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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

No I saw them march against Corbyn with Ian Paisley Jr. they definitely oppose that. 

Thats the mad thing about Corbyn, unelectable in Scotland but would probably have enacted policies which could have annulled many of the ‘leftist’ arguments for indy. Stormzy would have a better chance of keeping his union if he helped a party more in line with the political leanings of a majority of the Scottish electorate win rather than one which represents a minority (albeit significant). 

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9 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I actually quite like (but dont agree with) your posts in terms of you stick up for what you believe in, but you absolutely have to own that things like child protection, public safety, combatting poverty and more ‘fluffy’ policies are absolutely not even remotely entertained by the tories. They genuinely have done untold harm to millions of people and are unapologetic about that. There are members of the 1922 committee and indeed government ministers who would open the workhouses tomorrow, are openly and vociferously xenophobic/racist and long for the days of the empire. In my view if you vote for a party where these principles (or lack of) are so obvious then you have to absolutely accept the fact people will associate you with these views, even if that’s not the reason you support that party.  

Good post which describes the tory party in a nutshell, you could have mentioned also how keen they are to line their own pockets.

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If you vote Tory, you support them. Your vote supports their policies. And they've acted like scum right across the board in every area. So this isn't a case of weighing good against bad. It's bad against bad in every way. And you're supporting it, no matter how much you choose to deny it. You simply don't want to face up to it. You don't want to own it, despite saying you do.

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16 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
23 minutes ago, Stormzy said:
Hyperbolic pish. 
I'd prefer to avoid having another referendum tbh. No contortions anywhere but I get this place doesn't do nuance. 
Bunch of 40 year old edgelords at times. 

At the cost of voting tory, which unfortunately for you, you will have to meet which was the point of the discussion. Dont come on here trying to say you have to vote tory and arent really a supporter. That's horseshit. Also, maybe have a read at what hyperbole is. And edgelord.

The initial discussion began when someone said voting Tory is voting for starving children. I disagree with that completely. It's a simplistic take on a multi faceted global issue that you can't pin on any singular party and I think it's poor form to morally posture over the issue. 

I can say what I like, I don't feel at home with the Conservatives, I'd love to vote Labour and used to vote Lib Dem, I'm not blaming the SNP for being successful but considering I value Unionsim very highly on my voting priorities you would be misrepresenting my opinions to box me in as "Tory voting to starve children" you can fail to understand this nuance and throw mud at me all you like, you can all kekeke away and you can all impolitley disagree all you want. 

I appreciate @Patoand other posters who have engaged in discussion but it's undeniable that posts from Norman and yourself are filled with hyperbolic edgelord type patter. You don't come with any sincerity neither does @Miguel Sanchez with his negging and fleg patter.

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1 minute ago, Stormzy said:

The initial discussion began when someone said voting Tory is voting for starving children. I disagree with that completely. It's a simplistic take on a multi faceted global issue that you can't pin on any singular party and I think it's poor form to morally posture over the issue. 

I can say what I like, I don't feel at home with the Conservatives, I'd love to vote Labour and used to vote Lib Dem, I'm not blaming the SNP for being successful but considering I value Unionsim very highly on my voting priorities you would be misrepresenting my opinions to box me in as "Tory voting to starve children" you can fail to understand this nuance and throw mud at me all you like, you can all kekeke away and you can all impolitley disagree all you want. 

I appreciate @Patoand other posters who have engaged in discussion but it's undeniable that posts from Norman and yourself are filled with hyperbolic edgelord type patter. You don't come with any sincerity neither does @Miguel Sanchez with his negging and fleg patter.

Hey I'm not calling you a c**t, I'm just trying to let you work out for yourself why people think you are. 

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6 minutes ago, Andre Drazen said:

If you vote Tory, you support them. Your vote supports their policies. And they've acted like scum right across the board in every area. So this isn't a case of weighing good against bad. It's bad against bad in every way. And you're supporting it, no matter how much you choose to deny it. You simply don't want to face up to it. You don't want to own it, despite saying you do.

