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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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15 minutes ago, Rodhull said:

Can't underestimate Labour's ability to f**k up the easiest of open goals though. I'm sure more than a few are itching to abstain.

From what I have seen there is a tiny number of Labour MPs who have given any indication that they can support the Brexit deal.  Mainly because it isn't Brexity enough.


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Lord Heseltine believes Theresa May can survive and criticises the Brexiteers who were “in charge”.

He told BBC Radio 4’s World At One: “If I was Theresa May [the thing] that would make me absolutely speechless is that she put the Brexiteers – Boris, David Davis and Liam Fox – in charge for two years, they completely screwed it all up so she had to put in a civil servant to do the job.

“Now that they are on the backbenches, they are festering the discontent, which is of course a direct product of their own incompetence."

Not quite accurate as Liam Fox has unwaveringly decided to hold on to Ministerial salary, chauffeured limo and exotic foreign trips.

Edited by welshbairn
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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

One positive for the EU from this ongoing farce is that any countries who had been toying with leaving the EU will have burnt all thoughts of it.

Hopefully foreign electorates watch and take note, but I don't doubt there'll be a Jacob Reis Mögg, Michele Gové or Nigel Farage (didn't really have to change that to make it sound all foreign funnily enuff) out there that won't really give much of a shit about what a mess it'd likely to be as long as it serves their own interests.

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Just what TM needs from her "loyal" Cabinet Ministers! :death 


Having opted to remain in the government, Michael Gove will work with other Brexit-backing cabinet ministers to urge the prime minister to seek to go back to Brussels and renegotiate - in particular about the Irish backstop, Whitehall sources say.

Commons leader Andrea Leadsom is expected to convene a meeting early next week with Gove, Liam Fox, Penny Mordaunt and Chris Grayling - and potentially others who share their views. They are then expected to press Theresa May to try to improve the details of the withdrawal agreement that deal with exiting the backstop.

………………...and which of them will take the new "improved details" to Angela Merkel? :whistle



Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, told EU ambassadors today that the EU should not compromise its principles just because the UK government is in difficulties, the BBC’s Adam Fleming reports.

Not much point in that meeting now...……………….

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13 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:


The usual suspects like Hoey will vote against this.

I think Hoey will only vote for it if the DUP do as she shares their view about NI being treated differently.

I think those most likely to support May/oppose Corbyn will be those doing it for reasons that have nothing to do with Brexit.  

LFOI members will be prominent in this but only if they think that their votes will swing things.  If not they will fall in line or abstain.


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

From what I have seen there is a tiny number of Labour MPs who have given any indication that they can support the Brexit deal.  Mainly because it isn't Brexity enough.



Not Brexity enough for some - too Brexity for others.

No doubt you'll be old enough to recall Big Tiny Wharton - a very formidable Scottish ref from the late 60s/early 70s who often opined after an old firm game that if he received equal amounts of hostility and derision from both ends of the ground he must have done a pretty good job!

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2 hours ago, Detournement said:

...Fish, carrots, tatties and broccoli for dinner every night. We are going to be the fittest, slimmest nation in the world.

Mutton, neaps and kale also likely to feature heavily.  Can't see how a hard Brexit can be avoided now. Irrational nationalist lunatics have clearly taken over the asylum in an almost breakup of Yugoslavia sort of way. Hopefully this is just one last spasm of post-imperial delusion and it won't drag on for a few decades.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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In a movement led by Blair, Chukka, AC Grayling and that Jolyon idiot i'm not sure that is possible.

Incidentally, the windmill fucker’s been having a normal one on Twitter with his conspiracy theory that Corbyn is actually a heavy drinker.
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7 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Mutton, neaps and kale also likely to feature heavily.  Can't see how a hard Brexit can be avoided now. Irrational nationalist lunatics have clearly taken over the asylum now in an almost breakup of Yugoslavia sort of way. Hopefully this is just one last spasm of post-imperial delusion and it won't drag on for a few decades.

We'll still be able to get bananas as well.

No one who looks at photos from pre EU Britain can deny that we used to be a far more lithe people.

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