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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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26 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Nice to see we're getting rid of all that pesky red tape.

Margaret Thatcher will be spinning in her lead lined garlic festooned coffin.


In the 1980s, when the economy of the EEC began to lag behind the rest of the developed world, Margaret Thatcher sent Arthur Cockfield, Baron Cockfield, to the Delors Commission to take the initiative to attempt to relaunch the common market. Cockfield wrote and published a White Paper in 1985 identifying 300 measures to be addressed in order to complete a single market.[11][12][13] The White Paper was well received and led to the adoption of the Single European Act, a treaty which reformed the decision-making mechanisms of the EEC and set a deadline of 31 December 1992 for the completion of a single market. In the end, it was launched on 1 January 1993.


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2 hours ago, Rodhull said:

I'm sure a list of all the benefits we'll be getting is coming any day now.

its going to be a  f*ckin car crash come 1 January 2021 - every single thing will be immensely more complicated for businesses and individuals yet this Govt carries on as if they are competently handling what are just minor administrative issues. this feckin shambles should be front and centre every day - the Channel 4 door stepping of Gove should be done to all Cabinet Ministers in order to hold them to account for the shambles they have led us up to. 

Second to this would be highlighting the attempt to bury/cover-up the Russia report and then the the other car-crash that should be constantly highlighted is the Govt handling of Covid-19 (which remains third in my view solely because there is more capacity for f**k-up there and more unnecessary deaths). And that is without mentioning the direct award contracts to Government and Cummings cronies!

This Government is clearly inept, corrupt snd self-serving. What grinds my gears is the fact they are largely accepted by most of the country and sections of the media to be efficient and competent when everyone can clearly see the shit-show connected to pretty much everything they touch. 

and just as I type this Priti Patel pops up to announce more details re their new draconian immigration system that appears to f**k over care workers during a pandemic. And this was a Minister who sought to evade the Home Affairs select committee, questioned the motives behind BLM demonstrations, and was facing (as I understood) an "independent" investigation into bullying behaviour. 

F**k me. 


Edited by KingRocketman II
reduced my f*ck count
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5 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

and just as I type this Priti Patel pops up to announce more details re their new draconian immigration system that appears to f**k over care workers during a pandemic. And this was a Minister who sought to evade the Home Affairs select committee, questioned the motives behind BLM demonstrations, and was facing (as I understood) an "independent" investigation into bullying behaviour. 


Don't forget getting sacked for clandestine dealings with the Israelis.

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5 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:


This is why they keep getting voted in despite all the obvious corruption and ineptitude. English folk want rid of immigrants and that's that. The tories will do it as they've cleverly(?) repositioned themselves as an English nationalist party, ground on which Labour can never compete. 

What’s pathetic of Labour is that, rather than call the Tories out on it, they’ve repeatedly tried to compete with it.

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1 hour ago, MixuFruit said:


This is why they keep getting voted in despite all the obvious corruption and ineptitude. English folk want rid of immigrants and that's that. The tories will do it as they've cleverly(?) repositioned themselves as an English nationalist party, ground on which Labour can never compete. 

but they have proven themselves shite at that also. Under Cameron, where am sure many of this current bunch were serving in some capacity or other, he made a commitment to reducing net immigration - can't remember what the target was but after boasting of making a number of legislative statements the number increased. I think the attempt was to sway the brexiteers who had and continue to conflate EU FMOP/FMOL with UK wider immigration policy with the rest of the world. 

So the Tories made a relatively recent shit-show of  "immigration control" also. 

As for Labour as not being able to compete as a nationalist party, well some of their MPs and previous leaders do pretty well at that with strong messages in support of their Brexit supporting communities and strong on immigration control mugs (that another poster regularly posts) - that is from a time they were clearly courting a certain demographic. Also their continued "Union at all costs/no to a referendum" stance can only be informed by British nationalism otherwise a more flexible look at the current arrangements would be considered as a party position option. 

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3 hours ago, KingRocketman II said:

strong on immigration control mugs (that another poster regularly posts) 

Didn't realise you were popping in mate.

Fancy a cuppa ?


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2 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


Fears over Brexit customs clearance centre in Ashford after government snaps up MOJO site near M20 Junction 10a

Brexit voters knew exactly what they were voting for, of course.

f**k 'em.


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Up to 12 post-Brexit customs centres like Kent lorry park to be built to deal with EU exit

It gets even worse: The plans emerged as it was confirmed that the UK government expects businesses to complete hundreds of millions of additional import and export customs declarations - an official estimate of around 400 million was later revised down to 215 million - as a result of Brexit, at a cost previously estimated by HM Revenue and Customs at anything up to £20bn a year.

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I noticed that America recently became the most expensive place in the world to send parcels to via Royal Mail, overtaking Oz and some of the Asian countries by quite some distance. Is this anything to do with this Brexit nonsense? Can't really think of any particular reason for it.

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3 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

I noticed that America recently became the most expensive place in the world to send parcels to via Royal Mail, overtaking Oz and some of the Asian countries by quite some distance. Is this anything to do with this Brexit nonsense? Can't really think of any particular reason for it.

I only know that Trump was trying to get the US Postal Service to up their rates to damage Amazon whose owner also owns the Washington Post who often publish unflattering articles about him. And he has some pals in shop front retail who are taking a hit, and maybe have some dirt on him.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

I only know that Trump was trying to get the US Postal Service to up their rates to damage Amazon whose owner also owns the Washington Post who often publish unflattering articles about him. And he has some pals in shop front retail who are taking a hit, and maybe have some dirt on him.

They'll write songs about that man some day. And nobody will believe them.

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Up to 12 post-Brexit customs centres like Kent lorry park to be built to deal with EU exit
It gets even worse: The plans emerged as it was confirmed that the UK government expects businesses to complete hundreds of millions of additional import and export customs declarations - an official estimate of around 400 million was later revised down to 215 million - as a result of Brexit, at a cost previously estimated by HM Revenue and Customs at anything up to £20bn a year.

I see that they are being called the Farage-Garage!
A fitting legacy.
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Up to 12 post-Brexit customs centres like Kent lorry park to be built to deal with EU exit

It gets even worse: The plans emerged as it was confirmed that the UK government expects businesses to complete hundreds of millions of additional import and export customs declarations - an official estimate of around 400 million was later revised down to 215 million - as a result of Brexit, at a cost previously estimated by HM Revenue and Customs at anything up to £20bn a year.

I see that they are being called the Farage-Garage!

A fitting legacy.


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39 minutes ago, zidane's child said:

Even if Brexit is an utter shambles (which it most likely will be), Leave voters will never admit they got it wrong.

As long as they get their Blue Passport cover or Brexit 50p piece they’ll be happy and deem it all worth while.

I don't think they will ever be happy.  They will continue to blame the EU for everything that is wrong in the world alongside foreigners and anyone who is different.

At some point the whole thing needs to make a noticeable impact and not just a drop in the pound.  That is when the penny might drop but probably not for most of them.

Could be wrong.  Could all be a marvellous success but I doubt it.

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