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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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14 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:


I'd probably still vote for Brexit again.



Is it because you think you'll be personally better off outside the EU or the thing about it being undemocratic and "bringing back control"? Or another reason? Honestly curious.

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19 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:


I'd probably still vote for Brexit again.

I would love to see the reaction on here if there was a second vote and it also went in favour of Leave.


There’s nothing wrong with stupidity per se, but folk who flaunt their stupidity are in a different category.

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So the tories are in Parliament just now arguing against releasing the assesment papers whilst at the same time davies has just spoken to a reporter at the sun saying he is going to release them.The clusterfuck continues

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Is it because you think you'll be personally better off outside the EU or the thing about it being undemocratic and "bringing back control"? Or another reason? Honestly curious.

Because I could.

I've never fully engaged with the idea of the European Union. I just can't get that enthusiastic about it. I generally need to feel pretty positive about something before I'll vote for it.

With the Yes vote, for an independent Scotland, it was something I believed in. Much like the Leave vote for the EU, if Yes had won the day there would undoubtedly have been a significant period of economic uncertainty and difficult times. So, I was prepared for a significant period of uncertainty but still voted for it, because I believed in the eventual outcome.

Therefore doing the same in the EU referendum didn't exactly fill me with dread. Like most people who vote, I don't generally read the bumf the politicians produce. In the case of the EU referendum there wasn't that much bumf anyway. I just think, 'do I like the way things are?' If the answer is 'no' then I'll vote against the norm.

I could basically just post that cat gif with 'walk in, f**k things up, walk out.'
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1 hour ago, GTG_03 said:



Picture the scene. A 2nd referendum takes place due to may being unable to get a good deal. England and Wales again vote to leave but by a smaller margin and Scotland's remain votes carry the day.

Can you imagine the seethe? Farage, Rees mogg and the rest of them.


I know it's a fantasy as scotlands votes don't matter a fu*k but it would be glorious. I'd love to see how much they love Scotland then.


ETA I think it'd be a leave vote again anyway tbh



Scotland's votes were quite important in the election just gone.

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Really? Nice one. We'll be getting a billion pounds DUP style then...[emoji848]


The SNP could’ve struck that deal if they’d desired.


There’s a point to be made about Scotland’s voice in the UK. It just so happens you’re picking literally one of the few examples where Scotland swung the election. If the Tories had got their usual one seat, Theresa May wouldn’t be PM and we’d either have had another election by now or Jeremy Corbyn would be leading a coalition government.

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1 hour ago, Paco said:


The SNP could’ve struck that deal if they’d desired.


There’s a point to be made about Scotland’s voice in the UK. It just so happens you’re picking literally one of the few examples where Scotland swung the election. If the Tories had got their usual one seat, Theresa May wouldn’t be PM and we’d either have had another election by now or Jeremy Corbyn would be leading a coalition government.

It's a great sell for the "union", right? On the rare occasions England can't make up its mind clearly, one of the other member nations might be able to buy influence.

I can't help but recall Terry Eagleton's analogy when it comes to British union. Scotland, NI, and Wales can be said to have joined England in a union in the way a diner and the fish he's eaten can be said to have been united. But hey, very occasionally the fish can disagree with the diner's stomach - yay.

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It's a great sell for the "union", right? On the rare occasions England can't make up its mind clearly, one of the other member nations might be able to buy influence.
I can't help but recall Terry Eagleton's analogy when it comes to British union. Scotland, NI, and Wales can be said to have joined England in a union in the way a diner and the fish he's eaten can be said to have been united. But hey, very occasionally the fish can disagree with the diner's stomach - yay.

Hope May gets the two bob bits.
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The SNP could’ve struck that deal if they’d desired.
There’s a point to be made about Scotland’s voice in the UK. It just so happens you’re picking literally one of the few examples where Scotland swung the election. If the Tories had got their usual one seat, Theresa May wouldn’t be PM and we’d either have had another election by now or Jeremy Corbyn would be leading a coalition government.

This is utter tripe. There's no way the SNP will do a deal with the Tories and vice versa.
Scotland's place in the UK is to accept what we get in the vague hope that a reformed Labour will get the most seats and we can get a few more powers/money in a deal.
Even then Labour have stated they will never do a deal with the SNP.
Ruth Davidson could have demanded money for infrastructure or the carbon capture plant for her MP'S if she had Scotland's interests at heart. Unfortunately her future career in Westminster is more important to her.

It's a right shitty version of democracy we have.
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