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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

I'll maybe get round to that later. Right now I'd rather ask you a simple question.

I'm confused about how you feel you can claim the moral high ground when you denigrate people for denigrating other people - calling people vermin for supposedly treating other people like vermin.

How do you cope with the rank hypocrisy and the logical disjoint? I'm interested in the thought process here more than anything else.


Could you point out where I have "claimed the moral high ground"?

I will quite happily stand by my description of Conservative politicians as "vermin" because I deal with the effects of their policies first hand on a daily basis. 

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1 hour ago, Pet Jeden said:

Ideally, you play the ball and not the man. You say that person's ideas are bad/dangerous/repugnant - whatever. Okay, so  sometimes we all see the red mist and say that the person is bad/dangerous/repugnant. The problem with the vermin tag is this. What do we do with vermin? We exterminate vermin. It's beyond the pale to call a person, let alone a whole group of people, vermin. The implication is that the person or group of people deserve nothing better than extermination. Sane people don't mean it literally -  on this site, it's just intended as a virtue signal of how macho and left wing the poster is. But it's the sort of language and imagery that ultimately encourages the unhinged in society towards actions like the Jo Cox murder. 

Weird how right wing snowflakes keep bringing up Jo Cox as if Thomas Mair was the unfairly goaded victim.

Edited by welshbairn
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Seriously? You seriously need to be told that when you call someone "vermin" you are claiming the moral high ground? Unless of course you are suggesting that you are on the same moral level as these "vermin". Are you suggesting that?
I honestly did not expect to have to breastfeed you that. [emoji38]
Nice to see the thread full of positive, empathetic and, most importantly, happy moral crusaders. 
Crikey. What a bunch. [emoji38]
Really? You deal with the effects of people being able to own their own cars, homes, PCs, tablets and home entertainment systems, who can now afford a standard of living that was unheard of prior to 1979 and who can now enjoy levels of education their ancestors could only dream of?
Or are you talking about the tiny fraction of people living chaotic who have fallen through the cracks of every government (Tory, Labour, Liberal and SNP) since people emerged from caves and started to forage for food? I'm just trying to get a handle on which particular moral ground you have decided to occupy here.
That was quite the reaction there [emoji23]

You love to see it.
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Seriously? You seriously need to be told that when you call someone "vermin" you are claiming the moral high ground? Unless of course you are suggesting that you are on the same moral level as these "vermin". Are you suggesting that?
I honestly did not expect to have to breastfeed you that. [emoji38]
I think the lad (or lass) is, if anything, claiming to be a decent human being who dislikes seeing his or her fellow citizens suffering through the ideology of those in power. The moral level, if you like. Those with lesser moral values would, therefore, be underneath that level - in the sewer, if you like. Which, with your continual denigration of anyone who doesn't agree with your Worldview, you obviously do.
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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

OK. Let's have this discussion if you want.

For the overwhelming number of people in this country, life really has never been as good as we've experienced over the last 30 or 40 years. We have a fantastic country. There's very little we want for. Clean running water, plentiful access to cheap food, fruit and veg, democratisation of free knowledge through the internet, free education at the point of use, mild weather, excellent standards of housing, good transport links, high employment, our own Parliament, free healthcare at the point of need, free prescriptions, fairly mild weather compared to other places in the world, no wars to have to take part in, few if any insurmountable barriers to progression in employment, almost no barriers to self employment for those who don't want or can't access a job, pretty much equal rights for all (although still a way to go yet). I could be here all day. We live in a fucking fantastic part of the world and history is being written right now as regards IndyRef, IndyRef2 and Brexit. What more do you actually want?

You and a few other miserable buggers might want to read some history of our country for a bit of perspective.

Wow. Are you in that much of a state that you felt the need to mention the weather twice? 

Calm down man. 

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Scotland :lol:

Sure, when you move the goalposts to delete the vast majority of the UK's population, things seem a bit better. Of course, you know this, but you're as much of a self entitled "I'm alright Jack" dickhead as the vermin, so you probably celebrate the fact that folk suffer because of said vermin.

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11 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Weird how right wing snowflakes keep bringing up Jo Cox as if Thomas Mair was the unfairly goaded victim.

I can live with your "snowflake" accusation. It's wrong, but hey-ho. Would be interested to know what you are basing the "right wing" tag on, though. Is it just because I am interrupting the Left Wing/Remain circle-jerk that this thread largely is ?

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2 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

I can live with your "snowflake" accusation. It's wrong, but hey-ho. Would be interested to know what you are basing the "right wing" tag on, though. Is it just because I am interrupting the Left Wing/Remain circle-jerk that this thread largely is ?

No, it's because you said you only come on here to take the pish out of Left Wing/Remainers, so it's an obvious assumption.

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Can someone check with Ian Kershaw and ask him whether an anonymous post to a small audience calling the ruling party “vermin” was the main reason for the failure of the Weimar Republic?

I am sure I read something about the Versailles Treaty and the Great Depression being involved but higher history was a while ago now.

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34 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

OK. Let's have this discussion if you want.

For the overwhelming number of people in this country, life really has never been as good as we've experienced over the last 30 or 40 years. We have a fantastic country. There's very little we want for. Clean running water, plentiful access to cheap food, fruit and veg, democratisation of free knowledge through the internet, free education at the point of use, mild weather, excellent standards of housing, good transport links, high employment, our own Parliament, free healthcare at the point of need, free prescriptions, fairly mild weather compared to other places in the world, no wars to have to take part in, few if any insurmountable barriers to progression in employment, almost no barriers to self employment for those who don't want or can't access a job, pretty much equal rights for all (although still a way to go yet). I could be here all day. We live in a fucking fantastic part of the world and history is being written right now as regards IndyRef, IndyRef2 and Brexit. What more do you actually want?

You and a few other miserable buggers might want to read some history of our country for a bit of perspective.


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