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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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The least worst option is to reach a negotiated settlement for withdrawal and the only ones currently stopping that from happening are those that wish to remain in the EU. 

That's unfair, the ERG and DUP are doing their bit.
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54 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

She is just running the clock down to get a hard brexit.

You're right that she's just running the clock down, whether that's to get a hard brexit I'm yet not totally convinced, but that is the direction of travel.

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The least worst option is to reach a negotiated settlement for withdrawal and the only ones currently stopping that from happening are those that wish to remain in the EU.  If the current deal was put to the electorate I have a feeling that it would probably command a similar majority to the original vote.  Of course if that happened then it would be extremely difficult for vast swathes of MPs to justify their current position.

What utter shit. 



It's been stopped because we have a PM who has ignored any possibility of a soft Brexit too busy trying to appease the ERG tail.




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I wonder if we could form our own EFTA style arrangement without fucking it up for Norway, Iceland etc? Start off with total EU convergence and gradually negotiate opt outs like fish and ag, like a reverse Switzerland, but withdraw from the political institutions from the start to appease the leavers.
This. I think I mentioned earlier that a Norway style agreement could possibly pass, but folk were saying that Norway (and the others) wouldn't agree. I wasn't suggesting joining the EFTA, and I'm sure those proposing this either. It's called "Norway style" and not "join in with Norway" after all. It doesn't even mean we have to replicate the agreements the EFTA have with the EU - but it would be a decent enough starting point.
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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:


Given we never enacted a Terror upon the aristocracy and slaughtered large swathes of the ruling class I would say we do get the press we deserve.




Surely there's still time ??

Never say never and all that........

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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

Surely there's still time ??

Never say never and all that........


Hoping for a post-indy radicalisation of Andy Wightman's Land Reform policy so that it simply states "relinquish your land or meet our slicy friend."

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2 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Hoping for a post-indy radicalisation of Andy Wightman's Land Reform policy so that it simply states "relinquish your land or meet our slicy friend."

Call me cutting, but I've always been a big fan of madame guillotine.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

That's why Parliament has to TAKE BACK CONTROL! It's a real possibility, the closest to a revolution we've had in a while.

And by Centrists! Everyone on the left and right will be furious!

What's really amusing is that the staunch remainers see a right wing conspiracy led by May which will see us end with a hard Brexit but at the same time the hardcore right and staunch Brexiteers are seeing a left wing conspiracy led by May which will see us remain under the rule of the "hated EU" and even worse the potential of a "communist" Government taking over.

You then have the sensible people who just want what's best for the country and an outcome which will cause the least disruption possible. 

Unfortunately the "sensible" group appear to be vastly outnumbered in this Game of Thrones parody which is currently running at Westminster..........

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9 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Surely there's still time ??

Never say never and all that........

Tempting, but....

by the way I've been reading the report ( daily mall ) about Rees Mogg's big champaigne party after voting down May's proposals the other night ( seems so long ago now )

and thought that with the slicked across hair, the oratory, the 30's style double breasted jacket,  if you added a little top lip moustache, he'd look just like.........




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Solution #347. Nation's referendum as advocated by the SNP. Scotland and maybe Wales and NI (tricky) vote remain, England vote Leave. England are allowed to drift away to a semi-detached status but with a privileged trading status like Greenland and the Isle of Man, thanks to their continued relationship with the rUk led by Scotland.

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Interesting to think what the political landscape would be just now had Remain won....

Support for UKIP would probably have surged. Some Tory MPs would defected to UKIP, leaving David Cameron requiring a coalition (with the DUP?) and we'd be looking at a general election next year with the prospect of UKIP winning loads of seats.

Would have been entertaining.


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Interesting to think what the political landscape would be just now had Remain won....
Support for UKIP would probably have surged. Some Tory MPs would defected to UKIP, leaving David Cameron requiring a coalition (with the DUP?) and we'd be looking at a general election next year with the prospect of UKIP winning loads of seats.
Would have been entertaining.
Boring as shite though
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Demanding she rules out No Deal is more useful than meeting her to be lectured. It has the effect of either (i) ruling out No Deal which you would assume a lot of people who don't like Corbyn would be happy about or (ii) Encouraging Tory remainers to ditch her at next confidence vote. It also undermines any cabinet member who rules it out publicly for propaganda reasons.

Also the idea that the Labour front bench should trot into Downing Street on command is completely wrong. May has spent the past year making horrible comments about Corbyn and encouraging her MPs to heckle him every PMQs. She said this only five hours before extending her invite



If we want to see what the Leader of the Opposition would do to our country, we can do no better than look at what he has done to his party. Before he became Labour leader, nobody could have imagined that a party which had fought so hard against discrimination could become the banner under which racists and bigots whose world view is dominated by a hatred of Jews could gather, but that is exactly what has happened under his leadership. British Jewish families who have lived here for generations are asking themselves where they should go if he ever becomes Prime Minister; that is what has happened under his leadership. A Jewish Labour MP had to hire a bodyguard to attend her own party conference, under the leadership of the right hon. Gentleman. What he has done to his party is a national tragedy. What he would do to our country would be a national calamity.


It's easy to forget because of the constant smearing that Corbyn takes how insulting that statement this.

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