Well that's on the terms you've set out which I disagree with. 

How could I own and face up to something I disagree with?

I concede the idea I've supported them and their policy by voting for them even if I don't actually agree with a lot of their policy and have voted other parties tha majority of my life but I reject the idea that me supporting Unionsim is akin to starving children. 

Funnily enough I've never came across this sort of argument IRL, only online where people like to posture an awful lot. 

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3 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Hey I'm not calling you a c**t, I'm just trying to let you work out for yourself why people think you are. 

I know why most people on here that think I'm a c**t do so, they don't like Rangers fans that support the Union, I'm okay with that. 😂 

They thought that before today and they'll think that til the day I leave the forum, it doesn't make me a c**t though and I'm not out here calling anyone else a c**t for their political beliefs, I'm not even annoyed at anyone doing so I'm just saying there are blatantly sincere attempts to engage with people and then there are people back up dancing, akin to a high school fight, there's a lot of people who like to stand by the sides chanting "fight fight fight" and I can't lie that can be slightly irritating but again I accept that's part of the patter you get on political sections of forums. 

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4 minutes ago, Andre Drazen said:

Supporting unionism in itself doesn't do that. Your way of doing it is to vote Tory, which DOES do that.

And as we both discussed earlier the only other option then would be for me to abstain. 

I don't think I've got any other options of supporting Unionism, unfortunately. 

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19 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Thats the mad thing about Corbyn, unelectable in Scotland but would probably have enacted policies which could have annulled many of the ‘leftist’ arguments for indy. Stormzy would have a better chance of keeping his union if he helped a party more in line with the political leanings of a majority of the Scottish electorate win rather than one which represents a minority (albeit significant). 

Big Bojo has done an okay job so far tbf to him in that regards. 

If the conversation has moved onto tactics then I dare say Indy supporters aren't in much of a position to explain how to do better.

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2 minutes ago, Andre Drazen said:

Abstaining is the only choice for anyone with morals. The fact that you see the union as more important than everything that the Tories have done says a lot more about you as a person than anything else here.

So you think I don't have any morals? That's pretty wild tbh. 

I'd say that says more about how you view people that disagree with you but I'm sure you've got morals and good intentions. 

ETA - I would also advise anyone keen on Indy to abstain to retain their morals. 🙄

Edited by Stormzy
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There are some amount glasshouses getting stoned on here today. 

Whilst some of the Tory policies are indeed reprehensible, so are the consequences of Nicola's vote buying decisions, just that folk can't see the wood for the trees, there's barely a worthwhile option on the ballot papers in a few weeks. 

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6 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

There are some amount glasshouses getting stoned on here today. 

Whilst some of the Tory policies are indeed reprehensible, so are the consequences of Nicola's vote buying decisions, just that folk can't see the wood for the trees, there's barely a worthwhile option on the ballot papers in a few weeks. 

Whit? Starving children, cronyism and gross corruption  is in no way comparable to paying NHS staff an increase.

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42 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I actually quite like (but dont agree with) your posts in terms of you stick up for what you believe in, but you absolutely have to own that things like child protection, public safety, combatting poverty and more ‘fluffy’ policies are absolutely not even remotely entertained by the tories. They genuinely have done untold harm to millions of people and are unapologetic about that. There are members of the 1922 committee and indeed government ministers who would open the workhouses tomorrow, are openly and vociferously xenophobic/racist and long for the days of the empire. In my view if you vote for a party where these principles (or lack of) are so obvious then you have to absolutely accept the fact people will associate you with these views, even if that’s not the reason you support that party.  

Absolutely correct.

Im a Tory and believe in self determination with welfare in place to deal with hardship when it occurs and only as a temporary respite.

Certainly don’t agree with subsidising all and sundry.


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