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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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11 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’ve raised the pension issue on here before.

The UK has one of the poorer state pensions in Europe yet “commentators” are always suggesting that it’s unsustainable in the long term.  No such suggestions coming out of other European countries.

Yes agree Granny, but why are the opposition politicians and commentators not pushing this question ?

We might be aware, but your average joe public punter doesn't have a clue and just believe all the rhetoric about us being a "rich country" and "having it good" etc but of course the sad fact is that we're absolutely miles behind the likes of Poland with regards to public services, amenities and general standard of living.

It's pretty much boom or bust over here or should I say very rich or destitute.................

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The entire media in this country is corrupt and at times I wonder if ALL our politicians are not somehow complicit in it all.
Take the Pensions situation as a prime example, we have France where the current pension age is 62 and there's a huge public outcry as they're considering increasing it to 64. What's even better is that the base Government pension rate per month is 1,400 Euros, now, compare that with here !!
WHY is this not being widely reported ?? Surely if people were given these figures in black and white they'd be questioning our whole Government system ??
The fact remains that we (Britain) have one of the lowest pensions and worst benefits system in the developed world and YET we supposedly have the 6th largest economy in the world. 
Where does the money go ???
Why does our media and opposition parties not go on and on and on and on about this ???
Instead, it's all trivialities, all the bloody time, WHY ???
On a further note, I've just returned from a weekend in Chester and the levels of homelessness and deprivation in one of this country's most affluent Towns and areas was truly horrendous. There were literally scores of people sleeping in doorways all along the Main streets of the Town just yards away from some of the most expensive areas of the country, honestly, I've never seen anything like this in this country and I reckon it will only get worse.
I have no idea where it will all end, however I do know that Brexit will further increase the already horrendous wealth gap in this country and I can see only major problems ahead............

I spent 4 nights at Alton towers this year with the kids and every car in the car park was a shiny premium model. Each of these families kids were wearing the equivalent on a grand in clothing each day with all their designer gear. Head to toe. There are lot of very poor people but also a lot of wealthy middle class people who spunk their money up a wall to make sure the kids have all the latest gear. When I was young it was a pair of staypress and a Y cardigan, the rest was out of Whatevery’s !!
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8 minutes ago, Kneal Down Caster said:

I spent 4 nights at Alton towers this year with the kids and every car in the car park was a shiny premium model. Each of these families kids were wearing the equivalent on a grand in clothing each day with all their designer gear. Head to toe. There are lot of very poor people but also a lot of wealthy middle class people who spunk their money up a wall to make sure the kids have all the latest gear. When I was young it was a pair of staypress and a Y cardigan, the rest was out of Whatevery’s !!

Doesn't surprise me. The company line is that the "average" wage is around £35k p/a with a half decent earner being on £80k + (hence the BJ pledge to the "middle" earners").

Of course the reality is that there's millions in the country earning minimum wage and doing the part time "gig" type of work and who barely have enough to feed themselves and their kids, meanwhile we are throwing money and tax breaks at those who are the wealthiest.

I really don't know if our politicians are actually evil or whether they're just completely ignorant and deluded at the plight of much of the working poor.

Still, if it keeps going in this direction it will eventually lead to anarchy, starting with an upsurge in burglaries, thefts, muggings and violent assaults.........

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I spent 4 nights at Alton towers this year with the kids and every car in the car park was a shiny premium model. Each of these families kids were wearing the equivalent on a grand in clothing each day with all their designer gear. Head to toe. There are lot of very poor people but also a lot of wealthy middle class people who spunk their money up a wall to make sure the kids have all the latest gear. When I was young it was a pair of staypress and a Y cardigan, the rest was out of Whatevery’s !!
Credit becoming expensive would utterly f**k a lot of outwardly appearing "wealthy" people
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31 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
58 minutes ago, Kneal Down Caster said:

I spent 4 nights at Alton towers this year with the kids and every car in the car park was a shiny premium model. Each of these families kids were wearing the equivalent on a grand in clothing each day with all their designer gear. Head to toe. There are lot of very poor people but also a lot of wealthy middle class people who spunk their money up a wall to make sure the kids have all the latest gear. When I was young it was a pair of staypress and a Y cardigan, the rest was out of Whatevery’s !!

Credit becoming expensive would utterly f**k a lot of outwardly appearing "wealthy" people

Well said, little fella.

At our place, those of us who got in before the last major rape of the Prison Service are on £30k. Our jail is in the middle of nowhere, hence no Public Transport, hence add an average 40 mile (20 each way) commute to be paid for.

I had to escort a colleague to A&E then home today after she was affected by inhaling "spice". Going to the staff car park to pick up her phone, etc., very few motors are older than five years, and there's an awful lot of audis, BMWs and Mercs. I willhappily wager that at least eighty per cent of these were bought on deals where "you will not own the car" is part of the small print. With the current high number of inexperienced staff in HMPPS, that's a lot of folk on 22k driving a car worth (sometimes a lot) more than their salary. Which will never be theirs.

FWIW, I drive a five year old Nissan. Which I will still be driving in four and a half years, when I get my pensionmobile.


Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Things are about to get very interesting!

A few legal people on Twitter speculating that for the government lawyers have all of this documentation already and it's too late for them to be destroyed without someone getting in proper shit. Seems to be relevant to the recent court case.

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47 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Credit becoming expensive would utterly f**k a lot of outwardly appearing "wealthy" people

Bingo. A large chunk of the adult population are racking up debt at an enormous rate while it's so cheap to borrow. If interest rates suddenly cranked up a lot of people are suddenly not able to keep up mortgage and loan payments. 

The BoE have warned about it plenty over the last 18 months because the base rate is only going one way and it's not down. 

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Some lovely clearly past caring remarks from Bercow. Saying that it’s important this Parliament elects the new Speaker so whips can’t influence newly elected MPs and that MPs are representatives, not delegates (all whilst staring at the Tory benches).

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He is making sure that a solidly remain parliament with a strong one nation tory membership  still in seats is going to appoint his successor. He was going to resign June 2020 but with an election looming he is crafting to ensure the next speaker represents the will of this parliament rather than risk a big mob of pro hard brexit goons sweeping in in November put someone sycophantic to BoJo in the hot seat. 

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22 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

All that needed was Bercow to lift his shirt to display a t-shirt saying “F*ck You Boris”.


He's a pompous fool who takes up way too much parliamentary time. He always wants to be the centre of attention, with his smug, condescending put-downs of MPs. Much preferred any of the last 4 speakers.

His speech today, gazing up at the galleries, holding back the tears, while he droned on about his family was  absolutely puke-inducing. He will be remembered as the erse who thought he was being clever by discarding some long-held parliamentary practices for what he thought was the bigger cause. But he's let the genie out of the bottle and now every MP on every side of every debate is, and will be, looking for ways to game the rules. Hard to see how a government with a narrow majority is ever going to be able to govern in future.

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