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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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10 minutes ago, dorlomin said:

Bojo fancies himself Churchill, but he seems to be forcing his opponents into a Norway Debate scenario rather than allow them to build a blocking series of motions. 

Legislate for a second referendum then pull his clown house down around his ears. 


You need to read less nonsense in The Times.

The opposition can't legislate for a referendum. No one can force the PM to extend A50. Any referendum can't be held for at least 6 months. 

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It's merely a ceremonial position that the Queen holds, the Royals have absolutely no power at all, so all those hoping that the Queen will somehow intervene would be as well howling at the moon to be honest......

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15 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Not sure Corbyn is doing anything of significance tbh

This could literally have been posted at any time over the past three or four years

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Time to stock up on pitchforks and torches, folks..

I can see me spending a weekend or two protesting in London in the near future. This is certainly one way to get people involved in politics, the only issue being I'm not sure those spindly period lampposts on College Green will bear the blond buffons weight if it all goes a bit Mussolini.

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An unelected cabal of right wing fanatics take over the government, then signals its intention to suspend parliamentary democracy to force through a hugely divisive advisory referendum result, predicated upon lies, dirty money, social media manipulation and greed. You really couldn’t make it up. Dystopian fiction now reads like dewy-eyed optimism; satire is rendered redundant as even the most acerbic and cynical wits can’t keep pace with the ever-metastasising evil of populism: a toxic miasma of ever-shifting lies, deceit and untruths driven by unseen operators. It seems insufficient to merely proclaim that Britain is dead. The zombie carcass, in league with other dark forces throughout the globe, is still capable of inflicting great damage, and not only upon itself.

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1 minute ago, Bob Mahelp said:

We're about to find out which side of the fence moderate Tories who do not support a no-deal stand on.



We're also about to find out if the so called Independents will vote to bring the Government down, knowing it will lead to a General Election and they'll probably all lose their seats.

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A PM elected by less than 1% of the electorate is shutting down parliament to force through a demonstrably harmful Brexit by avoiding elected Mps voting on legislation to stop him. 

That's a coup. In another country dictatorship. 

Anyway, who cares? Eat your cereal.

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@Ad Lib 's on the case if you want to know all about proroguing Parliament.




Edited by welshbairn
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These london-centric posh boys - aided and abetted by farage/robinson and their little englanders -  are dragging us into oblivion.  The sooner we push to stand alone and make decisions for the benefit of and in the sole interest of the Scottish people the better.

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18 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

We're about to find out which side of the fence moderate Tories who do not support a no-deal stand on.




Unfortunately a sizeable number of them will opt for No Deal, rather than Remain, in the event that any kind of a withdrawal agreement cannot be negotiated.

(Will of the people and all that crap)

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