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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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3 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

In a way McSpreader is Brexit in the form of a P&B poster.

A little bit racist, making an utter c**t of it with folk looking on cringing.

Still carrying on despite all this as if nothing is wrong. Everyone pointing and laughing.

He'd be a much better poster if it wasn't for your negativity. It's not his fault that he's a terrible poster, it's your fault for pointing it out.

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40 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

He'd be a much better poster if it wasn't for your negativity. It's not his fault that he's a terrible poster, it's your fault for pointing it out.

It's really not.  Mcspreader is an imbecile and that must be confirmed, over and again, however tedious.

If not, this forum becomes a joke and a corner of the internet overrun by the unthinking, yet relentless, pervasion of snivelling serfdom.

I take my hat off to those that don't allow Mcspreader, et al (Oaksoft is seemingly currently using his PHD (in something useful...(fnarr, fnarr) and LoonDave tries a joke every Tuesday at 10:30pm (ish))....So, you know, progress and that.

Hopefully they'll all f**k off at some point.




Snooky can stay.  He's worth 10 Mcspreaders.

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2 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Whoosh? That's how Brexiteers react to everything. Or am I getting whooshed now? I'm confused. Too many San Miguels.

Yeh, I recognised that I was that far under a "whoosh" halfway through my post that I thought I better run with it....

...that and the prospect of rewriting a lot of, highland park infused, shite was too much for me...

...did I get away with it?8)

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1 minute ago, Shades75 said:

Yeh, I recognised that I was that far under a "whoosh" halfway through my post that I thought I better run with it....

...that and the prospect of rewriting a lot of, highland park infused, shite was too much for me...

...did I get away with it?8)

Since it's you, nae bother. I, on the other hand, am drinking the foreign muck that is going to send this country to the dogs. Bravo to you for keeping our economy going.

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18 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Since it's you, nae bother. I, on the other hand, am drinking the foreign muck that is going to send this country to the dogs. Bravo to you for keeping our economy going.

David Mundell imo ^^^

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You can imagine it yourself without needing it explained by someone else. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you do possess that much intellect. It may help you to imagine the concept of low-level racism and apply that to homophobia. There are people far more stupid than you who can understand the concept so I've no doubt you'll succeed.

Tbh it may be a good exercise for you to use your own brain for once rather than relying on the internet or other people to fill in the gaps in your knowledge and perceptions. 

Let me know how you get on!


It's either homophobic/racist or not.


You can't be a wee bit homophobic/racist!!






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It's really not.  Mcspreader is an imbecile and that must be confirmed, over and again, however tedious.
If not, this forum becomes a joke and a corner of the internet overrun by the unthinking, yet relentless, pervasion of snivelling serfdom.
I take my hat off to those that don't allow Mcspreader, et al (Oaksoft is seemingly currently using his PHD (in something useful...(fnarr, fnarr) and LoonDave tries a joke every Tuesday at 10:30pm (ish))....So, you know, progress and that.
Hopefully they'll all f**k off at some point.
Snooky can stay.  He's worth 10 Mcspreaders.

The most interesting part of your post for me was the fact you still wear a hat.
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8 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It's either homophobic/racist or not.


You can't be a wee bit homophobic/racist!!






I was talking more about racist /homophobic actions rather than the person......but seeing as the concept is a bit too nuanced for some I'll attempt to explain.

Low level or covert racism can be found on P&B by those who are extreme in denouncing others for being racist. It is found in  white folk  who are overly polite or effusively friendly to Black or Asian people. It is when you disparage Muslims for not drinking alcohol or Jews/muslims  for not eating pork or English folk for dancing around with hankies and bells on their ankles. It's when you take offence at the choice of clothing of Black or Asians  when you know it's cultural. It's when you avoid that seat on the train/bus next to a Black /Asian/Other,.......It's when you regard the words of a Scottish person more highly than an English/Welsh/African/Asian heritage person simply by dint of their colour/place of birth.

If you do any of those things you are guilty of covert racism. It doesn't make you a racist though. You may simply be a victim of your own cultural upbringing and just need to be more vigilant in how you engage with the world.

As for low level Homophobia it is as simple as regarding Heterosexuality as 'normal' and everything else as 'abnormal'. Imagine how that must feel for someone who isn't strictly heterosexual. Simply recognising there is a wider demographic and what is right for the individual concerned is perfectly normal can be a big help.

All of the above are different to Overt Racism/Homophobia which, I'm sure , doesn't need explaining and all can be applied to misogyny.


There are very few British people who do not display some or all of the above traits. There are very few people in the world who do not display some or all of the traits above.

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McSpreader really should be congratulated.  He throws a wee bit of bait in the water and otherwise intelligent posters are scrambling over each other to bite.  As a result of which there's a diminishing debate on this thread about  the real issue which is the complete and utter fucking mess this country is going to be in very soon.


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55 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

McSpreader really should be congratulated.  He throws a wee bit of bait in the water and otherwise intelligent posters are scrambling over each other to bite.  As a result of which there's a diminishing debate on this thread about  the real issue which is the complete and utter fucking mess this country is going to be in very soon.


McSpreader would disagree with you on the mess bit. He's very much in the Andrea Loathsome camp - those who don't agree with Brexit are simply unpatriotic. 

Cockroaches, £350m, NHS, Muslims etc etc. 

Of course it's going to be in a mess. People like him don't give a single, solitary f**k. 

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There is a clear difference between casual homophobia/ misogyny etc (cracking jokes etc) and outright homophobia/misogyny (look at banana's entire posting history). Quite why mcspreader, who's guilty of both fairly regularly, would want to make it his personal crusade on here is beyond me.

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There is a clear difference between casual homophobia/ misogyny etc (cracking jokes etc) and outright homophobia/misogyny (look at banana's entire posting history). Quite why mcspreader, who's guilty of both fairly regularly, would want to make it his personal crusade on here is beyond me.

It all becomes clear when you remember how unbelievably thick he is.
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6 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

McSpreader really should be congratulated.  He throws a wee bit of bait in the water and otherwise intelligent posters are scrambling over each other to bite.  As a result of which there's a diminishing debate on this thread about  the real issue which is the complete and utter fucking mess this country is going to be in very soon.


Thank you, lol!

Tbh the debate on this thread isn't really a debate, it's hypothesising, conjecture and crystal ball gazing. Some of it will inevitably come true and some of it won't.

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