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John Lambies Doos

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And other “actual” women don’t have a problem with it and the organisation which does all the work doesn’t have a problem with it either. If you know better than the people that work within Rape Crisis then continue shouting at them and going off, I guess.


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Just now, NotThePars said:

And other “actual” women don’t have a problem with it and the organisation which does all the work doesn’t have a problem with it either. If you know better than the people that work within Rape Crisis then continue shouting at them and going off, I guess.


But many do, so if you know better what rape victims are comfortable with in the aftermath of being raped than actual rape victims do knock yourself out.  Astonishing arrogance. 

On wings timeline just today is a rape victim saying she would only be comfortable with a female conducting an intimate examination and being labelled transphobic for saying so.  People like you facilitate this.

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But many do, so if you know better what rape victims are comfortable with in the aftermath of being raped than actual rape victims do knock yourself out.  Astonishing arrogance. 

On wings timeline just today is a rape victim saying she would only be comfortable with a female conducting an intimate examination and being labelled transphobic for saying so.  People like you facilitate this.


I’m repeating what the actual organisation with over a decade’s experience in this area have said. I don’t really feel comfortable actively going out and weaponising a woman’s horrific experience to fuel a weird fixation on a vulnerable group’s legitimate access to public spaces already guaranteed by those who run those spaces. That’s probably par for the course from an angry little man who repeatedly returns to a website he’s been banned from but I’m sure you and Wings can point to all the work and support you’ve provided off of scaremongering on the internet.

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2 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


I’m repeating what the actual organisation with over a decade’s experience in this area have said. I don’t really feel comfortable actively going out and weaponising a woman’s horrific experience to fuel a weird fixation on a vulnerable group’s legitimate access to public spaces already guaranteed by those who run those spaces. That’s probably par for the course from an angry little man who repeatedly returns to a website he’s been banned from but I’m sure you and Wings can point to all the work and support you’ve provided off of scaremongering on the internet.

I'm repeating what actual rape victims have said and you are dismissing it from a position of ignorance.  I suggest you read wings article above to understand why organisations have been intimidated into toeing the line, when in fact separate spaces can easily be created for trans women as they now are beginning to be in prisons.

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2 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

The absolute state of this thread... Alt Nats are going to Alt Nat, I guess. The whole SNP thing about online abuse and uncivil discourse is exemplified by yet more the usual contributions.

I think you've lead a very sheltered life if you think there's been any abuse here, and it's simply naive to.think.all discourse should be what you perceive as civil.  Some people are wankers, that's just the way it is, it's not unreasonable to call a spade a spade.  You, for example.

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The absolute state of this thread... Alt Nats are going to Alt Nat, I guess. The whole SNP thing about online abuse and uncivil discourse is exemplified by yet more the usual contributions.
If a mod had the sense to bin Pep's latest alias this thread would improve about a hundred-fold. He's a fucking idiot and frankly, an utter creep.
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If a mod had the sense to bin Pep's latest alias this thread would improve about a hundred-fold. He's a fucking idiot and frankly, an utter creep.

Im not convinced given the abuse and absolute heads gone type behaviour that Pep isnt Campbell, everyone’s favourite transphobic gamer geek. Watching the aftermath of the cybernat article its clear Wings most ardent followers are particularly unable to accept even the slightest criticism of the messiah Stuart Campbell. The SNP were entirely right to call out the cybernats, as a lifelong supporter of Scottish Independence this concept that you have to agree with every other indy supporter no matter how bigoted they may be that circulates in these communities is laughable.
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2 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Im not convinced given the abuse and absolute heads gone type behaviour that Pep isnt Campbell, everyone’s favourite transphobic gamer geek. Watching the aftermath of the cybernat article its clear Wings most ardent followers are particularly unable to accept even the slightest criticism of the messiah Stuart Campbell. The SNP were entirely right to call out the cybernats, as a lifelong supporter of Scottish Independence this concept that you have to agree with every other indy supporter no matter how bigoted they may be that circulates in these communities is laughable.

You'll need to provide evidence of 1- transphobia, and 2- that it's necessary to agree with every other indy supporter.  I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that. 

What I find amazing is someone like you, it's so common, clearly have a high opinion of yourself, probably think you are a paragon of intellectual rigour, yet you literally make stuff up out of thin air to.support your views, then when asked to are incapable of backing up your statements.  That's just lying, that's all that is. 

So evidence please...

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9 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Im not convinced given the abuse and absolute heads gone type behaviour that Pep isnt Campbell, everyone’s favourite transphobic gamer geek. Watching the aftermath of the cybernat article its clear Wings most ardent followers are particularly unable to accept even the slightest criticism of the messiah Stuart Campbell. The SNP were entirely right to call out the cybernats, as a lifelong supporter of Scottish Independence this concept that you have to agree with every other indy supporter no matter how bigoted they may be that circulates in these communities is laughable.

