks with the Liberal Democrats about a non-aggression pact.


An aggression pact might be more interesting.



Edited by ICTJohnboy
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Be interesting to see what if any connections there are between the Johnston and Trump campaigns. Our PM is now playing to the hard core support which will only break down if he softens. All this “I’ll break the law to get Brexit through”, the sacking of “softer” Tories, “dead in a ditch”, blame or parliament and threat of Corbyn all seem remarkably similar tactics to Trump. Substitute Fox News for BBC news and you’ve got a broadcaster barely challenging your comments.
His core support will lap it up and it will take a huge concerted effort from his opponents to keep him out in an election.
This is English nationalism at an extreme level.

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I genuinely think we're fucked.


I know there's the perception that Boris has went off the rails but there is a reason and a motivation behind his strategy.


Trump found a way to do things repeatedly that would end another candidates career and still keep a 30% hard core support. There's a rule book which applies to the traditional party committee designed politician but it doesn't seem to work as well when someone does the whole madman thing.


If there's a similar percentage of leave people who are as staunch and will actually turn out to vote, they won't care a jot who is implementing their extreme agenda and what flimsy 16th century constitutional convention they seem to be violating.


With the way the public seem to perceive reality and how social media provides them comfort in their delusions, I could see a much more grim decade ahead. There have been some impacts felt but I feel we've not really properly seen the real consequences of any of the last few years yet.


Even in Scotland, we're not immune from this shite. Still polling significant levels of Tory and Brexit Party support. We're deffo better off up here but the situation is flimsier than people realise. There's an ignorance behind devolution and the budget in Holyrood is always under more pressure, there's a level of accountability there that goes well beyond what an administration can achieve.

I find that when it comes to Brexit then all sense goes out the window with some people.


It's quite clear that the events this week - especially those Tories who were kicked out of their party - were about stopping one nasty type of Brexit - yet these c***s still play the "MPs are stopping Brexit" record.


The older ones are the worst - those fucking baby boomers - the selfish b*****ds who lap of any old shite the read in the Mail.


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Johnson is up to his arse with Bannon and Farage, and no doubt American funded advice and social media activity. Anything to stop Europe being a competitor financially or in global reach politically, especially now they have the cheek of asking Amazon, Google Facebook etc to start paying their taxes. And the way our socialist healthcare forces prices down for big pharma.

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Johnson is up to his arse with Bannon and Farage, and no doubt American funded advice and social media activity. Anything to stop Europe being a competitor financially or in global reach politically, especially now they have the cheek of asking Amazon, Google Facebook etc to start paying their taxes. And the way our socialist healthcare forces prices down for big pharma.
Not sure about above. It's just an ego thing for Johnson
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