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The Official Former President Trump thread


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1 hour ago, Zetterlund said:

I read an article during the election campaign comparing the IQ of various former presidents, and it stated Trump's was 120. It also said Dubya was 130 though so I'm not sure how reliable the figures were.

I went tae Edinburgh University in 1965 and sat a test tae join MENSA.

According tae them I had an I.Q of 139 so am I Presidential material?

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6 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

I went tae Edinburgh University in 1965 and sat a test tae join MENSA.

According tae them I had an I.Q of 139 so am I Presidential material?

That would put you alongside Abe Lincoln, the 12th most intelligent US president apparently.


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8 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

You still don't understand what he is doing with the vocabulary. It's entirely intentional and a part of being persuasive to use easily understandable direct terminology.

He is clearly very skilled at persuasion and marketing. 

If his objective was to make people think he's a moron, he's succeeded admirably.

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6 minutes ago, Harambe Legion said:

You are letting your biases blind you here.

Direct and simple language (especially with reptition which Trump uses) is generally more persuasive on all types of people. Orwell knew this too.

Seriously. If you are giving a presentation for work or something. Use direct and basic language as much as you can. Cut out business speak where you can. You'd be surprised how much it works.

I'd agree with that to a certain extent - talk in language that a group understands.

He did use "unpresidented", though.

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16 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:



Bush was, by all standards of testing,  mildly retarded.   No joke he was retarded. 

Whatever else you may think of Bush you don't get a degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard by being a dribbling simpleton such as yourself?

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WASHINGTON, DC — Researchers at the National Archives today uncovered a stack of the president’s test scores from the 1960s. On a standardized IQ test given to him in seventh grade, President Bush scored a 57, which is within the range of mental retardation.


“Psychiatrists consider a score in the high fifties to be only mild mental retardation,” said Dr. Herman Coddrick, White House staff physician. “There’s no reason that a person with such a mental capacity couldn’t hold a regular job, like being server at Dairy Queen, a digger of ditches or Commander-in-Chief of the United States military.”


The documents further reveal that George W. Bush re-took the test every year through his senior year at high school, apparently scoring the same result: 57.


Bush joked about the test scores with reporters at a press conference this morning. “If I took the test ten times, and kept getting 57’s, I must have an IQ of 460,” he said with an impish laugh.


But world leaders were not laughing.


“When he was here last week,” said King Abdullah at his ranch in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, “begging us to lower oil prices, our interpreters had to speak very slowly, every so often asking if he had to go ‘doody.’”


Abdullah said Bush had always come across as someone with low to average intelligence, “maybe in the 80 to 90 range, but we had no clue of his mental retardation. This comes as a complete shock.”


“If I’m retarded,” the president told reporters, “and you voted for me — what does that make you?”


A White House legal team is looking into whether any documents the president signed over the last eight years would be valid in light of his diminished mental capacity.



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How smart is the president?


Les Robinson says: "I would be interested in hearing comments on this report by pro-Bush and anti-Bush WAISERs": In a report published 6/7/04, the Lovenstein Institute of Scranton, Pennsylvania, detailed its findings of a four-month study of the intelligence quotient of President George W. Bush. Since 1973, the Lovenstein Institute has published its research to the educational community on each new president, which includes the famous "IQ" report among others. There have been twelve presidents over the past 50 years, from F.D. Roosevelt to G. W. Bush, who were rated based on:

1. Scholarly achievements

2. Writings that they produced without aid of staff

3. Their ability to speak with clarity, and

4. Several other psychological factors which were then scored using the Swanson/Crain system of intelligence ranking.


The study determined the following IQs of each president as accurate to within five percentage points. In order by presidential term:

142 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

132 - Harry S Truman

122 - Dwight David Eisenhower

174 - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

126 - Lyndon Baines Johnson

155 - Richard Milhous Nixon

121 - Gerald R. Ford

175 - James Earle Carter

105 - Ronald Wilson Reagan

098 - George Herbert Walker Bush

182 - William Jefferson Clinton

091 - George Walker Bush


In IQ order:

182 - William Jefferson Clinton

175 - James Earle Carter

174 - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

155 - Richard Milhous Nixon

147 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

132 - Harry S Truman

126 - Lyndon Baines Johnson

122 - Dwight David Eisenhower

121 - Gerald R. Ford

105 - Ronald Wilson Reagan

098 - George Herbert Walker Bush

091 - George Walker Bush


The six Republican presidents of the past 50 years had an average IQ of 115.5, with President Nixon having the highest at 155. President George W. Bush rated the lowest of all the Republicans with an IQ of 91. The six Democrat presidents had IQs with an average of 156, with President Clinton having the highest IQ, at 182. President Lyndon B. Johnson was rated the lowest of all the Democrats with an IQ of 126. No president other than Carter [D] has released his actual IQ (176). Among comments made concerning the specific testing of President G. W. Bush, his low ratings are due to his apparently difficult command of the English language in public statements, his limited use of vocabulary [6,500 words for Bush versus an average of 11,000 words for other presidents], his lack of scholarly achievements other than a basic MBA, and an absence of any body of work which could be studied on an intellectual basis. The complete report documents the methods and procedures used to arrive at these ratings, including depth of sentence structure and voice stress confidence analysis.


"All the Presidents prior to George W. Bush had at least one book under their belt, and most had written several white papers during their education or early careers. Not so with President Bush," Dr. Lovenstein said. "He has no published works or writings, which made it more difficult to arrive at an assessment. We relied more heavily on transcripts of his unscripted public speaking."



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22 hours ago, Deplorable said:

I haven't personally run into that belief more than a handful of times, and it's always a low IQ person with crossed eyes who doesn't know social boundaries. You do see polls that show there are a rather large group who do believe this. What I suspect is that if you sat down with most of these people and ask if they think Obama believes that Muhammad is prophet of God and the Koran was divinely inspired they would say no. A very common belief is that Obama is not really a Christian and is partial to Muslims. I think some of the people who believe this get lumped in with the crazy folks.

Why should this matter ?

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4 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

How smart is the president?


Les Robinson says: "I would be interested in hearing comments on this report by pro-Bush and anti-Bush WAISERs": In a report published 6/7/04, the Lovenstein Institute of Scranton, Pennsylvania, detailed its findings of a four-month study of the intelligence quotient of President George W. Bush. Since 1973, the Lovenstein Institute has published its rese



It looked utter bullsh*t the moment I set eyes on it. You do not use speech as a means of measuring IQ and there is no chance on the Earth that Clinton had an IQ of 180 something. That would place him among the highest IQs ever measured.




IQ tests are also very controversial. There is a host of issues with them.

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