I also find it bizarre, wilfully ignorant and counter productive to not just dismiss but refuse to even consider someone's professional views on an entirely separate platform because they use colourful language on Twitter that wrongly leads you to conclude (though inevitably you only even 'know' this second hand as you don't read them) that they are a bigot.

I have invited you twice to dissect and refute any one of his hundreds of articles eating back seven years, you have failed to do so.  What you can't see here is it's really you who shouldn't be taken seriously.

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You'll need to provide evidence of 1- transphobia, and 2- that it's necessary to agree with every other indy supporter.  I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that. 
What I find amazing is someone like you, it's so common, clearly have a high opinion of yourself, probably think you are a paragon of intellectual rigour, yet you literally make stuff up out of thin air to.support your views, then when asked to are incapable of backing up your statements.  That's just lying, that's all that is. 
So evidence please...

People have already linked to wings transphobia tweets earlier. In my own personal interaction with Campbell he posted an abuse ridden response to a transgender child who questioned him, that to me is also transphobic.
I’ve seen quite a lot of abuse particularly on twitter from the wings disciples to the effect that if you dont support wings you’re a traitor to the cause etc. Its very clear, yet you seem to be incapable of seeing any negative in Wings over I cant be bothered to live in Scotland.
I dont hold myself in a high opinion, im actually pretty self deprecating however given the abuse i’ve had on here from you i’ve not felt the need to be on this particular thread as you’re doing a grand job.
Are you alright btw? Serious question, you seem to be really annoyed that people challenge your views or disagree with your opinions, the way you react suggests you may have serious underlying issues with anger etc, I hope you are ok.
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12 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

People have already linked to wings transphobia tweets earlier. In my own personal interaction with Campbell he posted an abuse ridden response to a transgender child who questioned him, that to me is also transphobic.
I’ve seen quite a lot of abuse particularly on twitter from the wings disciples to the effect that if you dont support wings you’re a traitor to the cause etc. Its very clear, yet you seem to be incapable of seeing any negative in Wings over I cant be bothered to live in Scotland.
I dont hold myself in a high opinion, im actually pretty self deprecating however given the abuse i’ve had on here from you i’ve not felt the need to be on this particular thread as you’re doing a grand job.
Are you alright btw? Serious question, you seem to be really annoyed that people challenge your views or disagree with your opinions, the way you react suggests you may have serious underlying issues with anger etc, I hope you are ok.

So you'll have evidence of all this then?  

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7 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

Whether you think he's transphobic or not. I'm sure we can all agree that the wings guy is an utter thundercunt of an individual and so is his little cult of social media bullies.

I couldn't care less what he's like as a guy, he performs by far the best journalism on Scottish politics and has done for a long time.  That is beyond dispute, and I seriously doubt the motivations and judgement of anyone who thinks otherwise.

I don't think it's possible to be an objective person and disagree with that.  He's in a league of his own, there's nobody remotely close.

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1 minute ago, Kuro said:

I couldn't care less what he's like as a guy, he performs by far the best journalism on Scottish politics and has done for a long time.  That is beyond dispute, and I seriously doubt the motivations and judgement of anyone who thinks otherwise.

I don't think it's possible to be an objective person and disagree with that.  He's in a league of his own, there's nobody remotely close.

Other people could care less however and that's where he fails.

He does all this journalism. But because he's a complete asshole, people who don't normally read his stuff continue to avoid reading it. His work has done nothing to shift peoples views, all because of him as an individual.

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Other people could care less however and that's where he fails.
He does all this journalism. But because he's a complete asshole, people who don't normally read his stuff continue to avoid reading it. His work has done nothing to shift peoples views, all because of him as an individual.

It’s also barely “journalism”. It’s more superficial diatribes followed by invectiveness... which is then mimicked by his legions of thirty-something fans claiming to be furthering the cause by using Twitter.
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5 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

Other people could care less however and that's where he fails.

He does all this journalism. But because he's a complete asshole, people who don't normally read his stuff continue to avoid reading it. His work has done nothing to shift peoples views, all because of him as an individual.

That's just not true though is it?  Thousands of people have testified that he convinced them.  I would imagine it's a safe bet he's won more people round to independence than any other individual, with the possible exception of Alex Salmond. 

This is what i mean about intellectual rigour, just cause you don't like him as a person doesn't mean you can deny reality.  His WBB probably convinced tens of thousands, and was the single most effective campaign tool of the 2014 referendum. 

His site was the single most effective site.  He probably accounted for about 10% of the yes vote on his own.  This is why he's been smeared so relentlessly because he's very very good and very effective.

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4 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


It’s also barely “journalism”. It’s more superficial diatribes followed by invectiveness... which is then mimicked by his legions of thirty-something fans claiming to be furthering the cause by using Twitter.


Is it?  But you don't read it though do you?  I suggest you have a wee look, and you wouldn't be talking such nonsense.

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