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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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26 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Surely you can understand there's a difference between a 4 odd year gap and a 2 or 3 year gap?


There is but it's hardly relevant.

How can we be sure that a majority of us want to leave on the agreed terms, instead of staying, without holding a plebiscite?

Edited by Tibbermoresaint
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4 hours ago, lichtgilphead said:

CFP/CAP are policies, not laws
The Commission is a body, not a law
The cookie banner isn't a law either.

How about answering the question posed?

ok. the laws that implement those policies.

Would you like a statutory reference? because to be honest, I'm not going to find them.

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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

As I see it conceding on Gibraltar and on fishing rights makes it even more likely that May’s plan will not get through Parliament.


It's all a bit daft though, nothing will be decided until the final deal in 2020-22. Anything is possible, WTO, not allowed in WTO, Customs Union, back in the EU, our fishing boats barred from Norwegian and Icelandic waters and full tariffs on exports to EU, Gibraltar merges with Ceuta and Melilla to become a federation of non aligned states.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

It's all a bit daft though, nothing will be decided until the final deal in 2020-22. Anything is possible, WTO, not allowed in WTO, Customs Union, back in the EU, our fishing boats barred from Norwegian and Icelandic waters and full tariffs on exports to EU, Gibraltar merges with Ceuta and Melilla to become a federation of non aligned states.

A small price to pay.


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42 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

As I see it conceding on Gibraltar and on fishing rights makes it even more likely that May’s plan will not get through Parliament.


Can't see it making through parliament either. But shows the fishermen are an after thought by the UK government 

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Much as I'd rather see No Brexit, I suspect May will get this through Parliament. She'll soon be touring round the country like some kind of missionary, encouraging anyone who might be prepared to listen, pleading that her crap deal is the only option and how we all now need to pester the living daylights out of our MP's to vote in her favour. She could very well win some kind of sympathy vote by claiming she's been working on this 24/7 - whether she's right or wrong no one can dispute the fact that she has put a lot of effort into this. And of course she will pinch an old Tony Blair phrase by claiming to be doing what she believes to be best for all of the UK.

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Fear of a cliff edge no deal is what might still get this through, especially if some opposition MPs decide to abstain rather than outright oppose the deal. Hopefully, now that the reality of the UK's diminished post-imperial stature is becoming clear to all and the lies peddled by the Leave side over how easy the negotiations would be have been exposed, politicians will lose their reticence where making a strong positive case to be part of the EU is concerned. This provides an obvious way back to relevance for the Lib Dems as a third party protest vote in place of UKIP.

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7 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Much as I'd rather see No Brexit, I suspect May will get this through Parliament. She'll soon be touring round the country like some kind of missionary, encouraging anyone who might be prepared to listen, pleading that her crap deal is the only option and how we all now need to pester the living daylights out of our MP's to vote in her favour. She could very well win some kind of sympathy vote by claiming she's been working on this 24/7 - whether she's right or wrong no one can dispute the fact that she has put a lot of effort into this. And of course she will pinch an old Tony Blair phrase by claiming to be doing what she believes to be best for all of the UK.

The idea that she should get ANY credit for working hard for a really bad deal is undoubtedly the stupidest argument doing the rounds at this stage; it’s sad to see it being repeated on here.


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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The idea that she should get ANY credit for working hard for a really bad deal is undoubtedly the stupidest argument doing the rounds at this stage; it’s sad to see it being repeated on here.


This.  Any sympathy or plaudits for May’s efforts is woefully misguided.


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It’s interesting that May is trying to bypass MPs and appeal directly to ‘the people’, yet she is unwilling to give these same people a vote.

I think she will fail because the loudest voices will be those of the Gammon persuasion and I think they know what a shit deal this is.


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23 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

What does Arlene Foster actually want from this deal? She wants to stay part of the UK but avoid a hard border in Ireland? How exactly?

She wants a platform to say that the people of Northern Ireland are angry and simply won't stand for it - regardless of what "it" might be.

In fact, if she keeps it general enough, she might be able to copy and paste the same speech for all sorts of things for years to come.
That is what the DUP love to do.

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37 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

What does Arlene Foster actually want from this deal? She wants to stay part of the UK but avoid a hard border in Ireland? How exactly?

It’s not just Foster who wants this.  Leaver politicians have been saying from Day 1 that this was achievable when it never was.

It wasn’t achievable then, it’s not achievable now; it’s another Big Brexit Lie.


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40 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

May has sold Gibraltar down the river, down the line Spain will only sign a trade deal if they are given joint sovereignty of the Rock. What a minter

Indeed, some cheek given the leave campaign went on about taking back sovereignty. She may well have just agreed to it knowing the deal has no chance of being agreed to in parliament.

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