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The Official Former President Trump thread


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23 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

So the swamp drainage continues with plans for a further escalation in Afghanistan. Trump's speech could easily have come from the mouth of GW Bush. Big on detail as always - apparently the grand plan is "our troops will fight to win". Sneaking in a veiled threat to Pakistan too.

My preferred strategy is of course to wall ourselves off from the part of the world terrorists are coming from until the attacks stop. 

That said, if we are actually going to be successful in containing radical Islam in Afghanistan, Pakistan is going to have to be on our side really trying. Seems to me they've been trying to play both sides. 

It's a bit of a disappointment, but its a few thousand extra advisors. Same situation as the bombing of Syria. Disappointing, but if this is the worst our foreign policy gets then we

lucked out. Who knows which regimes Clinton would be trying to topple right now.

22 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump U-turn on Afghanistan.

Hands up if your surprised.  Anyone?

Any 'success' in the country will depend on building the social infrastructure including education, the US doesn't appear to think that's a priority.

Do you really believe this? Building schools is all that stands between Afghanistan as it is and turning it into merry ol England?

21 hours ago, RiG said:

As if you needed proof that Fox News was a joke. "The most impressive thing any president has ever done." :lol: Surely this is a parody?


He had a segment on his show tonight mocking all the media outlets that reported what he said as if it wasn't a joke. I honestly don't know how anybody could interpret it any other way, but as I've said, I think Trump has broken the minds of some Democrats. They are behaving very strangely.

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51 minutes ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

My preferred strategy is of course to wall ourselves off from the part of the world terrorists are coming from until the attacks stop. 

That said, if we are actually going to be successful in containing radical Islam in Afghanistan, Pakistan is going to have to be on our side really trying. Seems to me they've been trying to play both sides. 

It's a bit of a disappointment, but its a few thousand extra advisors. Same situation as the bombing of Syria. Disappointing, but if this is the worst our foreign policy gets then we lucked out. Who knows which regimes Clinton would be trying to topple right now.

Do you really believe these Middle Eastern adventures (the 'war on terror') were ever about fighting terrorism? Even if we were to say this was initially the case, it has demonstrably only ever made the security situation at home and abroad infinitely worse. 

Trump has shown himself to be just another establishment puppet. Who knows whether he actually believed in anything he campaigned on, but he seems willing enough to 'change his mind' on some of the major issues.

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Yep, Trump has been talked into the 'establishment' line because he's filled his national security team with the 'establishment'.

We'll notice of course that there's been no leaks about him coming from the CIA of late.

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5 minutes ago, mjw said:

Most of his 71 years.

I read an interesting article the other day, I think it was CNN but I can't find it now.

Nothing startling or new but well argued, the gist being that Trump has no hesitancy in lying frequently about any matter great or small, something that can not be attributed in the same manner to any other past President.

It wasn't suggesting that past Prrsidents haven't/don't lie but rather with Trump it is a normal action and something he has done throughout his life, particularly in relation to business matters.

The fact that he had no previous political experience is maybe a key factor in why he sees no problem with this.

Im actually more angry at the morons who play along with him by refusing to recognise his lies for what they are.

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On 8/22/2017 at 09:45, Granny Danger said:

Trump U-turn on Afghanistan.

Hands up if your surprised.  Anyone?

Any 'success' in the country will depend on building the social infrastructure including education, the US doesn't appear to think that's a priority.

Never underestimate how politically opposed the State Department is from the current administration.  The vast majority of State Department work (if not necessarily funding) is used on what might be called soft power.  And for the most part, it does a good job.

ETA: those of you with a keen eye may have spotted how blatantly position Trump's supporters were in his insane and not-at-all-fascistic-sounding campaign rally.  Strategically placed was a slightly drunk looking black dude, holding a Blacks For Trump 2020 poster.  

Turns out, he's almost as nuts as his commander-in-chief.

This President Is Not Normal And I Mean That In A Really Bad Way


ETAA This bloke


Edited by Savage Henry
More insanity
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2 hours ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

My preferred strategy is of course to wall ourselves off from the part of the world terrorists are coming from until the attacks stop. 

That said, if we are actually going to be successful in containing radical Islam in Afghanistan, Pakistan is going to have to be on our side really trying. Seems to me they've been trying to play both sides. 

We were also quite friendly with the terrorists when they were fighting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.  I am not defending the Soviets on this but sometimes your enemy's enemy is your enemy too - and history is littered with too many examples where that has not been understood.

Also, in Pakistan, being a bit soft on the radicals make it less likely you will be assassinated. 

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49 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

Never underestimate how politically opposed the State Department is from the current administration.  The vast majority of State Department work (if not necessarily funding) is used on what might be called soft power.  And for the most part, it does a good job.

ETA: those of you with a keen eye may have spotted how blatantly position Trump's supporters were in his insane and not-at-all-fascistic-sounding campaign rally.  Strategically placed was a slightly drunk looking black dude, holding a Blacks For Trump 2020 poster.  

Turns out, he's almost as nuts as his commander-in-chief.

This President Is Not Normal And I Mean That In A Really Bad Way


ETAA This bloke


Don't see too much wrong with their website tbh.  Always thought that the Mormons and Cherokees were a toxic mix.  The sooner god brings his wrath down upon them the better.


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59 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Don't see too much wrong with their website tbh.  Always thought that the Mormons and Cherokees were a toxic mix.  The sooner god brings his wrath down upon them the better.


I was, of course, referring to the layout.  Just terrible website design which detracts from the pertinence of his message.

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I read an interesting article the other day, I think it was CNN but I can't find it now.

Nothing startling or new but well argued, the gist being that Trump has no hesitancy in lying frequently about any matter great or small, something that can not be attributed in the same manner to any other past President.

It wasn't suggesting that past Presidents haven't/don't lie but rather with Trump it is a normal action and something he has done throughout his life, particularly in relation to business matters.

The fact that he had no previous political experience is maybe a key factor in why he sees no problem with this.

Im actually more angry at the morons who play along with him by refusing to recognise his lies for what they are.

I suspect a lot of previous presidents come from a legal background where lying, especially in court, can get you into trouble.
I am not saying that lawyers don't lie - just that they are careful about it.

Trump comes from a business background - where it isn't lying - it's a sales pitch.
"Okay, I was lying, exaggerating maybe, but you should have known I was lying so it is not my fault if you actually believed me."

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2 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Never underestimate how politically opposed the State Department is from the current administration.  The vast majority of State Department work (if not necessarily funding) is used on what might be called soft power.  And for the most part, it does a good job.

ETA: those of you with a keen eye may have spotted how blatantly position Trump's supporters were in his insane and not-at-all-fascistic-sounding campaign rally.  Strategically placed was a slightly drunk looking black dude, holding a Blacks For Trump 2020 poster.  

Turns out, he's almost as nuts as his commander-in-chief.

This President Is Not Normal And I Mean That In A Really Bad Way


ETAA This bloke


Someone on Twitter the other day spotted Craigslist ads for black and latino actors to hold pro-Trump posters at rallies.

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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump lying to his supporters about what he said about Charlottesville and they lap it up.  If they had been watching the news conferences they would know he was lying.

Is this doublethink?

It was pretty incredible. But then his rallies basically are the Two Minutes Hate.

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23 minutes ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

Someone on Twitter the other day spotted Craigslist ads for black and latino actors to hold pro-Trump posters at rallies.

False flag!  Open your eyes, Sheeple!  George Soros!  There were no planes!  Sad!

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